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‘India behind Balochistan unrest’

Ahmad Abdullah Ravian

Apr 30, 2011
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The leaders of separatist Baloch youth groups who are living in self-exile in London have been found to be holding secret meetings with the Indian diplomats in the British capital.
The highly expensive flat, where these leaders belonging to an important Baloch tribe have been living since long, is a centre of their clandestine activities. These leaders, who also have a very prized vehicle at their disposal in London, regularly visit US, Dubai and Oman. They get anti-Pakistan propaganda material printed in London and using different sources distribute it in various parts of Balochistan. Their financial sources largely remain shrouded in mystery; however, it has been revealed that they get tickets for their frequent foreign visits from an Indian travel agent in London’s All South area who reportedly receives payments from the Indian High Commission.
We should never have abandoned moral support to the suppressed people of Indian punjab for Khalistan Movement, and it's never too late to start again. give the bharti's a taste of their own medicine.
Not a surprise, those goons probably under eye of respective Pakistani authorities. countries they used to travel have every thing to be launching pad of anti-Pakistan activities.
The leaders of separatist Baloch youth groups who are living in self-exile in London have been found to be holding secret meetings with the Indian diplomats in the British capital.
The highly expensive flat, where these leaders belonging to an important Baloch tribe have been living since long, is a centre of their clandestine activities. These leaders, who also have a very prized vehicle at their disposal in London, regularly visit US, Dubai and Oman. They get anti-Pakistan propaganda material printed in London and using different sources distribute it in various parts of Balochistan. Their financial sources largely remain shrouded in mystery; however, it has been revealed that they get tickets for their frequent foreign visits from an Indian travel agent in London’s All South area who reportedly receives payments from the Indian High Commission.

RAW has its fingerprints all over Balochistan separatists movements. It is a handful of traitors propped up by RAW.
We should never have abandoned moral support to the suppressed people of Indian punjab for Khalistan Movement, and it's never too late to start again. give the bharti's a taste of their own medicine.

Errrrr..........as a diehard Khalistani and President in waiting of Khalistan .........I wanna clear one thing.......the main reason for defeat our movement was support of Pakistan...........

I my Pakistani friends had a little knowlegde about history they would had known that Sikhs dont like to have anyone dictating them............dont beleive me........go check General Mohan singh and Indian national army.

Damm .......you people changed insurgency into terrorism
The leaders of separatist Baloch youth groups who are living in self-exile in London have been found to be holding secret meetings with the Indian diplomats in the British capital.
The highly expensive flat, where these leaders belonging to an important Baloch tribe have been living since long, is a centre of their clandestine activities. These leaders, who also have a very prized vehicle at their disposal in London, regularly visit US, Dubai and Oman. They get anti-Pakistan propaganda material printed in London and using different sources distribute it in various parts of Balochistan. Their financial sources largely remain shrouded in mystery; however, it has been revealed that they get tickets for their frequent foreign visits from an Indian travel agent in London’s All South area who reportedly receives payments from the Indian High Commission.

Give me the source of your claim or go home and drink ZamZam Cola and watch bollywood movie, instead of wasting our time.
Pakistan does a very bad job of producing these "crucial evidence" to its own population and the world. You guys need to let the world know that all the Balochis are very happy and content with their lives and it is only the evil India that is creating and funding the unrest.
We should never have abandoned moral support to the suppressed people of Indian punjab for Khalistan Movement, and it's never too late to start again. give the bharti's a taste of their own medicine.

You never did that voluntarily .. You just got your a$$ kicked in Punjab.. Kashmir soon to follow on the same lines..
We should never have abandoned moral support to the suppressed people of Indian punjab for Khalistan Movement, and it's never too late to start again. give the bharti's a taste of their own medicine.

What aboout supressed people of balochistan, suppressed people of karachi?
RAW has its fingerprints all over Balochistan separatists movements. It is a handful of traitors propped up by RAW.

Then why dont you crush those handful of traitors? Pakistan let " seperate baloch " become a idea, which has been politically manipulated by your own people. Blaming RAW will not solve baloch problem.
Errrrr..........as a diehard Khalistani and President in waiting of Khalistan .........I wanna clear one thing.......the main reason for defeat our movement was support of Pakistan...........

I my Pakistani friends had a little knowlegde about history they would had known that Sikhs dont like to have anyone dictating them............dont beleive me........go check General Mohan singh and Indian national army.

Damm .......you people changed insurgency into terrorism

Really, and what India is doing IN context of Balochistan is sacred activities? No but terrorism so Pakistan is out of any allegations but India couldN'T go out from the label of "SUPPORTING TERRORISM".
Then why dont you crush those handful of traitors? Pakistan let " seperate baloch " become a idea, which has been politically manipulated by your own people. Blaming RAW will not solve baloch problem.

It will far better to cut EXTERNAL hands first.
Really, and what India is doing IN context of Balochistan is sacred activities? No but terrorism so Pakistan is out of any allegations but India couldN'T go out from the label of "SUPPORTING TERRORISM".

Mate we dont share border with Balochistan...........
I wonder why Pakistan is not providing any proof of Involvement in Baloch unrest to international community and shame India

The reason for this can be either Raw is too smart that it never leaves any thing behind or Raw is too lazy to do any work.

Policy of blaming Balochistan unrest on India is outdated ......it wont work mate.

India was never in position to support any insurgency in 1950 when baloch insurgency started

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