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India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft



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Jan 9, 2009
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India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft

By Siva Govindasamy 30/01/09

India could seek outside help with flight testing of its indigenous Tejas Light Combat Aircraft as the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) looks to accelerate the programme.

If the ADA, which is responsible for the LCA's design and development, goes ahead, it would represent a major about-turn for the project. A year ago, Indian defence minister A K Antony said that the domestic agencies responsible for the programme were able to manage on their own. "No need is felt for a strategic partner," he said then. "Efforts are being made to accelerate the flight tests."

However, a source close to the defence ministry says that the ADA is keen to ensure that it receives the initial operational clearance and final operational clearances before the targeted delivery date of late 2010.

"There are internal talks going on within the ADA on whether it would be better to get a foreign partner that has experience with securing the initial operating capability and full operating capability," says the source. "There are many factors to consider, but the most important is that the LCA should be ready for delivery to the Indian air force by the end of next year."

One possibility is to approach the companies that are involved in the Indian Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (MMRCA) tender for help. The aircraft that are in contention for the MMRCA competition are the Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, Eurofighter Typhoon, Lockheed Martin F-16 Falcon, RSK MiG-35 and Saab Gripen. Officials from some companies are expressing willingness to help the LCA programme, especially if it would give them a leg-up in the MMRCA competition.

Last week, the LCA progamme logged its 1,000th test flight. There are now seven prototypes, and the ADA and manufacturer Hindustan Aeronautics hope to conduct hot weather trials in April and March.

The ADA had hoped to have the Tejas in service by early this decade, but design and performance issues and problems with the development of the indigenous Gas Turbine Research Establishment Kaveri engine have caused lengthy delays.

The Tejas now uses the General Electric F404-IN20 engine, but the ADA has abandoned hopes of using the Kaveri and could choose between GE's F414 and the Eurojet EJ200 in the coming year. Its initial order will be for 80 engines and an option for 80 more, with the majority to be licence-produced in India.

India's air force has ordered a squadron of 20 LCAs, which should enter service in 2011.

India could seek foreign help for light combat aircraft
I don't think there is anything embarrassing about seeking knowledge from someone who has it. I can respect India's objective of accomplishing everything indigenously, but there is an important characteristic that most young engineers (and indeed, pilots) are taught, that is, do not be afraid to ask for help.

Also, I am sure that India has had help from foreign sources in this project, but not on a large enough scale for it to be classified as international design aid. I say this because no company, not even Lockheed Martin, would ever design an aircraft, from scratch, entirely on its own. It is considered foolish and wasteful to try to re-invent the wheel.
Great news , but it should belong to indian thread.
LCA will be great sucess if they keep their braincell open like this and i hope they seek a little help in kaveri as well.
If the ADA, which is responsible for the LCA's design and development, goes ahead, it would represent a major about-turn for the project. A year ago, Indian defence minister A K Antony said that the domestic agencies responsible for the programme were able to manage on their own. "No need is felt for a strategic partner," he said then. "Efforts are being made to accelerate the flight tests."

The ADA had hoped to have the Tejas in service by early this decade, but design and performance issues and problems with the development of the indigenous Gas Turbine Research Establishment Kaveri engine have caused lengthy delays.

There goes the myth of Indian "Indigenous Products" they also take foreign assistance but still they claim that its their product BUT IF we take some foreign assistance than that Product is completely Labeled as "Foreign Product" not Pakistani Product at all.

Many Indian Members have claimed here that JF-17 is a Poor Chinese copy :rofl: of Russian Mig and there is NO :woot: Pakistani Involvement in this project :crazy: but i want to tell one thing to my Indian friends here Our Jf-17 will be operational before your LCA.
Also, I am sure that India has had help from foreign sources in this project, but not on a large enough scale for it to be classified as international design aid. I say this because no company, not even Lockheed Martin, would ever design an aircraft, from scratch, entirely on its own. It is considered foolish and wasteful to try to re-invent the wheel.

I am sure you need to be enlightened with how much of a scale LCA is a "FOREIGNER" Design! be it the air frame, avionics, engine, radar, armament, AC design are infact 90-99% foreigener made.
LM, Boeing, Sukio, Mig, Dassualt, design their aircraft indeginously and they do not need help. Incase of LCA, yes it is a foreign AC. same with JF-17 which is a Chinese product.
I am sure you need to be enlightened with how much of a scale LCA is a "FOREIGNER" Design! be it the air frame, avionics, engine, radar, armament, AC design are infact 90-99% foreigener made.
LM, Boeing, Sukio, Mig, Dassualt, design their aircraft indeginously and they do not need help. Incase of LCA, yes it is a foreign AC. same with JF-17 which is a Chinese product.
Even if it is 90% foreign (and I think it is much more Indian than that), at least it is 10% Indian. It is still a nice little aircraft, just as JF-17 is.
If the JF-17 is a modern day F-20 Tigershark, then the LCA is a modern day Mirage 3.
Even if it is 90% foreign (and I think it is much more Indian than that), at least it is 10% Indian. It is still a nice little aircraft, just as JF-17 is.
If the JF-17 is a modern day F-20 Tigershark, then the LCA is a modern day Mirage 3.

good start for both the countries considering the fact that only few nations have the resources to make a 4th gen fighter jet . hopefully they wont see combat against each other .
However, a source close to the defence ministry says that the ADA is keen to ensure that it receives the initial operational clearance and final operational clearances before the targeted delivery date of late 2010.

I think the above statement says it all.

IAF is now actively involved in the testing of LCA TEJAS this has only come about in the last 12 months or so. They are obviously now taking TEJAS has a serious replacement for mig21 bisons.

IAF have already stated that they will take only 20 tejas mark 1

LCA with GE404in20 engine (usa )& ELTA 320 radar from Israel.

EADS from Europe have been awareded a £20million contract to redesign the under carriage to reduce 400kg in weight. for mk1 planes.

IAF have also stated they will accept mk2 version upto 120 fighters provided LCA can be fitted with new engine & ELTA 520 AESA radar around 2013 TIME FRAME

Front runners for engine are the same front runners for MRCA contract ie

BOEING GE414 engine which powers F18SH

EADS EJ200 engine which powers Typhoon

Snecma M53 which powers Dassult Rafael

*** I expect we will know more after AERO INDIA finishes in mid february
my pak friends .take no offense . just a question . dont you think that chinese are using you against india . beware of them they are real bakstabbers .

btw its US who is using india against China.

this might also be the case but believe me you are in a greater danger and you know that .i am not against the friendship but dont let china do what usa did to you ( and is still doing ) .
Indians are just amazing :tup:

i dont think you will like to admit it .
i know that indian media overblows the issues ( and it keeps on saying that pak will disintigrate within 4-5 yrs ) but also look at the american reports . i am not saying that india is a developed nation its still a developing ( or a transforming nation - as stated by un in 2007 ) but it has its own stand . not any super power can fire missiles into our country . you must have understood by now . it a concern for both pak and india and you guys need to do something urgently .
back to the topic. its just a shame for indians that they do not have qualified test pilots for something they claimed to be indigenous. Have IAF pilots ever heard of ETPS?
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