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India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

I think he got confused. He tried to put down India against China by putting it on par with Pakistan and then tried to elevate Pakistan at the same time;)

---------- Post added at 03:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:59 PM ----------

No, the thread is about 'growth race', & all the things I mentioned in my post are a part of growth.

Read this is in the opening post:

Okay I don't know what you guys are debating about but I concur China is ahead of India in most socioeconomic parameters, as it should be? Is that the point of contention? After all one country is very poor and another less. But both are far far behind many many counties in the world.

By the way, it seems the article is old. Literacy rate in India is above 70% now. Why are you posting an old article? Might as well dig up something up India in 1960s!

P.S: India is behind China and there are many countries behind India.
I think Bilal is highly confused. He is changing the criteria in every question.

1st GDP Size, Then Population, Then Per capita Income, then Socio-Economic. Now what ? Defence ? Freedom Index ? Suicide Index ? International brand Index ? China is not even in Top 50 country in most of the parameters. I think Israel is more powerful than China and doing much better atleast data says so in most of the parameter, I just noticed ! :agree:
I think Bilal is highly confused. He is changing the criteria in every question.

1st GDP Size, Then Population, Then Per capita Income, then Socio-Economic. Now what ? Defence ? Freedom Index ? Suicide Index ? International brand Index ? China is not even in Top 50 country in most of the parameters. I think Israel is more powerful than China atleast data says so in most of the parameter, I just noticed ! :agree:

I think you're the one that's confused. This thread is about India comparing itself to China. It's not about Pakistan, Israel, Trinidad & Tobago, or anyone else.

And secondly, this thread is not just about economic conditions, but everything else associated with it as well. And to elaborate that point, I am quoting from the original article:

India, China growth race 'silly', says Nobel winner

New Delhi was far behind in the growth race, but more importantly it lagged in other criteria that showed real living standards were far inferior in India.

"Despite the interest in this subject (of comparing India's eight-percent growth to China's 10 percent)... this is surely a silly focus," Sen wrote in The Hindu.

Growth as estimated by gross national product (GNP) was an arbitrary measurement, he said, and "the lives that people are able to lead -- what ultimately interests people most -- are only indirectly and partially influenced by the rates of overall economic growth".

In an unflattering portrait of his country, Sen drew on data from World Development Reports of the World Bank and Human Development Reports of the United Nations to show China far ahead on most criteria.

Life expectancy at birth in China was 73.5 years compared with 64.4 years in India; Infant mortality rate is 50 per thousand in India and just 17 in China, and the under-five mortality rate is 66 for Indians and 19 for the Chinese.

China's adult literacy rate is 94 percent, compared with India's 65 percent, and mean years of schooling in India is 4.4 years, compared with 7.5 years in China, he said.

"Almost half of our children are undernourished compared with a very tiny proportion in China," Sen added.
I think you're the one that's confused. This thread is about India comparing itself to China. It's not about Pakistan, Israel, Trinidad & Tobago, or anyone else.

And secondly, this thread is not just about economic conditions, but everything else associated with it as well. And to elaborate that point, I am quoting from the original article:

Are you intellectually incapable of adding your own thoughts and that is why are cutting and pasting same thing again and again? Did you even read my post?

Let' see if you can manage to read it the second time!

"Okay I don't know what you guys are debating about but I concur China is ahead of India in most socioeconomic parameters, as it should be. Is that the point of contention? After all one country is very poor and another less. But both are far far behind many many counties in the world.

By the way, it seems the article is old. Literacy rate in India is above 70% now. Why are you posting an old article? Might as well dig up something about India from 1960s
I think you're the one that's confused. This thread is about India comparing itself to China. It's not about Pakistan, Israel, Trinidad & Tobago, or anyone else.

And secondly, this thread is not just about economic conditions, but everything else associated with it as well. And to elaborate that point, I am quoting from the original article:

Read from your 1st post. If it is about India-China what Pakistan has to do with it ? Why you are more interested than any Chinese ? Isn't this height of Obsession ?

You said Population is criteria, Then I said Japan, Israel and Trinidad & Tobago are better again you bought new criteria then again new. Read all post how you changing the criteria without any logic.
Read the post from 1. If it is about India-China what Pakistan has to do with it ? Why you are more interested ? Isn't this height of Obsession ?

You said Population is criteria, Then I said Israel and Trinidad & Tobago. Read all post.

I remember him saying that he is not obsessed with India. He just wants to show to the world (basically PDF) how bad India is and how these things are not published in Indian media (article written in India).

Okay, now let's go back to the topic.
So as per your Criteria, Israel is one of the richest country in the world. GDP 220 Billion $. Population 7.5 Million. Means Israel is 60 times ahead than China and 30 Times ahead than Pakistan. Hence, Pakistan is ahead than China. Enjoy !! :coffee:

We're talking about GDP per capita here.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The GDP per capita of Israel is $28,685.

The total GDP of Israel is $213.147 billion.

For comparison, the total GDP of Shanghai, one city in China, is US$ 256.3 billion.

Shanghai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny that Guangzhou, Jiangsu and Shanghai added together have a GDP larger than India.
We're talking about GDP per capita here.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The GDP per capita of Israel is $28,685.

The total GDP of Israel is $213.147 billion.

For comparison, the total GDP of Shanghai, one city in China, is US$ 256.3 billion.

Shanghai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny that Guangzhou, Jiangsu and Shanghai added together have a GDP larger than India.

Comon, that's just ASKING for flame, not all india-china threads have to turn out like this. Then again, maybe not :argh:
India should aspire to get big like China, I see China as the only nation to compare it self too.

As its:

3.Similar tradition and culture

---------- Post added at 04:19 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 AM ----------

Yes, India's obsession with China is silly. Comparing India to China is like comparing Pakistan to the US.

Biggest Joke of the century :lmao:

Pakistan economy is just $170billion.
We're talking about GDP per capita here.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The GDP per capita of Israel is $28,685.

The total GDP of Israel is $213.147 billion.

For comparison, the total GDP of Shanghai, one city in China, is US$ 256.3 billion.

Shanghai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny that Guangzhou, Jiangsu and Shanghai added together have a GDP larger than India.

Not really ! India's GDP is 1.54 trillion. Lets do the maths

Guangzhou's GDP - 152 Bln

Jiangsu GDP - 358.09 Bln

Shangahi GDP - 256.3 Bln

Total - 764 Bln

764 Bln < 1.54 trillion !!!
Not really ! India's GDP is 1.54 trillion. Lets do the maths

Guangzhou's GDP - 152 Bln

Jiangsu GDP - 358.09 Bln

Shangahi GDP - 256.3 Bln

Total - 764 Bln

764 Bln < 1.54 trillion !!!

you're correct that india's gdp is larger than those 3 areas in china however, jiangsu has a ~640 Bln Gdp in 2010, thus the total of those 3 area is just over a trillion.

however if he was actual talking about Guangdong(rather than just the cityl guangzhou), shanghai, and jiangsu then these three's combine GDP would be just larger than that of india.

689.2 billion+256.3 billion + 640 bln = 1.585.5 trillion

Three provinces lower GDP targets
We're talking about GDP per capita here.

Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The GDP per capita of Israel is $28,685.

The total GDP of Israel is $213.147 billion.

For comparison, the total GDP of Shanghai, one city in China, is US$ 256.3 billion.

Shanghai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funny that Guangzhou, Jiangsu and Shanghai added together have a GDP larger than India.

more funny that china's gdp was lower compared to a smaller neighbour a few months ago,maximum a yera
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