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India building US$ 20 billion; 10,000 MW biggest Dam in South Asia

Bhai Zakir

Jun 26, 2012
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India building US$ 20 billion; 10,000 MW biggest Dam in South Asia

State-owned NTPC Ltd has wrapped up the pre-feasibility report for a proposed 9,750 MW Siang Upper hydroelectric project in Arunachal Pradesh.

It is moving fast on the strategic project since India realises it is urgent to speed up building dams on the Brahmaputra and establish “lower riparian right”. :devil:

This will help New Delhi create a strong bargaining position to detract China from building hydel projects on the upper reaches of the river.

The completion of the pre-feasibility report sets the ball rolling on what could be the country’s largest hydel project and the second biggest in Asia after China’s Three Gorges.

The Siang Upper project — part of a shelf of hydro stations the Centre hopes to build on the Brahmaputra — entails an investment of nearly Rs 1,00,000 crore over a 10 year period.

Efforts to harness the Brahmaputra comes amid reports of Chinese plans to construct hydro-electric projects on the upper reaches of the river involving the setting up of a massive dam on the bend of the Yarlung Tsangpo — the Tibetan name for the Brahmaputra. The Centre is also simultaneously trying to convince Arunachal to allot at least one storage hydroelectric project in each of the sub-basins of Siang, Lohit and Subhansiri rivers.

“NTPC has submitted the PFR (pre-feasibility report) to Arunachal. It focusses specifically on avoiding submergence of important towns in the region,” a government official involved in the exercise told The Indian Express.

The project would mark a big jump in hydro sector exposure for the predominantly thermal power major, which is currently working on a shelf of around 1,700 MW of hydel capacity. Of this, NTPC plans to commission its much-delayed 800 MW Koldam project in Himachal Pradesh next fiscal, which will be its first hydro project to be commissioned.

According to analysts, if India harnesses the Brahmaputra in Arunachal through the proposed projects, it will strengthen its case against China’s building of a reported mega-dam at Metog.

But, it will have to do it before China does its project as under the doctrine of prior appropriation, a priority right falls on the first user of river waters.

“Under the doctrine of prior appropriation, a priority right falls on the first user of river waters. It favours the upper-riparian state or the first appropriator of water. A priority right, however, can fall on the first user of river waters, even if it is located downstream. The right of the ‘first appropriator’ to meet its water requirements takes precedence over the entitlement of a ‘later appropriator’ to draw water from a river. The central legal element in prior appropriation is the diversion of water from a watercourse for “beneficial” applications, including irrigation, industrial or mining purposes, electricity generation, and municipal supply,” Dr Brahma Chellaney, Professor of Strategic Studies at the Centre for Policy Research said.

The Tsangpo flows through 1,625 km in Tibet, and then enters Arunachal Pradesh, where it is known as the Siang. Further down, the Siang is known as the Brahmaputra. India is thus, on the downstream side of all the developments being planned in China on the river.

So far, India’s success rate in executing large-sized hydro projects has been dismal.

“Road and rail links, a prerequisite for transporting equipment to project sites, are lacking desperately in the North-East. A key transmission link that was to come up for strengthening linkages with the region during the current Plan period is still held up for funds,” an official with the Central Electricity Authority said. Projects such as the 3,000 MW Dibang have been stuck for over three years now. Just two projects — NEEPCO’s 600 MW Kameng and NHPC’s 2,000 MW Lower Subhansiri — have a realistic change of coming up on the Brahmaputra over the next six years. Additionally, the stated position of the Arunachal government to avoid storage projects involving big dams is a hurdle.

The Siang Upper project is to be completed in two stages — a 6,000 MW Stage I and a 750 MW Stage II. Currently, the 1,500-MW Nathpa Jhakri project is the largest operational hydropower station in India.

Power project

* The proposed 9,750-MW Siang Upper hydroelectric project in Arunachal Pradesh could be the 2nd biggest after China’s Three Gorges (in pic)

* The project entails an investment of nearly Rs 1,00,000 crore over a 10 year period

* If India harnesses the Brahmaputra through the projects, it will strengthen its case against China’s building of a mega-dam at Metog

* India will have to do it before China completes its project as under the doctrine of prior appropriation, a priority right falls on the first user of river waters

NTPC steps up work on hydel project to pip China - Indian Express

This dam is not a mere infrastructure project that will provide electricity in fact its a very strategic project for India.

It will also help Bangladesh and Myanmar.
You haven't even started building it yet? You only have a pre-feasibility report?

Do you know how long it takes to build something like that?
now we r talking business ..
this will not only help in economic development of northeast but also help us to secure our water from china:toast_sign:
in addition thousands of local jobs will be generated due to this project
along with electricity n irrigation benefits
way to India:yahoo:
now we r talking business ..
this will not only help in economic development of northeast but also help us to secure our water from china:toast_sign:

LOL, you think you can build a dam before us? :lol:

And getting some "doctrine of prior appropriation" doesn't stop the fact that the river originates in China. As such, it is our business as to how to use it.
It will change the geopolitics and economics of the NE forever.

And not to forget floods will also be cured :argh:
LOL, you think you can build a dam before us? :lol:

And getting some "doctrine of prior appropriation" doesn't stop the fact that the river originates in China. As such, it is our business as to how to use it.

i bet tomorrow if a pakistani member comes up with some stupid thing that india is blocking pakistan's waters...u will support the pakistani member

wanna bet??...

on topic...i dont really think theres anything to worry about...china as far as their "official sources" said that those dams on brahmaputra are run of the river projects

although its a different case that earlier they denied building the dam and acknowledged it only when india nailed the chinese govt with satellite pics...
LOL, you think you can build a dam before us? :lol:

And getting some "doctrine of prior appropriation" doesn't stop the fact that the river originates in China. As such, it is our business as to how to use it.
Chinese Dragon is started farting fire

Do you think you can stop us....:D
LOL, you think you can build a dam before us? :lol:

And getting some "doctrine of prior appropriation" doesn't stop the fact that the river originates in China. As such, it is our business as to how to use it.
it doesn't goes like that buddy
even if the river originates in ur land but there r two lower riparian india n bangladesh so u just can't do what u feel like ever heard of international courts???
secondly, for ur kind info the river brahmaputra receives a major chunk of its water through rainfall that happen in india
so better get ur facts right before u open ur mouth next time:sniper:
i bet tomorrow if a pakistani member comes up with some stupid thing that india is blocking pakistan's waters...u will support the pakistani member

wanna bet??...

on topic...i dont really think theres anything to worry about...china as far as their "official sources" said that those dams on brahmaputra are run of the river projects

although its a different case that earlier they denied building the dam and acknowledged it only when india nailed the chinese govt with satellite pics...

What else you expect from fake data maker, cheap chinese like their product :rofl:
Do you think you can stop us....:D

Yes. :rofl:

You can go to the international courts and get as many orders as you want.

If we want to dam a river that originates in our land, we will do it.

China has NO water sharing treaties with any country.
I'm not yet married....and I think my great grandchildren might benefit from the Dam.....

India is so advanced that it declares projects hundreds of years ahead.......:tup:
Yes. :rofl:

You can go to the international courts and get as many orders as you want.

If we want to dam a river that originates in our land, we will do it.

China has NO water sharing treaties with any country.

that actually backfires coz in that case it will have to (mind u...HAVE TO) listen to international courts....
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