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India a dangerous place to live in


Jun 28, 2010
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India a dangerous place to live in
India a dangerous place to live in - The Economic Times

MUMBAI: For all those who believe that India is becoming an increasingly dangerous place to live in, here are the numbers that back that belief.

India's rank has fallen seven points on the Global Peace Index (GPI) 2011, which ranks countries according to how peaceful they are. India now ranks 135 out of 153 countries. We are now amongst the 20 least peaceful nations in the world, along with countries such as Pakistan and Afghanistan.

At rank 80, China fares a lot better than India. While sub-Saharan Africa remains one of the most violent regions in the world according to the GPI, most countries in Africa and nearly all countries in Latin America and Eastern Europe rank above India.

"India's score remains the same on most parameters used to measure peacefulness. Homicide and crime rates in India, too, are a lot lower than many other countries. The fall in rankings is largely due to an increasing perception of criminality in society," says Steve Killelea, founder of the Global Peace Index.

The GPI, now in its fifth edition, has been developed by Killelea's Institute for Economics and Peace along with the Economist Intelligence Unit , the research wing of The Economist magazine.

Killelea feels the increased perception of violence in India may have a lot to do with the repeated terror attacks on the country in recent times. That India is in a volatile neighbourhood and has issues with countries such as Pakistan and China only adds to the threat perception," says Killelea.

Pakistan fares worse than India with a rank of 146 on the GPI, thanks largely to the easy access to small weapons in the country coupled with high levels of internal conflict and terrorism. Despite China's poor human rights track record, Killelea says that China's relatively better performance has much to do with low levels of homicide and violent crime in the country, as well as a much lower potential for terrorist attacks.

The GPI shows that for the third consecutive year, levels of peacefulness have dropped across the globe. The uprising in the Arab world and parts of Africa had much to do with an increase in global violence this time around. The country that showed the biggest tumble at the GPI is Libya, whose rank fell by 87 places. Countries like Egypt and Bahrain also showed a large drop on the GPI.

"The dramatic changes in the Global Peace Index this year are not caused by war between countries but by conflict between citizens and their own governments. Our analysis of the factors for resilient and peaceful societies show that it is not desirable or sustainable to enforce peace through curfews or strongarm military tactics." said Killelea.

According to estimates by economists working on the GPI, violence cost the global economy over $ 8 trillion in 2010. "If the world had been 25% more peaceful over the past year the global economy would have reaped an additional economic benefit of just over US$2 trillion.

Lucky I don't live in India.

Also we can never trust India :

Indian list proves false
Indian list proves false

Whenever India becomes soft and nice towards Pakistan, the change in demeanor is never without a sinister purpose. Guile, deceit and lies are in its blood. After maintaining a stubborn stance for about 14 months, India all of a sudden expressed its willingness to restart talks in February 2010 and simultaneously launched a deceptive campaign titled ‘Aman ki Asha’ to show its soft face to the world. This change of heart occurred because of US increased pressure and dramatic turn of events in Afghanistan detrimental to Indian interests. India got disturbed when Obama announced pull out date from July 2011 onwards. India got another shock when USA declared its intentions to open dialogue with Taliban and to work for a negotiated political settlement to Afghan imbroglio.

Renewal of warmth in Pak-US relations on account of its leverage in Afghan affairs vexed India. Tehran meeting between leaders of Iran , Pakistan and Afghanistan followed by Istanbul meeting between the three leaders flabbergasted India . When London Conference attended by representatives of over 65 countries approved US plan of reintegration of Taliban, treated Pakistan with newfound respect and cold shouldered India, it panicked Indian leaders. Seeing this as a paradigm shift and not knowing how to stem the downslide, India wore the mask of friendship and stepped up its efforts to normalize relations with Pakistan and agreed to discuss all issues including Kashmir.

While so doing, India kept consolidating its position in Afghanistan and didn’t roll back its huge infrastructure of cross border terrorism installed in Afghanistan against Pakistan . It also didn’t stop constructing dams on Rivers Chenab and Jhelum despite Pakistan ’s protests. Indian media and politicians missed no opportunity to embarrass Pakistan and to malign its institutions. India kept increasing its defence budget and building up its military and nuclear strength to disturb the regional balance of power. It kept up the heat on Pakistan over Mumbai attacks and blamed Lashkar-e-Taiba as the chief culprit.

India kept reminding Pakistan to hand over 20 runaway criminals allegedly hiding in Pakistan . The list of 20 most-wanted fugitives was first handed over to Pakistan soon after December 2001 terrorist attack on Indian parliament in Delhi and was again sent after Mumbai incident. Indian leaders felt displeased over improved Pak-US ties from the beginning of 2010 and made frantic efforts to again spoil their relations. It kept poisoning the ears of USA against Pakistan saying that it was the nursery of terrorism and advised Washington not to quit Afghanistan till the roots of terrorism in Pakistan were eliminated.

As the Aman ki Asha preachers were celebrating the apparent thaw in Indo-Pak relations, the incident of 02 May took place which once again rocked Pak-US tenuous relations. Instead of helping Pakistan come out of difficult situation, India exploited it by further instigating USA . It saw it as an opportunity to regain lost ground in Afghanistan , completely marginalize Pakistan as well as nail ISI and lower the image of Pak Army.

India renewed its program of Pakistan bashing by first playing up Osama Bin Laden (OBL) card by saying, ‘see we had been all long saying that Pakistan is the nursery of terrorism and it has now been proven beyond any doubt’. In order to offset the damage done on account of startling revelations that Hindu extremists and Indian military officers were involved in all the terrorist attacks in India between 1993 and 2008 which were lumped on Pakistan, its spin doctors came out with a bizarre story that some Pakistani Army officers are involved in terrorist activities in India.The list of most-wanted fugitives was expanded from 20 to 50 and names were made public which included five serving Majors of Army. Others were Dawood Ibrahim, described as the 2nd most wanted terrorist after OBL, Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed, Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi, Ilyas Kashmiri, Hizbul Mujahideen chief Salahuddin, JKLF head Amanullah, Maualna Azhar of Jaish Muhammad, Lakhbir Singh, Paramjit Singh and several others. They are accused in carrying out 1993 bombings in Mumbai, 2001 Parliament attack in Delhi and Mumbai attacks in 2008 and allegedly hiding in Pakistan . Islamabad was pressed to hand over the fugitives for trial on terror charges. This list was handed over to Pakistan in March but was made public last week as it sought to ratchet up pressure on its neighbor in the wake of death of OBL at the hands of US Navy SEALs who was found living in Abbottabad. Ideas were floated that India could also undertake helicopter assault (s) similar to US Special Forces to get their wanted men.

Within a week of airing of this ridiculous story, India ’s Home Minister had to admit that a mistake had been made. This admission was made after one of the terror suspect named in the list Wazhur Qamar was found living in Mumbai. The fabricated list was prepared by Indian Home Ministry in consultation with investigating agencies and included the name of Wazhur Qamar Khan, who was wanted for his alleged role in bombing of trains in Mumbai in 2003. But Wazhur has since been found in living in the outskirt of Mumbai where he is out on bail after being arrested by local police over his alleged role in the blast. Indian Home Secretary GK Pillai giving his interview on the ND TV News channel on 17 May acknowledged the blunder. He stated, ‘The Ministry takes responsibility for mistakenly including the name of Wazhur’. ‘We deeply regret the blunder of including his name in the most wanted list and a probe has been ordered’.

After Wazhur, another most-wanted fugitive Feroz Abdul Khan, supposed to be hiding in Pakistan has been traced in India . He lives in Thane and is currently in Mumbai’s Arthur Road Jail; allegedly involved in 1993 Mumbai blasts, awaiting trial. Presence of two so-called fugitives in India has put egg on the face of Indian leadership. It so perplexed and mortified that it doesn’t know how to hide its embarrassment. It is sheer incompetence or criminal negligence or speaks of its mala fide intentions.

This is not the first time that its falsehood has been exposed. After every crime it commits, India never owns it up and puts up an innocent face and blames Pakistan . It is for the first time that India hastened to tender an apology after it learnt that Wazhur was present in India . When the second fugitive Feroz was also located in India , it was left with no choice but to shamefacedly withdraw its most-wanted list since sooner than later all other wanted Indians would also be traced inside India . This imperial goof-up has laid bare India ’s willful state policy of deceit and lies.

India resorts to lies and deceits as a policy to let down its neighbors but always gets away with its crimes. It had been willfully blaming ISI for 1993 serial bombings in Mumbai, terrorist act on Indian Parliament in 2001, terrorist acts in Malegaon (2006, 2008); Samjhota Train, Dargah in Ajmer Sharif, Mecca mosque in Hyderabad in 2007, Mumbai attacks in 2008 and German Bakery in Pune. Ultimately it was confessed by Hindu RSS leader Aseemanand in January 2011 that most of these terror attacks were carried out by him and Hindu extremist groups in connivance with Indian Army officers to target Indian Muslims. RAW in collusion with Mossad and CIA had made up Mumbai drama to kill investigation officer Hemant Karkare who was all set to unveil the big racket of terrorism of Hindu terrorist groups in cahoots with Indian military officers’, and also to implicate Pakistan by blaming Lashkar-e-Taiba. India needs to apologize to all its neighbors specially Pakistan which it has brutalized with impunity.
I am sure you have not even read the full article, otherwise the half fizz remaining in you would have gone too. Look what is written about Pakistan.
Guys let it be.. These threads are a steam let out for some Pakistani friends who seek comfort in the fact that if they are facing daily bomb blasts and terror strikes (mostly of their own making), things are not all well in India too. As they say, misery loves company.. On humanitarian grounds, i implore you to let such rants go unchallenged..
1) Somalia - Holding the title as one of the most dangerous countries in the world for decades, Somalia descended into chaos and anarchy in 1991 when rebel groups removed their dictatorship like government. Ever since, no one has had any control over the population and several clans each struggle to gain power in violent confrontations. At one point, Mogadishu was so dangerous that for many years the Somali president could not even stay in the city, and instead 'ruled' from neighboring Kenya. Tribal wars take place in the capital on a daily basis, while hostage taking and murders are also very common. At the end of 2006, Ethiopian troops entered Somalia and took the capital which led to the worst fighting seen in 15 years Anti-American sentiment is especially high in Mogadishu, so any American who is taken hostage is all but guaranteed to die. However, it really does not matter where you're from as most militants here have no sympathy for their own citizens much less for any other nationality. Aid workers and journalists have been killed from all nations, and many times for apparently no reason. Anyone crazy enough to travel to Somalia is very likely to be targeted by extremists or criminals who know that they will face no consequences for their actions.

2) Afghanistan - With the past few decades of Afghanistan's history filled with nothing but war, it's not surprising that this country is one of the most dangerous in the world. Though the extremists certainly lost their stronghold on the entire country, remnants of the Taliban as well as other terrorists groups like Al Qaeda still operate in all parts of Afghanistan. Suicide bombings, hostage takings and other terrorist attacks are frequent in the capital, especially in the southern and eastern parts of the country. Like Iraq, no one from any religion, race or country is immune to becoming a victim of kidnapping or violence in the country. Travelers will be targeted by Taliban and Al Qaeda militants as well as hard core criminals seeking financial gain or to make political statements. Any traveler who is unfortunate enough to be captured by any of these groups is likely to face a terrible death.

3) Iraq - Naturally lots of people point to Iraq as one of the most dangerous countries in the world to travel to. I was careful I didn't choose this country simply because it's all over the media, but because it is as dangerous as they say. Iraq actually was a relatively safe place to visit before, but after the U.S. invasion the country is now one of the most dangerous. Iraq earned its name on the list because no matter what religion, race, or country you are from, someone would like to see you dead. Several terrorist groups and militias plant bombs in markets and along the road sides and frequently take hostages and murder them. Usually you hear about a westerner being taken hostage and beheaded in Iraq, but the Iraqis themselves have it much worse. Hundreds of foreigners have been taken hostage, but for each westerner you hear about probably a dozen more Iraqis where taken as well. It's not uncommon for police to discover dozens of Iraqi bodies at a time in a mass grave, usually showing signs of torture until they were finally killed. The people doing the hostage taking and killing are actually extremely organized and efficient at what they do, so as a traveler you'll have a hard time keeping a low profile and outsmarting your enemies.

4) Yemen - While the western world sees the Yemeni government as a friend and ally in the fight against terror, several tribes and organizations in the country are unhappy with their government. Grievances range from being sympathetic to terrorist groups like Al Qaeda or taking up arms and fighting the government for succession. Making the situation even more difficult, Yemen has one of the highest numbers in the world for having firearms readily available; which means nearly all tribes and a significant part of the population are armed and ready to go. While most car bombs are reserved for military and political targets, some terrorists where happy to make an exception when they drove one into a group of tourists from Spain who were traveling in a convoy killing all 7 tourists. With no western military or significant NGO presence in Yemen, travelers visiting this country will be getting all the unwanted attention from secessionists and terrorists.

5) Central African Republic - The Central African Republic formed a transitional government in 2003 after the previous government had been overthrown through a military coup. The country remains very unstable and for the most part the entire nation is lawless. Central African republic is no second Somalia, but rebels and rogue troops that are located in all parts of the country often are known for ruthless tactics such as burning villages to the ground, setting up fake road blocks, highway banditry and other acts of violence. Military skirmishes occur very frequently while thousands of rebels attempt to take the capital. In the Central African Republic, traveling without security is actually said to be safer because armed escorts are almost always attacked on rural roads outside the capital. One group of westerners traveled with the military only to drive into a firestorm of bullets when rebels unloaded on their convoy killing them along with their escorts. Unlike Iraq and Afghanistan, the Central African Republic has virtually no international presence or even attention for that matter. Any traveler who ventures deep into the country will be entering a no man's land where very few foreigners have ever traveled. The chance of returning back home safe and unharmed is slim to none.

6) Pakistan - Going down the list, the countries are still extremely dangerous places to visit but the risks are starting to get less severe. Travel in Pakistan's tribal region along the Afghanistan border is likely to be more dangerous than travel in the worst parts Afghanistan itself. The same situation applies as in Afghanistan just that the Pakistan government has little presence or influence in it's border region letting militants operate freely and usually with the support of the local population. The rest of the country is still plagued by major bombings that have been known to kill people by the hundreds, kidnappings of both Pakistanis and foreigners and other acts of violent crime. Though violence occurs in all parts of the country, the risks are significantly lower in the south and east than the Afghan border.

7) Congo DR - War in the Congo has killed several million people, some directly but most from side effects such as disease and starvation as they were forced from their homes. The main battles of the war were thought to have been over, but even then the chaos in the country never settled. In October 2008 rebel forces overtook several villages and cities in the eastern part of the country forcing hundreds of thousands to flee. The eastern part of the country represents only one danger zone. Congo is surrounded by several other dangerous countries such as Central African Republic, Sudan, Burundi, Angola and Uganda. Many of those other country's militia's take advantage of the rural and lawless areas of Congo by taking refuge there. Some examples are the militia's responsible of Rwanda's genocide fleeing to Congo, as well as armed groups and refugees from Sudan, CAR, and Uganda. The resulting melting pot of militia's from several African tribes and nations has only made the situation more complicated. Travelers to the vast nation face the dangers of corrupt government officials and violent criminals in the west, and the danger of running into militia's and rebel armies in the east.

8) Palestine - The never ending feud between Palestine and Israel has led this tiny nation to be one of the most dangerous fortravelers. Militants from Palestine often launch attacks into Israel who usually respond back to the Palestinians with excessive airstrikes; both of these attacks normally create high civilian casualties. Western journalist are often kidnapped while in the Gaza Strip orWest Bank, but at least their chances of being murdered by their captors is far less than those who are kidnapped in Iraq orAfghanistan. The conflict here has seen relative periods of calm and then sudden dramatic escalations of violence between the twocountries, making any short term decreases in violence completely irrelevant. Travelers to Palestine face the problem of kidnappings,being murdered by religious extremists, or the possibility of becoming another civilian casualty from either side of the war.

9) Haiti - The western hemisphere's only real hot spot, Haiti has been in a situation similar to Somalia and Central African Republic for over a decade. Haiti was lucky enough to have its main violence coming not from powerful Islamic militants like Somalia or from experienced and heavily armed rebels armies surrounding its capital like in Central African Republic, but instead from smaller gangs, drug dealers, and other criminals. As the poorest country on this side of the earth, many have turned to violence and crime in these desperate times as a way to make ends meet. A large percentage of illegal drugs from South America is passed through the drug lords based in Haiti on its way to United States and Canada. Kidnapping of all races and nationalities is very common in Haiti as well as armed robbery and for some unfortunate victims murder Travelers in Haiti are at risk of being targeted by criminal elements, many who believe there isn't much morally wrong intaking something from a rich westerner. Home break ins, car jacking, or fake road blocks set up by gangs are likely traps a traveler willrun into, and most of the criminals will never hesitate to use violence and deadly force.

10) Sudan - Most people are aware of the atrocities committed in the Darfur area of western Sudan. In the west groups such as the Janjaweed roam the country and murder other races freely, while in other parts of the country are groups such as the Lord Resistance Army which was responsible for killing several international aid workers. Lawlessness and banditry are also common in the entire country. The capital was considered to be a 'green zone' in Sudan and was considered safe until 1600 rebels from the Darfur region made a bold attempt to enter in May 2008. Even approaching the Sudanese border proved dangerous to 11 European tourists in Egypt who were kidnapped by an armed group and immediately driven into Sudan. Anyone taking a vacation to Sudan puts themselves in risks of being a victim of terrorism, violent crime, or caught in between crossfire of the genocide or attacks by militias
The full extent of India's 'gendercide'
The full extent of India's 'gendercide' - Asia, World - The Independent

Who wants to live in India when Gendercide and Caste System are fully supported by the majority of the Indian population ?

but you live in pakistan because it is perfect

Pakistan Christian Post

Mukhtaran Bibi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

at least we indians know what is going on in our country and we are fighting to stop it...
what about you guys who are just busy comparing yourselves with India?
pakistan is most peaceful and he(ll)aven to live. no drone attacks , no suicide bomb attack, no militant attack. such a peaceful country to live. oh god y cant dis ppl think abt dem selves before pointing on others
Pakistan fares worse than India with a rank of 146 on the GPI, thanks largely to the easy access to small weapons in the country coupled with high levels of internal conflict and terrorism.
OMG this is from the same article :rofl: :rofl:
how obsessive someone can be to see India in an article and their own country's name later :rofl: :rofl:
you guys are the BESt :rofl:
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