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India developing aerial vehicle similar to American Predator drone

Coming to the Paramilitary part,my regards to your dad.And I know what are these maoists-they are not freedom fighters,they are savage,brutal ba*t*rds and nothing else.
i strongly disagree;
see india has problems and actually we are at mess at every stage,1 cant remain in a state of denial and accuse other of being selfish or not patriotic,the moaist are more patrioic they common individulas but they are misslead, i would say rather their ways are not right ,they fight for a cause and that is no fanatic cause(jihad) they fight for their identity which every one should do ,thou i condem their ways and killing of civilians,we should solve the root cause we as a mulit cultural society should have a unique system we cant copy a system of a unicultural society "england".the coporates lobies with govt must end public servant harasment should be controled think if killing of farmers can take place near nioda then think wat might be going on in orrisa etc no 1 is ready to give his life for simple money he needs a greater cause for that
its not we ignored the army in 1962, we made a worst policy called the forward policy by Nehru that made the Chinese our worst nightmare, by 1960 China has completed the roads in Aksai Chin that was claimed disputed, either we should have invited the Chines for a dialog or maintained the status quo just like Kashmir, rather Nehru ordered the plancement of our under-equiped force to put out-post near to the McMohan line that irred the Chinese and thus 1962 WAR and we earned a eternal enemy by our own actions.
We were the first to recognize the CCP when it was formed in 1949, they were the first to recognize us as a country.
Enemies do not come from mars, they are created by our bad judgements.
i agree there were many policy blunder but thats exactly my point in those day we were in a world of our own that no one would attack us (as you said earlier),dont quote on nevil maxwellls book but let me quote some facts china attack begain or was planed exactly on the day of cuban crisis and many more facts like she deployed division aginst our companies and patrols,how we ignored military and intel first as u acknowledge thtaour army was ill equiped,2rd china was in no position to launch airstrikes but we feared that cause of lack of intel and ended up not using our air force third after war we doubled the size of our trooups and equipement were bought from all corners and as many experts said if a military minded person wasd der instead of neru who commited many blunders even in 1947 the outcome would be different
(Collision avoidance) I suggest you do some reading bout the UAVs).
UAV Collision Avoidance DSA Detect See and Avoid
Thanks for the link. My point is: what are the areas of operation for these UAVs having collision avoidance systems? I can think of three in a 'no-war' scenario:
1. Naxal affected areas.
2. CI ops areas in the North East.
3. Kashmir and its border areas for surveillance and real time info.

Now the point is what is the necessity of having this system that weighs at least 10-15 kg on the drones when they would be operating in this very low density NAS? What a waste of space and range/endurance. Is it worth sacrificing all this for installing a system to detect a 'collision' that may never ever take place?

The US is a different ball game altogether. The density of air traffic in the NAS is mind boggling. They need to test these drones in the available air space and thus the need for a CAS. So should we be blindly following their technology whether we need such a system or not?

Ok, so we would probably employ them with the Navy too for surveillance over the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. Keeping in mind the density of air traffic there and the vertical and horizontal separation parameters, the probability of a collision is practically nil! Check this out from page 20 onwards in the link below:


During war, all air space would be closed in the area of ops anyway. Colliding with enemy aircraft would be a bonus! Where own fighter aircraft are concerned, you must have heard of the term, air space management?

In other words, increasing the weight of a UAV by having a CAS on board is at the expense of sacrificing speed, endurance, maneuverability and overall costs. In other words a bad idea in the Indian context!

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