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India - An ‘artificial state’


Jan 22, 2009
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History of Indian sub-Continent is witness that Hidus have never a unified country unless ruled by foreigners. The subcontinent had some 5,000 large and tiny States, ruled by Hindu Rajas, who kept fighting with each other. Islam came to the subcontinent through Muslim traders visiting Malabar and other western coastal areas during the 7th century. Malabar became the first state which produced local converts, who were persecuted by the local Hindu rulers and prevented them from performing Hajj - which prompted Syrian governor to send his 19-year-old son-in-law, Muhammad Bin Qassam to teach a lesson to Raja Dahir. Muhammad Bin Qassam defeated Raja Dahir in 711 and brough areas upto Multan (Pakistan) under Muslim rule. However, the Muslim invaders who made subcontinent their permanent home - came from North, through Khyber Pass from Afghanistan. In the eleventh century Mahmood Ghaznavi invaded northern part of subcontinent for 17 times - but never established a permanent occupation. It was during the middle period of Mughal Empire (1526-1857 CE) that almost entire Indian subcontinent including Afghanistan became one country ruled from Delhi. It was this country, less Afghanistan, which British occupied after the failure of 1857 Hindu-Muslim resistance, also known as first ‘Battle of Independence’.

Since its independence from British Raj on August 15, 1947 - there are close to one hundred local resistance groups fighting against Hindu upper-class dominated Indian government. Most of these religious and ethnic minority resistance groups beget their violence from the rising Hindu religious terrorism based on racism. These groups operate in Assam (31), Nagaland (21), Meghalaya (5), and Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (34). Two of India’s prime ministers, Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi (d.1984) were assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards and a Tamil Hindu woman.

Muslims have always been the largest victims of Hindu fascism. Since 1947 - there have been over 300 anti-Muslim riots in various parts of India. Indian government is keeping over 700,000 armed forces in its occupied part of Muslim-majority Jammu & Kashmir valley. More than 80,000 Kashmiri Muslims, mostly civilians, have lost their lives at the hands of Hindu forces. On December 6, 1992 - Hindu mob of 300,000 destroyed Babri mosque, built by the founder of Mughal Dynasty, Emperor Babar.

In 2002, nearly 2,500 Indian Muslim men, women and children were burned alive in Gujrat and the State government headed by Hindu Zionist, Narendar Modi expressly forbade the police from helping Muslims. Immediately after 9/11, the Student Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) was banned and several of its leaders and thousands of Muslim doctors, engineers, professors and technical experts have been killed or swallowed up by the thousands of jails in India. Last February 24 bomb blasts in the RSS office and bus stand in Tenkasi (Tamil Nadu state) was blamed on Muslims, but police arrested Ravi Pandian, S. Kumar, and V. Narayana - all Hindus, responsible for the bombimg. On April 18, , 2008 - the Malegoan police raided Smith Pathology Laboratory and arrested its ownerJitendar Kherna along with two other Hindu terrorists Nitish Ashire and Sahab Rao Sukhdev Dhevre for possesion of RDX explosives.

However, the other minorities are not immune to Hindu fascism. For example, in 1984, Sikhs were dragged from buses in New Delhi and beaten or burned to deathe after the assassination of Indian prime minister, Indira Gandhi. In August 2008 - at least 600 Christian churches, priests and Nuns were targeted by Hindu mobs in Eastern India. In 1999, a Hindu mob surrounded the car of Australian priest, Graham Staines, who, along with his kidd son and daughter - was burned alive. There is no official record of how many ‘untouchable’ Hindu has been killed or burned alive. Last September and October, there were anti-Christian riots in six Indian states. In Orissa state alone, 30 Christians were killed, 3000 homes burned and over 130 churches destroyed by Hindu mobs.

Both the Israel Lobby and India Lobby have successfully suppressed news to expose Zion-Hindu fascism against Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, low-caste Hinduds, and African Jews. They both support each other, especially in case Muslims.

Arun Nair, an Indian Hindu, in his article India\’s Islam wrote:

“My thesis is this: India must boldly assert its claim on Islamic civilization in the subcontinent. That’s the key to end our communal woes. This doesn’t mean that India must become Islamic, or that Indian Muslims must be somehow Hinduised. The idea, instead, is to campaign relentlessly for India’s Islamic civilisational authenticity…..If any single country represents subcontinental Islam, it’s India. Not Pakistan. India’s Mughals, India’s Qutb Minar, Gol Gumaz, and Taj Mahal. India’s Tipu Sultan, Shah Jahan, Akbar, and, why not, Aurangzeb. India’s Urdu. India’s Ghalib and Khusro. India’s Delhi, Lucknow, Mysore, Hyderabad, Malabar, and Agra.”

Muslims make world’s largest Muslim minority (over 157 million) in India. A Muslim scientist, Dr. A.P.J. Addul Kalam is known as the ‘Father of India’s Nuclear Bomb’. Later he served as President of India.

rehmat i din get wat u wanna say...wat u wanna express exactly....well once u said that in india hindus suppressing muslims ..but it is irony that we hav 2 mulim president mr abdul kalam and mr zakir hussain...hey d u hav any hindu president.....if u don hav then why u don hav....because u cutted all hindus...so plzz first look in yr history and don be biased kk........i told u both were killed hindu and muslims both k...but india is not like pakistan who declared himself muslim country ..and threw all hindus out from pakistan ...in india that was happened only in punjab ..jz because of yr action against hindu ...no muslim frm utter pradesh and south india and other part of india suffered any big threat ok..........and everybody know wat u did in bangladesh ......so pls atleast think first where u r ..and pls stop this now....and live and let people live,....we wanna peace .....
Muslims make world’s largest Muslim minority (over 157 million) in India. A Muslim scientist, Dr. A.P.J. Addul Kalam is known as the ‘Father of India’s Nuclear Bomb’. Later he served as President of India.


This statement is symptomatic of the poor quality of this entire article. APJ Abdul Kalam was never in India's nuclear establishment.

Also, the Mughal was effectively dead well before 1857. See the post http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-history/22093-map-india-1760-a.html#post307316 .
rehmat i din get wat u wanna say...wat u wanna express exactly....well once u said that in india hindus suppressing muslims ..but it is irony that we hav 2 mulim president mr abdul kalam and mr zakir hussain...hey d u hav any hindu president.....if u don hav then why u don hav....because u cutted all hindus...so plzz first look in yr history and don be biased kk........i told u both were killed hindu and muslims both k...but india is not like pakistan who declared himself muslim country ..and threw all hindus out from pakistan ...in india that was happened only in punjab ..jz because of yr action against hindu ...no muslim frm utter pradesh and south india and other part of india suffered any big threat ok..........and everybody know wat u did in bangladesh ......so pls atleast think first where u r ..and pls stop this now....and live and let people live,....we wanna peace .....
Your rant says quite the opposite - that you're very ignorant of history of Indian cub-continent. Muslims ruled Hindustan for more than 900 years and remained a minority. All the Mughal kings after Akbar were sons of Hindu Queen Jodha Bai.

As for your rant about two Muslim presidents - tell me how many Hindus are in Pakistan - I bet less than half percent - while Muslims make more than 18% of countries population. Every Muslim MP has to be selected by some Hindu political party in India - while in Pakistan - Hindus, like Christians have RESERVED SEATS in Sindh province (where most of Hindu population reside) - and they don't have to beg any Muslim political party.

Got the picture dude!!
Here, India is an artificial state....OK, now will you be able to sleep peacefully at night..that's the most this article can do for you
History of Indian sub-Continent is witness that Hidus have never a unified country unless ruled by foreigners. The subcontinent had some 5,000 large and tiny States, ruled by Hindu Rajas, who kept fighting with each other. Islam came to the subcontinent through Muslim traders visiting Malabar and other western coastal areas during the 7th century. Malabar became the first state which produced local converts, who were persecuted by the local Hindu rulers and prevented them from performing Hajj - which prompted Syrian governor to send his 19-year-old son-in-law, Muhammad Bin Qassam to teach a lesson to Raja Dahir. Muhammad Bin Qassam defeated Raja Dahir in 711 and brough areas upto Multan (Pakistan) under Muslim rule. However, the Muslim invaders who made subcontinent their permanent home - came from North, through Khyber Pass from Afghanistan. In the eleventh century Mahmood Ghaznavi invaded northern part of subcontinent for 17 times - but never established a permanent occupation. It was during the middle period of Mughal Empire (1526-1857 CE) that almost entire Indian subcontinent including Afghanistan became one country ruled from Delhi. It was this country, less Afghanistan, which British occupied after the failure of 1857 Hindu-Muslim resistance, also known as first ‘Battle of Independence’.


Whoa Amigo !!
India was unified first under Chandragupta Maurya in 322 BCE ! This empire included all of present day India, Pakistan,Bangladesh, Afghanistan and parts of Tibet,Iran,Uzbekistan and Myanmar !! The rest of the article does not seem to bear anything with your title !!
Yes Rehmat, India is an artificial entity composed of various disjointed pieces. But the fact is that the only way this collection of pieces is being kept together is through a delicate system of carrot & stick -- CARROT (fairly democratic political system, fairly stable economy) and STICK (military force in Kashmir, constant riots against minorities). I'm sad to say this but this is the only way this country can be kept together.

I assure you, if this country was to be ruled by the military or if the various religious & political minority communities were to be given more freedom & power, then this country would breakup like Pakistan did in '71. Kashmir and a dozen other regional/religious/political issues are bleeding this country, but there is no other go. Better that we bleed like this continuosly for another 60 years than break into pieces within a decade!

This is where I feel Pakistan is heading the wrong way. Pakistan is ALSO composed of various disjointed pieces (though less in number than India). By giving into the Taliban's demands for imposition of Shariat Law, you guys are just sending a signal to all other 'pieces' of Pakistan that they too can fight & win concessions from the GOP. And that's the begining of the end.
India is not only an artificial state, rather an illegitimate mini empire, where the Negroid, Austric and Mongoloid people (who are considered low caste shudras and sometimes even untouchables) are subjugated and enslaved by the hindu self-proclaimed upper castes, and particularly Brahmins till now. Muslims are hijacked by the bigger number of hindus as they always live with fear and the feeling of insecurity. Those hindus who do not accept it, are either brainwashed or Kautilyas (dirty diplomatic people). Now this is the fact so far as the ground realities are concerned.

All topics are inseparably related to one another. It is called relevancy. Therefore one topic may appear relevant while discussing another topic. Unfortunately some people are so prejudiced that they deliberately do not want understand this matter. They may have some vested interests. You can find such specimens right below.
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People get carried away with lies while making such useless claims!

Muddled jumping from one useless topic to another.
In any case, I'd rather be in an ' artificial state" that stays together where national institutions are sound & intact than in a " natural state" that stays in a state of flux & dismembers / eats itself.

Good luck to the author.. he needs it.
India artificial state
Pak failed state :cheers:

And interestingly the artificial state (I call it illegitimate mini empire) is working behind the failure of the natural state. And it is the conspiracy of the artificial state to claim the natural state a 'failed state'.
The Indian (Hindu) history dates back to the 8000 years , the time when even Islam was not found. And further u forgot the graetest of hindu emprorers like of chandragupta and Ashoka.....
All you know is what u have been tought in Madrasas, Look beyond and back to the facts.
UN rings Godhra alarm
New Delhi, Feb. 17: The United Nations has warned of a “very real risk” of a repeat of the 2002 Gujarat riots in the country unless politicians stop exploiting communal distinctions, in a report that presents a dim picture of religious intolerance in India.

The world body’s latest report on religious freedom paints India as a country suffering from communal divisions and mob-inspired persecution, and dwells at length on incidents like the recent violence against Christians in Orissa and the 2002 riots.

Scheduled to be discussed by the UN Human Rights Council on March 10, the report was prepared by special rapporteur on religion Asma Jahangir, a Pakistani human rights activist.

The UN prepares reports on various countries once in every decade. The last one on India was in 1996.

The report says the law enforcement machinery in India was “often reluctant” to take action against individuals or groups that “perpetrate violence” in the name of religion or belief.

“This institutionalised impunity for those who exploit religion and impose their religious intolerance on others has made peaceful citizens, particularly the minorities, vulnerable and fearful.”

After detailing the incidents of violence, it says “organised groups claiming roots in religious ideologies” had unleashed an “all-pervasive fear of mob violence in many parts of the country”.

On Gujarat, the report says the state government had done little to help victims who live in perpetual fear and insecurity and pointed to the “increasing ghettoisation and isolation of Muslims in certain areas”.

The world body makes a series of recommendations to both the Centre and state governments. It says Dalit Christians and Muslims should also be given benefits of affirmative actions like reservation.

The report asks the government to act against “mob violence”. It encourages specific legislation to prevent communal attacks but cautions that the laws should take into account concerns of religious minorities so as not to reinforce the “impunity of communalised police forces at the state level”.

The Telegraph - Calcutta (Kolkata) | Nation | UN rings Godhra alarm

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