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India aborts a human Moon mission

Hmm, India aborts human moon mission, is that even came as a surprise? as usual, Big talk=we're going to do this and that in the "FUTURE", no wonder they name you Indians as the biggest exporter worldwide in "TALKS" only, thanks for your cheap call centers:lol:

It is a temporary set back. Do you think India will sit and watch when other countries are going ahead.
It is a temporary set back. Do you think India will sit and watch when other countries are going ahead.

Of cos "NO" however in my humble opinion, Indians will sure do a good job in cheerleader role to showcase your "big heart" for being the biggest democracy on the planet.
And with "NO" doubt in mind, announce to the world, India will be the most "dominant space player" in the year "2XXX" as usual like how India claim to have the "fastest super computer" in
2017:tup:job well done!
while chinese will go delusional on this thread debating why they did so... ISRO calmly analysed their priorities and analysed what way to make best use of resources they have.. and decided this is not high priority and don't deserve funds right now.. now chinese can go mad on this thread no one cares..
back up your words if not trolling.

China is way ahead of Russia in all top techs as of today.

let give you a harsh fact. The Russians are not only blackmailing you in your defense contract such as A.C., but they are challenged by techs. T50 is a bullsh1t too and your investment is in vain since it can never be in a fight with F22, J20, F35 or the newcomer J31.
Thanks for your appreciation, my friend. As a Chinese, I do not think right now China is ahead of Russia in Aero Tech. True, J20 and J31 looks more stealth from the layout, but China is still struggling for Engines. China has not developed large Transportation Aircraft, the largest Rockets made by China can carry about 10 tons to near-earth orbit. According to the plan, CZ-5 can carry 25 tons. Which is comparable to Russia's.

I personally respect Russia a lot, they are from the former Superpower, but after 1991, they have not found a way of development. Their investment in Tech has fallen a lot.

If China's economy goes well, around 2020 or 2025, China will operate its own GPS and Space Station. Next-gen Rocket, J20, J31, and Large Aircraft will come. At that time, I might say China is ahead of Russia. But Russia may also recover back, US is still progressing.

Instead of focusing others, its better to sit down and work in China. Best wishes to my motherland and Pakistan. Lets keep our fingers crossed.
A manned moon mission by 2020 by India? Damn, way too optimistic if you ask me.

But this was a rational decision. They can try it in the future. Those kind of things can wait.

what are you talking about? Russian tech is as outdated as hell. Just count the accidents reported or covered up from Russia military tech in the last 3 years I guess the number will amaze you. The only heritage Russia got from USSR is some military tech OF 1980s OR EARLIER!

From then Russia has lost 20 years till now. Kindly look through their new bird T50, what a failure. T50 is hardly in the league of F22, J20, or even the folded F35 or the new J31.

Aside from technologies, a maned moon mission need other preparations. Huge capital investment, Huge human resource arrangement, Huge equipment amassment from Navigation system, Super electronics, Bio tech, etc.... in short, only the US and China have all element to guarantee a maned moon mission.

I don't know what you mean by Russian space equipment as being 'outdated'. NASA still use rockets made in Russia.
Soyuz (spacecraft) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And there are reasons why they are popular:

I don't see how military equipment are even remotely related to the issue. Especially since weapons in space are outlawed.
Hmm, India aborts human moon mission, is that even came as a surprise? as usual, Big talk=we're going to do this and that in the "FUTURE", no wonder they name you Indians as the biggest exporter worldwide in "TALKS" only, thanks for your cheap call centers:lol:

yes master, you are right, we cant send man to moon.

now does that make you happy or still feeling small?

Yeap. I pretty much said 2025 is when India can realistically send a Man to Space. But given its India, I won't be surprised if it gets pushed back to 2030 before India can send an astronaut to space on a Russian Rocket. :D

pehle ek sui bana na seekhlo? then later predict what our country can or can't achieve.
So indians had a Moon mission.:lol: But they coming up with such absurd notions is not at all surprising considering the stuffs their DRDO come up with everyday.
How sad. Why do South Asian's give up so easy?

India aborts a human Moon mission.

Pakistan aborts human Mars mission.

Losers !!!
Of cos "NO" however in my humble opinion, Indians will sure do a good job in cheerleader role to showcase your "big heart" for being the biggest democracy on the planet.
And with "NO" doubt in mind, announce to the world, India will be the most "dominant space player" in the year "2XXX" as usual like how India claim to have the "fastest super computer" in
2017:tup:job well done!

With all due respect to Chinese. there are a lot of things we have achieved in a relatively short period of time. Everyone makes plans, and if they become unfeasible due to technological/economical/political constraints, we cancel them. The article if true, does not state any specific reasons by ISRO for cancellation, so its kind of uncalled for to assume that it was cancelled because Inidans are "incapable" of this feat.

As for the supercomputer part, it was just a plan, they have not even started to find a funding source for the project. The media in India is too free in some respects, and print even half fake news in the hope that their made up story will get them some money through sales. We will see where things stand in 2017.
How sad. Why do South Asian's give up so easy?

India aborts a human Moon mission.

Pakistan aborts human Mars mission.

Losers !!!

No bro Pakistan never gives up, do not equate all South Asians with Indians... Tell me one thing we have given up, 11 years and still going strong, nukes everything
Its better to discuss what were the major reason behind it, what series of events made ISRO to abort this mission.

Is ISRO planning for something that other hasn't researched enough like Solar mission (Aditya)? Even Russian didn't go to moon after US won the race and focus on other major projects.

Is ISRO thinking of collaboration with NASA to carry out other missions ?

Is ISRO trying to increase its satellite lunch capability by channeling the finds from this mission and work/increase the commercial aspect ?

Is ISRO wants to focus more on IRNSS (regional navigation system) and project oriented towards present challenge and becoming in self-reliant on critical aspects especially for the defense ?

Discussion on similar question with logical answers. If someone want to laugh at India, go to Gorshkov, LCA or Arjun thread. You all can reiterate the same posts we have heard already.

Don't ruin this thread.


P.S. Personally I think we should not completely abort it but work on with considerably low budget and if possible, work with US or Russia.
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