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India: Church Destroyed, Christians Attacked by Hindus

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India: Church Destroyed, Christians Attacked by Hindus
September 17th, 2013


By Joseph DeCaro

NEW DELHI, INDIA (Worthy News)– Last month a large mob of Hindus destroyed a church in northern India and then beat the pastor and his congregation, according to Barnabas Aid.

Four previous pastors have been driven away because of this kind of ongoing violence by Hindus against Indian Christians.

The church was still under construction when it was destroyed on August 25 when hundreds of Hindus climbed on top of the building and began tearing it up from the top down.

In Karnataka state, south-west India, other Christians were also attacked in three separate incidents.

On August 18, Hindu extremists stormed the home of Ms. Doddamma in Chikkamalaguru district demanding to know who gave her permission to preach Christianity.

When she didn't answer, they dragged Doddamma and her daughter to a nearby temple where they tried to force them both to return to Hinduism; when the pair refused, the extremists brutally beat them while their home was destroyed.

A week earlier, Rev. Paramajyothi was dragged out of his own church in Chitadurga district by Hindu nationalists; after they stripped and beat him in front of his congregation, they told Paramajyothi to leave the village.

On August 3, 50 Hindus attacked a Christian couple in Bijapur district; the mob ordered Somashekarwas and his wife to return to Hinduism, otherwise they had to leave the village if they refused to renounce Christianity.

But after the couple steadfastly refused to renounce their savior, their attackers had the chutzpa to report them to the authorities for forcibly converting Hindus to Christianity!

India: Church Destroyed, Christians Attacked by Hindus | Worthy Christian News

Church Destroyed as Attacks Against Christians Continue to Increase Across India « Persecution News

Christian Women under Attack in India; Multiple Attack in One Month « Persecution News
Disgusting effort! please don't try to divert attention buddy.
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