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Increased Crimes Rate Against Children & Women in India


Sep 24, 2010
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National Crime Records Bureau India: http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2011/cii-2011/table5.htm
India ranked at 113 in The Global Gender Gap Index 2011 report. India is the lowest ranked of the BRIC economies featured in the Index; it performs above average on the political empowerment of women but lags behind in the other three categories. The persistent health, education and economic participation gaps will be detrimental to India’s growth.


Fastest growing crime in the country

NEW DELHI: Rape is a notoriously under-reported crime, thanks to its social stigma and because the culprits in most of the cases are known to the victim. Yet, of all the major crimes, the incidence of rape has registered the highest growth in the country in the last four
If there's one big issue raised by Nirbhaya's tragedy it is the high incidence of rape and a low conviction rate for the crime, often caused by a long-winded and lethargic legal process. So, while the current focus is on protests against the Munirka bus rape, we can't move our attention from the really big issue arising from it - how to curb the incidence of rape in the country.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the number of rape cases registered in India increased by a startling 873.3 %, from 2,487 in 1971 to 24,206 in 2011. In comparison, the murder cases increased by 250% over an even longer period, six decades, starting from 1953 to 2011.
Symptomatic of the traditional neglect suffered by rape is the absence of statistics for the crime in the '50s and '60s. NCRB started collecting data on rape only since 1971. This is despite the fact that the conviction rape for rape at the national level is lower than the average of 11 "violent crimes" (28%). While the conviction rate for murder in 2011 was 38.5%, it was substantially lower at 26.4% for rape in the same year.
Since delays are one of the main factors affecting the conviction rate, the appointment of five fast-track courts for rape cases in Delhi, in the wake of the public outrage over the gang rape in a bus, is a long overdue measure. Such priority treatment is required to be given in the rest of the country too, although equally serious crimes against women in outlying areas typically get less media attention.
Delhi has earned the odium of the "rape capital" with an incidence of 572 rape cases in 2011. But in the same year, it is Madhya Pradesh that reported the highest number of cases for rape (3,406), molestation (6,665) and importation of girls (45) accounting for 14.1%, 15.5% and 56.3% of the respective national totals.
And when it comes to sexual harassment or "eve-teasing", Andhra Pradesh reported 3,658 cases, accounting for 42.7% of the total number booked in the country. Uttar Pradesh has the dubious distinction of topping the states in dowry deaths as its 2,322 cases accounted for 26.9% of the national tally.
After Madhya Pradesh (3,406), the states that reported the highest incidence of rape cases in 2011 are West Bengal (2,363), Uttar Pradesh (2,042), Rajasthan (1,800), Maharashtra (1,701), Assam (1,700) and Andhra Pradesh (1,442).
In keeping with a long-established pattern, offenders were known to the victims in 92.9% of the rape cases booked across the country (22,549 out of 24,270).
Among the 53 mega cities surveyed by NCRB for all crimes against women including rape, Delhi accounted for 13.3% (4,489) followed by Bengaluru 5.6% (1,890) and Hyderabad 5.5% (1,860).

Rape fastest growing crime in the country - Times Of India
Baray aai stats kay baray mein baat kernay walay...no one talking here?!




National Crime Records Bureau India: http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2011/cii-2011/table5.htm

This looks like old news.

The 2012 Global Gender Index ranks India at 105 and not 113. Pakistan is ranked at 134 out of 135 countries.

This is indeed a major problem for India that needs to be tackled.


Check page 7 of the report.




National Crime Records Bureau India: http://ncrb.nic.in/CD-CII2011/cii-2011/table5.htm

This looks like old news.

The 2012 Global Gender Index ranks India at 105 and not 113. Pakistan is ranked at 134 out of 135 countries.

This is indeed a major problem for India that needs to be tackled.


Check page 7 of the report.

So india did improvement in 2012 in comparison of 2011......good...:tup:

I have taken data from 2011 report....you can check it by your own....

Those statistic are based on # of rapes reported.
India has only 1 out of 7 rapes reported.
Thats why its place is so low.
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Any Indians can explain the reason behind it ? It is not common the criminal rate increase annually since India got a good economy. Something wrong happend ?
What a bunch of animals, preying on the weak and vulnerable.
Rape reporting has indeed increased a lot over the years thanks to media scrutiny and general increase in awareness. don't worry India will never deny these issues and evade them unlike...

I hope the Pakistani mods close this thread as well the way they closed the Pakistan rape related threads.Nah :lol:
@nick_indian this is talking about CRIME rate unless you are having a breakdown and reading it as rape...
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OMG a crime thread ALSO turned to rape thread?! :blink: Mods @nick_indian seems to be obsessed by rapes.....I am concerned regarding what trauma he went through! :angel:
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Any Indians can explain the reason behind it ? It is not common the criminal rate increase annually since India got a good economy. Something wrong happend ?
the reason behind RAPES or criminals in india??
i guess enuf have been discussed in that matter..for me to add anything.
and u dont get the point how criminal rate should decrease with increase in economy unless u take strong measures
Indeed this is a shame for the country but a lot is bring done to overcome this specially by the civil society

dear its good to know that Indian government and society are doing their part to curb this evil....but my dear what are the results.....before to reply dear pls note every other society make its effort to control the crime rate......but to associate certain crimes to certain nationality......society, ethnicity or religion.......indicates the non seriousness of critics.....

Data could be Interpret.....according to the wishes of the reader......I can give you a hint.....with all that official data...which I quoted in this thread could be used for shining India campaign in positive manner and nobody could challenge that...... :D
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