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Featured India, China troops within shooting range at Spanggur Gap in Eastern Ladakh

Unlike Indians, Chinese are naturally acclimatized to cold temperatures.

Onset of winter helps the PLA.
Even if we forget the fact that India has one of biggest mountain warfare corps in the world, the issue is not temperature alone but the altitude involved. The best suited beings for that climate are the men and the beasts that have acclimatised over thousands of years through evolution. The best suited people hence are neither the indians nor the Chinese from the plains, but the Tibetans who have evolutionary advantages at those altitudes(higher RBC count, better cardio vascular performance,etc.)
You can’t expect a domestic goat from the plains of Punjab to survive on the high mountains, a markhor calls home.
There is literally 1mil Chines e staying in high plateau environment, these Indians are thinking Han Chinese don't stay in high altitude areas. Lol
I think evolution takes more time than the time it took for CCP to influence internal population adjustment over the last 70 years.
Much of the Chinese victory in 1962 was due to the PLA's excellent mountain warfare capabilities. Besides, the Chinese have been fighting wars in Tibet since the Tang Dynasty, so indeed they are acclimatized to extremely cold temperatures, thin air, and high altitudes. When Nehru sent 30,000 Indian soldiers to counterattack the PLA in 1962, many of them died or were placed out of action due to zero acclimatization. The Indians completely failed to understand that immediately ascending from altitudes of ~200 meters (Delhi) to the over 5000 meters in Tibet is bound to have extremely poor consequences on the human body. So this "elite" mountain troops did not even understand the basics of acclimatization when even amateur mountain climbers know this.

I don't understand your point here. It is true not many Chinese live in Tibet ... but considering 200,000 Chinese soldiers are stationed right next to the LAC (10% of the overall PLA strength), how could you not say the Chinese are naturally used to exceptionally high altitudes. It is true a civilian like you or me would not even think of living there, but soldiers are a completely different matter.
We didn’t have a specialised mountain corp back then. One key difference between India and Pakistan is how India, being a democracy for most part of her existence has learnt more from set-backs. A lot of lessons were learnt from the 1962 debacle.
This battle is important as China is surrounded by weapons all around.
India stand United with u.sa Australia Tibet hongkong Japan Vietnam Phillipines Taiwan and others.

The plan should be to choke them with economic embargo. Don't do business with china. Stop the trade they will die eventually. Ch
Do you really think india can convience world to stop using chinies products its really funny that you have no idea whats happening even in these crises china and american trade is still going with full flow arab and europ would never abandon china, far east asia already poor and india cant replace china in any kind of supply to world so conviencing the world to stop trading is just empty rounds of shooting when you have nothing to offer.
On a serious note though, it seems most countries in the region seem to be quite emotional and nationalistic when it comes to such issues so it's difficult for one to give in/make concessions. .

Just in case if anybody is interested, This thread gives a rough idea about who is willing to fight for country.
Must the Chinese copy everything o_O


That was the 2nd flag on Iwo jima for photo op. Maybe Chinese one was the first?
We didn’t have a specialised mountain corp back then. One key difference between India and Pakistan is how India, being a democracy for most part of her existence has learnt more from set-backs. A lot of lessons were learnt from the 1962 debacle.
My friend, you seem to think our soldiers are only Han soldiers? Alot are Tibetans and Han Chinese from the Highlands, dark skinned yindoos evolved in the Highlands? Lol. We don't need specialist Highland soldier, our soldiers train in Tibet specifically, majority of soldiers in Tibet military region. We don't jsut go to high altitude regions for training, we STAY THERE.
China is taking disputed areas that it claims are Chinese territory and wants to protect OBOR initiative. China has transgressed into Ladakh since May 2020 and has occupied positions (possibly strategic areas to amass forces and launch strikes in future). Indian Army has failed to vacate PLA Army from newly occupied positions and since now war is unlikely as situation is being diffused so both sides will fortify positions.

Next hot spot could be Bhutan or near Bhutan.

China has not transgressed or occupied anything.

China has justifiably evicted colonial invaders.
This battle is important as China is surrounded by weapons all around.
India stand United with u.sa Australia Tibet hongkong Japan Vietnam Phillipines Taiwan and others
The problem is that its not that simple. To be fair, India is the only country with which China has a land border dispute with. China settled it's territorial land dispute with all its neighbours except with India ( don't ask me why. Lol ). As such they are not really surrounded per se. They have good or neutral relations with all their land neighbours except with India .n
In fact funny enough it's India that has territorial disputes with all its land neighbours which is surprising by itself. So India has to divert resources which will otherwise had been invested in its development towards setting up military outpost/personnel/equipments to guard against all its neighbours with which she has territorial disputes. China by contrast only has to face India close to its land territory.

Sea dispute are different altogether. Since they barely require a powerful navy.
Countries have gone to war for much pettier things ... these are not merely rocks and mountains but of relatively high strategic importance. Especially since Aksai Chin is in a very strategic location (connection between Xinjiang and Tibet), while Ladakh is very important to the defense of Jammu and Kashmir from a possible two front assault. You only need to look at the geography of the area to see how vital it is for either country to gain even a small advantage over the other. Many times, a control of a certain geographic feature, whether it be a hill or a mountain pass can mean the difference between a victory and defeat.
If it is the case then why not just recognise what territory each country holds and controls? Especially the territories that have been controlled by both sides for decades as a fait accompli. Because apart from that , I don't see how else this issue can be solved except going to war which I'm sure both countries are trying to avoid( since it will have a devastating impact on their country and economy as a whole).
So I don't see what's the end game here apart from mutual recognition of territories currently held by each other. Both sides can make some concessions here and there. That's how conflicts and disputes are settled. The only other alternative is all out war.
My friend, you seem to think our soldiers are only Han soldiers? Alot are Tibetans and Han Chinese from the Highlands, dark skinned yindoos evolved in the Highlands? Lol. We don't need specialist Highland soldier, our soldiers train in Tibet specifically, majority of soldiers in Tibet military region. We don't jsut go to high altitude regions for training, we STAY THERE.
I love the irony in your post on not generalising a nation’s population. Yes we are all dark skinned yindoos. Anyway, given the glowing example of your education your post is, i am not going to waste my time in explaining the difference between acquired and innate traits.
I love the irony in your post on not generalising a nation’s population. Yes we are all dark skinned yindoos. Anyway, given the glowing example of your education your post is, i am not going to waste my time in explaining the difference between acquired and innate traits.
Yet you say we did not evolve there, there is almost a million Han staying in high plateau regions for hundreds of years, even the Sichuanese people are mixed Han and Tibet people. These people are related to us, not some flat plain yindoo okay. You evolved in subsaharan heat.
I think these are troll attempts rather than seeking to copy.

Well when you consider the historic context and the lives lost in Iwo Jima, it really isn't funny.
If it is the case then why not just recognise what territory each country holds and controls? Especially the territories that have been controlled by both sides for decades as a fait accompli. Because apart from that , I don't see how else this issue can be solved except going to war which I'm sure both countries are trying to avoid( since it will have a devastating impact on their country and economy as a whole).
So I don't see what's the end game here apart from mutual recognition of territories currently held by each other. Both sides can make some concessions here and there. That's how conflicts and disputes are settled. The only other alternative is all out war.
Compromise on land that India inherits from their British Masters who unilaterally and arbitrarily drawn a line on land that don't belong to them?
Later even the British acknowledged the Line drawn was invalid.

Actually the Chinese were willing to do just that, compromise by swapping land, to avoid a war in 1962.
But GREEDY IMPERIALIST INDIA rejected that generous offer, confident that India was able to take all the disputed land WITH FORCE(Forward Policy) that didn't belong to India in the first place.

The 1962 war shattered that confidence and showed India their place.
Why daily joke news published as seriously. India and China both are created drama scripts like act. If China and India really want war, shouldn't it start immediately? It is clear from this that all this is a ploy to keep his position in politics.

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