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India Concerned ISIS May Get Access to Pakistan’s Nuclear Arms

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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India Minister of State Defense Rao Inderjit Singh. Photographer: Roslan Rahman/AFP/Getty Images
India is concerned that extremist groups such as Islamic State may get their hands on nuclear arms from Pakistan, Minister of State for Defence Rao Inderjit Singh said.

“With the rise of ISIS in West Asia, one is afraid to an extent that perhaps they might get access to a nuclear arsenal from states like Pakistan,” Singh said on Saturday on the sidelines of the Shangri-La regional security conference in Singapore.

Terrorism has killed more than 50,000 people in Pakistan since 2001 and given rise to concern about the security of its armaments. Pakistan has the fastest growing nuclear program in the world, according to the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations,with an arsenal of 100 to 120 warheads, compared with China’s 250 and India with 90 to 100.

Singh said if Pakistan develops technology that enables its submarines to carry nuclearwarheads, “it would just be a step further in arming their defense services.”

India has also been criticized for the quality of its nuclear security. The Washington-based Nuclear Threat Initiative said last year that India’s nuclear materials security conditionswere adversely affected by the continued increase in its quantities of nuclear material, as well as high levels of corruption among public officials.

India ranked 23rd out of 25 countries in the NTI Nuclear Materials Security Index, only above Iran and North Korea. Pakistan ranked 22nd.

India Concerned ISIS May Get Access to Pakistan’s Nuclear Arms - Bloomberg Business

P.S: here the official statement came from india, what i Mentioned few days back in my post on PD that India is already supporting other groups like kal adam(banned) Militant groups of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan and even ISIS to providing them with small nuclear Arsenals made as of Pak made weapons... and then will start roaring or crying as if Pakistan providing ISIS with Nuclear mini bombs or arsenals...
Now all Indian covert acts can be easy to predict , so now there is no where to go for Indians... what ur say???

@Horus,@rockstar08,@WAJsal,@Junaid B,@Pomegranate,@Color_Less_Sky,@Zarvan,@xyxmt,@SipahSalar,@Bratva,@Stealth,@Rashid Mahmood,@syedali73,@Leader,@DESERT FIGHTER,@Jazzbot,@Spring Onion,@chauvunist,@Pakistan Shaheen,@karakoram,@syedali73,@rockstar08,@haviZsultan,@Gufi@Muhammad Omar,@graphican,@Gazi,@Donatello,@Hyperion,@Pak_Sher,@Sage,
Being concerned is ok.. I hope we are doing something about it too. We cant afford to be only 'concerned' when it comes to nukes.
Being concerned is ok.. I hope we are doing something about it too. We cant afford to be only 'concerned' when it comes to nukes.

What do you purpose india should do??
. .
What do you purpose india should do??

Here is an idea, shut its mouth and behave mature for a change instead of trying to bash Pakistan at every chance. From camels to pigeons, it seems nothing will stop the Indian stupidity, even the very article minister is quoting suggested that it is nothing than hallucinations.
I have no idea, mainly because I dont fully know our capabilities, epecially ones which are not disclosed to public.

I think india should wait for tomorow, and threaten pakistan just like americans ... after all america is a super power and there is an article every day on PDF saying india will become super power tomorow...
So india should wait for tomorow...

And keep an eye on pigeons
Isis chief tweet modi that we are about to purchase nuclear warhead from Pakistan :-D :-D stupidity has no limit and indian ministers are proving it again and again :-D :-D
Pakistan ranks above India in nuclear security, I am more worried about hindutva getting their hands on nuclear weapons and starting nuclear war that ends India.
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