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India and Russia: A Course Correction


Aug 11, 2013
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Over the past six months, Russia has made its presence felt in the global realpolitik scene with gusto. With the Kremlin militarily intervening in Syria, reportedly bombing ISIS and in effect protecting Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Damascus, while juggling a yet unresolved Ukraine crisis and dealing with Western sanctions… Moscow has its hands full.

Most aspects of India-Russia bilateral ties are quite institutionalized, and work in an automated manner irrespective of who is in power in New Delhi or Moscow. Russia could perhaps be seen as India’s only definitive “strategic” partner in its truest form, and this unique relationship has developed over decades.

However, over the past year the Moscow-Delhi dynamic seems to have lost some of its previous momentum. This may now be about to change, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi preparing to make his first visit to Moscow early next month.

Russia’s economy is in crisis, with oil prices below $50 per barrel at a time when Russian President Vladimir Putin is wielding Russian military power in the global political theater. With Ukraine to Syria, Russia is involved in external military operations that analysts believe are unsustainable for the long run given Moscow’s current economic environment.

When Putin visited India in December 2014, a few months after Narendra Modi won a historic election and became the new prime minister, the Russian president’s stay was cut short from a planned three-day visit to one lasting barely 23 hours. This was largely due to the Ukraine crisis, which was peaking at that point. After this visit, the noose of Western sanctions on Russia tightened, and Moscow began looking at India and China to boost its own finances at home.

Moscow’s attempts to compensate for oil revenues with defense revenues for its exchequer are not easy tasks to achieve. Russia’s reaction to losing Indian helicopter deals and MMRCA fighter jet deals to the United States and France was to make its displeasure known by a sudden affinity to bolstering Russia-Pakistan ties. In what seemed like a contemptuous move against Delhi, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who is very close to Putin, visited Islamabad in August, a trip that saw both countries sign defense agreements including the sale of Mi-35 “Hind E” attack helicopters, a variant of the type also operated by India. To push the envelope a little further, reports surfaced last month that Moscow and Islamabad were in talks for the former to sell its top of the line Sukhoi 35 fighter jets to Pakistan (India operates the Sukhoi 30MKI variant). Both of these developments naturally created ripples in the Indian strategic and defense affairs discourse.

However, this realpolitik maneuvering by Russia is mostly to send a message to New Delhi about the latter’s growing clubbiness with Washington. Moscow is not used to losing out on Indian defense contracts, which it sees as a significant part of its arms export pie. Of course, for the longest time India had few options other than Russia for its defense needs. The recently concluded aircraft carrier saga between the two nations that gave India the INS Vikramaditya (formerly the Admiral Gorshkov with the Russian Navy) could be seen as something of a turning point, where the project cost India much more than expected and Russia acted arrogantly on the questions of price and delivery schedules. For now, analysts are confident that Russia will in fact not sell the Sukhoi 35s to Pakistan.

Even after considering the above parameters, India is still investing in Russia and helping Moscow more than perhaps the Kremlin would like to publicly acknowledge. New Delhi was vague at best, flirting with support for Russia’s annexation of Crimea and later gave some sort of backing to Moscow’s bombing campaign in Syria. On the economic front, India’s ONGC Videsh has continued to invest in Russian energy sector with only last month buying a 15 percent stake in Russia’s second largest oil field for around $1.27 billion. Beyond this, India is also keen to go deeper into Russia’s Arctic regions and jointly work on the exploration and production of oil and natural gas, establishing itself as a long-term player in the country’s energy sector.

To give some further relief to Moscow in its sanction ridden economic woes, Indian dairy companies are keen to enter the Russian market, which will allow Russia to deal with its growing food crisis, specifically milk. Currently, Russia is using its relations with Belarus to get around European Union (EU) sanctions, using Minsk as the middleman to plug its gaps. For a small country, Belarus’s imports of milk from the EU reportedly went up by a factor of 573 last year, with the extra supply of course being handed over to Moscow. Belarus at the same time has also become a net exporter of fish, an astonishing achievement for a land-locked country.

It is true, however, that Russia has been unnaturally absent from Modi’s global outreach over the past year. During this same period, the Russian economy has been hit on two major fronts, oil prices and sanctions. In the run-up to Modi’s meeting with Putin, India’s Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar during a visit to Moscow agreed to purchase Russia’s advanced S-400 Triumf air defense missile system for a whopping $10 billion. And this is precisely what Moscow wants from New Delhi, the continuous dominance of its defense partnership with India. However, Putin must realize that India’s political mileage in the global arena is much stronger than it used to be. India can now afford to buy better and more reliable weapons even if they cost more than what Russia has to offer, if what it is offering is not up to the expectations.

There are no major scars in the India-Russia dynamic, but Modi’s visit should successfully inject that much-needed oil into the political machinery between the two states. The need for this visit by Modi has become more than apparent over the past few months, and both Modi and Putin will welcome this opportunity for a course correction.

India and Russia: A Course Correction | The Diplomat
we must support Russia in its time of need. They have helped us a lot. Buying advanced weaponry from them, if possible with TOT is one of the ways to go about it....probably advanced SU-35'S or more Pak-Fa's then the numbers committed, more S-400's and leasing of Yasen class submarines if possible just to mention a few. I would love to see the Yasen in the Indian Navy
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Now is the time to support Russia. They have long memories, they'll remember who helped them.

India will always support Russia, but the priority will always be India. The relationship has to find new meaning in the changing world where Indian economy is now bigger than the Russian economy.
Indian defense imports are an important strategic tool in Indian diplomatic arsenal which India can wield to extract geo-political concessions.

While all Indians do appreciate Russian support one has to realize that US huge military aid to Pakistan was a factor which came into play and Russian support was primarily a balancing act.

One must also not forget Russian pressure tactics in 1965 and 1962 where they considered India expendable.

International relations are purely a matter of give and take and despite all the rhetoric Russia did not go out of it's way to prop up India, there were significant cold war dynamics at play and Russia feared loosing India to the US camp.

Further India has always paid for Russian hardware in cash and diplomatic support in kind.

Things now however have come to a stage where Indian relationship with Russia is transactional in nature, Russia has to compete with West in getting share of the Indian Defense Imports and it has to do it on the basis of their value proposition instead of invoking past relationships.

Further Russian alignment of interests with China is clearly divergent from Indian expectations and that is just how the game is played. China for obvious reasons is far more important to Russia and despite being wary of China's designs Russia today has no options but to further align with China. The key point here is that with China comes baggage in form of Pakistan and Russia has to follow the China's dictate on Pakistan - Supply of engines for J-17 was a prime example.

There is a fork in the road - Russia and India have some tough choices to make but for different reasons, one is between the devil and the deep sea and the other is spoilt for choices.

@GURU DUTT @Joe Shearer your views?
India will always support Russia, but the priority will always be India. The relationship has to find new meaning in the changing world where Indian economy is now bigger than the Russian economy.
economy is just one part of foriegn policy and i guess author is right we need to support russia and not get way too carried away with owr new found acceptence in the western world :coffee:
Now is the time to support Russia. They have long memories, they'll remember who helped them.

So do we. Ask any Indian and they will tell how Russians are our closest ally who helped us in bad times.

Russia need all our support. China must be doing their bit.
Size of GDP economy is absolutely the single most important definition of a nations strength.

NOBODY gives a dam about nukes of North Korea or in deed Pakistan. ASK WHY because industrial and financial might in these nations is zero.

RUSSIA has to come to terms that INDIA is the bigger more powerful industrial nation AND they will have to play harder to get the huge defense PIE.

Buy donating a few helicopters or engines to Pakistan THEY COULD LOSE BILLIONS $$$ over next few years.

no body can match the buying potential of indian military which relies on 70% imported military hrdware
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