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India aborts a human Moon mission

No bro Pakistan never gives up, do not equate all South Asians with Indians... Tell me one thing we have given up, 11 years and still going strong, nukes everything

Pakistan has given up on its ability to take Kashmir from India...

From Operation Gibraltar to Operation "Eat grass to make a nuclear bomb"
By admission of your own countrymen....Pakistan cannot match India in firepower
Now your country is left with having to come up with doctrines to defend itself when at one point you people thought Kashmir would be a cake walk.....hence the need for the bomb...

Same goes for Siachen...no wonder every year a new area and proposal for demilitarization is being presented to India...
Pakistan has given up on its ability to take Kashmir from India...

From Operation Gibraltar to Operation "Eat grass to make a nuclear bomb"
By admission of your own countrymen....Pakistan cannot match India in firepower
Now your country is left with having to come up with doctrines to defend itself when at one point you people thought Kashmir would be a cake walk.....hence the need for the bomb...

Same goes for Siachen...no wonder every year a new area and proposal for demilitarization is being presented to India...

kashmir belongs 2 kashmiri people full stop no more words
No bro Pakistan never gives up, do not equate all South Asians with Indians... Tell me one thing we have given up, 11 years and still going strong, nukes everything

That comment was made with sarcasm in mind !!!

And I do know one thing we have given up on in Pakistan ...... provision of electicity 24 hours around the clock. :what:
n January 2009, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) indicated that it could undertake a human Moon mission by 2020.

Misleading (delusional) thread title. There was no moon mission to be "aborted", there was only a big mouth ambitious future fart without any real capability at this stage. That plan is now no more which is quite different from moon mission abortion.
come on..stop derailing the thread..stick to the topic.
Make Kasmir independant....Have UN troops be their Army, problem solved.

A landlocked country with such deep sentiments attached to India and Pakistan will never be free of influence...
It will never be truly "independent" except on paper....similar to Afghanistan, Kashmir will become the playground for regional powers
It is important to maintain secular influence in this piece of land...lest it become another hotbed for Islamic fundamentalism
Kashmir is a integral part of India. Pakistan must understand this.
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