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India developing but long way to go ...

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This species thing has been put in trash can so many times yet it persists tipping it over and spewing its dear assortment of bile and garbage....it got used to its own smell it seems now....and it has added "ingrate" to its vocabulary courtesy of my earlier exchanges.:lol: But thats about all that has changed with this particular character, so its boring for me.

We've all seen that subhuman get compacted into a little cube of bong garbage time and again, yet that torn-up, delusional destitute comes back for more.

Judging by how they behave in person, both in their own country and outside, you would think they'd as usual, exhibit the classic signs of your average subservient, sweatshop bangladeshi, but I guess hiding behind a screen gives them special powers. Up... Walton... and away!!

First, it's LDC supreme, bilal9, who thought he was championing a here-on-pdf-only-cause, by opening a thread on 'Indian technological dishonesty', but only got pummeled back into his LDC hole, rendering his infantile attempt as useless as his armpit nation. Now it's the turn of some inferiority complex ridden pakistani, with a side of an assortment of bangla worms, all crawling out of the woodwork.

Shameless is shameless!
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This cannot be placed entirely at the foot of economics and poverty. This is related to misogny and something to do with Hinduism. Islam and Muslims recieve lot of flak for placing females at a lower pedestal - which I agree with to a certain extent. Misogny amongst Muslims recieves lots of attention in the West - again it has some basis to it. However what often strikes me is in amongst those in the front shouting against misogny in Pakistan and the Muslim world generally is surprise, surprise Indians - who join in with the far right shaking their heads and pointing fingers. The galls of them !

However it is my opinion the India is the home of misogny. The only religion or people I know in history who insisted that a good wife should walk into flames alive and suffer a death that is beyond belief is the practice opf "Sati". I don't think any other culture or people have even come close to Hindoos in inventing the most evil practice anybody could dream of. Asking a living women to walk into flames all for sake of the male pride and practice of Hinduism. It was the British who removed this curse from India although even now there are cases of Sati reported in India.

However Sati might have been curtailed but the underlying misogny is still there in India and that feeds into for example the practice of killing girls which has caused female/male ratio to be skewed more than any other country in the world. Just how many girls have been murdered to create the distorted male/female ratio?

The point being here is that while the world places more attention on misogny in the Muslim world but beyond the media headlines India is the misogny capital of the world.

Who the hell believes in sati anymore?
It is banned in India and to practice sati is a crime.

only got pummeled back into his LDC hole rendering his infantile attempt as useless as his armpit nation.

I wouldn't laugh if I were you, especially when the talking point is a musical fountain!

By the LDC specialist in one of his 'vent-about-India-only-because-it's-PDF-and-I-can' threads...
Meanwhile, we just spent thirty crore on this little feature. Mamata would not even think of getting something of this scale.....

India's services exports flat at $13.5 billion in May, imports up 4 per cent :rofl::lol:


India’s exports growth slowed to a four-month low in June while heavy buying of gold lifted imports, causing a sharp spike in trade deficit from a year earlier, though the gap narrowed from the previous month.

Exports grew 4.39 per cent to $23.5 billion, while imports rose faster at 19 per cent to $36.5 billion, data from the commerce department showed, leaving a trade gap of about $12.9 billion in June, compared with $8.1 billion in the year-earlier period and $13.84 billion in May.

Gold imports doubled from a year earlier to $2.4 billion. For the fiscal first quarter, trade deficit more than doubled to $40 billion from $19.2 billion a year earlier.

“An unabated surge in imports of gold and precious stones contributed to the wider-than-expected merchandise trade deficit of $13 billion in June 2017, even as merchandise exports printed in line with expectations,” said Aditi Nayar, principal economist at ICRA.

Half of the 30 export sectors showed a decline. “This is a cause of concern. This means the diversification policy of the government is not working,” said Ajay Sahai, director-general at the Federation of Indian Exports Organisation (FIEO). Major commodity groups of export that showed growth over the year-earlier period were engineering goods (14.78 per cent), petroleum products (3.6 per cent), organic & inorganic chemicals (13.2 per cent), rice (27.29 per cent) and marine products (24.27 pe ..

India reported these muted numbers at a time when China posted better than expected exports with an 11.3 per cent expansion in June. “It is not encouraging especially when the GST impact is expected to come in July and August.

It will be surprising if exports are positive in July because of clearance of consignments at ports,” Sahai added. Exports were stuck due to confusion over customs rules under GST.

The currency impact in terms of a stronger rupee hurting exports is clearly visible … Unabated global liquidity flows into Indian financial markets are casting a shadow on the competitiveness of Indian exports

High imports

Petroleum, electronic goods, coal, gold, pearl as well as precious and semi-precious stones drove up June’s imports. Oil imports saw a 12.2 per cent spike to $8.12 billion, while non-oil imports were up 21.17 per cent at $28.3 billion.

ICRA expects India’s current account deficit to spike to $15-16 billion in the first quarter of 2017-18 from the marginal $0.3 billion recorded in the corresponding quarter of FY17, rivalling the size of the deficit recorded over the four quarters of the previous fiscal year. The pace of growth of non-oil, non-gold imports slowed to 16.7 per cent, suggesting that domestic demand is losing strength.

You know what is the differance between Pakistan and India? Both are developing and have a long way to go. However the essential differance between the two is the focus. In India the focus is dominated about Bollywood, IT, booming industry but the crap end of the stick is conveniently overlooked. On the contrary in Pakistan's case the focus is terrorism, ethnic troubles, religious extremism.....

@Solomon2 @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zibago @Penguin @MastanKhan @Sinopakfriend

Let's talk about positive things. This is Islamabad Pakistan, one of the cleanest, greenest, most well planned city in this part of the world. Chances of finding a similar city in India and B'desh would be a pleasant surprise
Why Pakistanis are posting their developement photos in a thread named as India Developing which was made for showing that India is a shithole, and all the pictures are fake.
If you want to show your developement create a proper thread and contribute to it while bothering less about the poverty of shithole India.
I've seen some Pakistani posters like Ghazi52 posting really good threads about Pakistan but sadly very few of you contribute in such thread. It seems Pakistanis are more interested in demeaning and blaming others rather than appreciating and promoting their own country.

Blaming others for promoting their country because it makes your country look bad .....:disagree:
Why Pakistanis are posting their developement photos in a thread named as India Developing which was made for showing that India is a shithole, and all the pictures are fake.
If you want to show your developement create a proper thread and contribute to it while bothering less about the poverty of shithole India.
I've seen some Pakistani posters like Ghazi52 posting really good threads about Pakistan but sadly very few of you contribute in such thread. It seems Pakistanis are more interested in demeaning and blaming others rather than appreciating and promoting their own country.

Blaming others for promoting their country because it makes your country look bad .....:disagree:

PDF Think Tank level research indicates that 10% of India's population is engaged in the prostitution industry. That and poverty p0rn is the premise of this whole thread.
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Data about Indian HDI and economic growth must be read with a pinch of salt. Indian government is known for its blatant fudging with these data.
Anything for GDP?: How Modi Govt Fudged the Data

Hi genius, did you read what you quoted? The author roundly shor himself in his foot: he goes to great lengths to explain how the current number is only a projection. And then conveniently forgets that the prior number over which the successive number ( the projection) is an ACTUAL and not a projection.

Unless you geniuses want to compute Grp projections as a growth from prior 'projections' and not 'actuals'. In that case you qualified to become FinMin in China.

PDF Think Tank level research indicates that 10% of India's population is engaged in the prostitution industry. That and poverty p0rn is the premise of this whole thread.

Same research also has a footnote that shows the data pertains to pre-independence and the said 10% has moved to the land of the pure to the west.
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