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In the mean time: China-India border trade booms

Apr 19, 2012
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China-India border trade in Renqinggang market in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region posted a 23.3 percent rise in 2013, local authorities said Wednesday.

Renqinggang saw trade volume reach 86.8 million yuan (about 14.3 million US dollars), about 54 times that when the post reopened in 2006, a spokesman with the region's commercial department said.

Imports totaled 72.4 million yuan while exports were a mere 14.5 million yuan, official statistics suggests.

The Yadong customs was set up in May 1962, but was closed in October in the same year. China and India restarted border trade on July 6, 2006 through the Nathu La Pass, which sits 4,545 meters above sea level and is wedged between Yadong County of Tibet's Xigaze Prefecture and India's Sikkim State.

They also opened two border trade markets - Renqinggang market in Yadong and Changgu mart in Sikkim. The Renqinggang market opened on May 1 and was closed on Nov. 30, this year.

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Nathu La Pass the only trading hub.
The Yadong custom was set up 100 years ago as I know.
The trading hub at Nathula Pass, India......








China first has to remove the stapled visas for Arunachal Pradesh citizens, other wise Trade exports from china will be blocked in the near future.
Need to boost the trade manifold.
My fault.The Yadong custom was closed in 1913 which 100 years ago as I know.
19世纪和20世纪初,是大英帝国的全盛时期。由于对印度这一“英王皇冠上最亮的明珠”和英国“食品篮”的高度重 视,确保英国能在南亚次大陆长期稳定地榨取最大限度的经济利益,根据印度的地理特点和周边环境,英国的战略家们逐步提出了所谓“拱卫印度安全”的“三个缓 冲区、两个同心圆和一个内湖”的战略思想。 “英国管理下的西藏”,便是这三个缓冲区之一。从这一战略构思出发,英国对西藏进行侵略就成为了必然。
英殖民帝国侵略西藏是从侵略锡金开始的。1830年英殖民当局以调解锡尼关系为名,实际控制了藏印交通要道,为英军 殖民锡金,并进一步入侵西藏奠定了基础。1860年,英法联军进攻北京,英殖民当局趁机进兵锡金,强迫签订英锡条约,其中包括“要与西藏谋互市之便”妄图 通过贸易逐步渗入西藏。
1865年,英国把不丹也纳入英国殖民势力的范围。虎视眈眈的英军已经距西藏咫尺之遥。沙俄此时正在为实现南下印度 洋战略积极活动,侵略矛头也直指我国西北、西南地区。沙俄的举动对英国侵略西藏的野心构成了一定威胁。正找事端入侵西藏的英国人以“马嘉理事件”为由,给 清政府施加强大压力。1876年9月13日,李鸿章被迫与英国公使威妥玛签订了《烟台条约》和《入藏探路专条》。除“赔款”“谢罪”外,还允许英国人开辟 印藏交通。
与此同时,英殖民者在锡金储备物资、增调军队,加紧进行侵藏战争准备。此后,英军故意制造边界纠纷,1887年末, 英国以西藏地方政府在龙土设卡“破坏通商”为名向清政府提出抗议,要求藏兵撤出龙土。腐朽无能的清政府不顾国家领导主权,向英屈服,强令西藏地方政府撤出 龙土驻兵。但西藏地方政府坚决抑制,不肯撤出,并积极准备阻挡英军入侵。1888年3月19日,英军第一次侵藏战争爆发。战争初期,藏军英勇作战,对入侵 英军形成了有效阻击。清政府惧怕藏边发生战事,将支持抗英的驻藏大臣文硕革职,任命听话主和的升泰为新的驻藏帮办大臣,并派英国人赫德之弟赫政充任其助 手。但西藏噶厦地方政府仍然调兵遣将,下令僧俗民众1万多人开赴前线,在6月至10月间同入侵英军数次作战,力图收回隆吐山。升泰到藏后,完全执行清政府 妥协让步路线,下令藏军待命帕里,不许反击英军。在此情况下,藏军虽然拼死抵抗,但最终未能阻当英军进攻,英军先后攻陷则里拉、亚东、朗热等地。至此,英 国第一次侵藏战争结束。
1890年3月17日,升泰经亚东前往加尔各答,与英印政府总督兰斯顿正式签订了《中英藏印条约》。之后,英政府又 于1893年12月5日在印大吉领迫使清政府签定了《中英藏印续约》。《续约》规定自1894年5月1日起开放西藏亚东为通商地点,自亚东在开关之日 起,5年内藏印贸易互不收税。自此亚东被开为商埠,清政府在此设立了西藏第一个海关(另有自1888年英军侵藏后亚东就成为商埠的说法)。尽管在《续约》 中规定,亚东开市5年后开始征收关税,但是清政府的这个海关却从未履行过征收关税的职责。随着满清王朝的覆灭,1913年,亚东海关彻底关闭。从此,英国 侵略势力伸进了西藏。
自亚东成被辟为商埠后,边贸日益增大,商号也越来越多,市场愈加繁荣,亚东逐渐成为西藏重要物资进口中心,20世纪 初,这里的交易额最高时达到上亿银元,占当时中印边境贸易总额的八成以上。1947年印度独立后,乃堆拉山口的双边贸易飞速发展。10年后,就有超过 1000头骡子和700多人每天往返在这条道路上。那时,印度主要进口羊毛、动物皮革、牦牛尾巴等货品,出口衣物、烟草、肥皂、劳力士手表甚至是分解的汽 车,他们由此换回成袋的中国银币。下司马镇又有“小香港”的美誉也由此而来。

My fault.The Yadong custom was closed in 1913 which 100 years ago as I know.
19世纪和20世纪初,是大英帝国的全盛时期。由于对印度这一“英王皇冠上最亮的明珠”和英国“食品篮”的高度重 视,确保英国能在南亚次大陆长期稳定地榨取最大限度的经济利益,根据印度的地理特点和周边环境,英国的战略家们逐步提出了所谓“拱卫印度安全”的“三个缓 冲区、两个同心圆和一个内湖”的战略思想。 “英国管理下的西藏”,便是这三个缓冲区之一。从这一战略构思出发,英国对西藏进行侵略就成为了必然。
英殖民帝国侵略西藏是从侵略锡金开始的。1830年英殖民当局以调解锡尼关系为名,实际控制了藏印交通要道,为英军 殖民锡金,并进一步入侵西藏奠定了基础。1860年,英法联军进攻北京,英殖民当局趁机进兵锡金,强迫签订英锡条约,其中包括“要与西藏谋互市之便”妄图 通过贸易逐步渗入西藏。
1865年,英国把不丹也纳入英国殖民势力的范围。虎视眈眈的英军已经距西藏咫尺之遥。沙俄此时正在为实现南下印度 洋战略积极活动,侵略矛头也直指我国西北、西南地区。沙俄的举动对英国侵略西藏的野心构成了一定威胁。正找事端入侵西藏的英国人以“马嘉理事件”为由,给 清政府施加强大压力。1876年9月13日,李鸿章被迫与英国公使威妥玛签订了《烟台条约》和《入藏探路专条》。除“赔款”“谢罪”外,还允许英国人开辟 印藏交通。
与此同时,英殖民者在锡金储备物资、增调军队,加紧进行侵藏战争准备。此后,英军故意制造边界纠纷,1887年末, 英国以西藏地方政府在龙土设卡“破坏通商”为名向清政府提出抗议,要求藏兵撤出龙土。腐朽无能的清政府不顾国家领导主权,向英屈服,强令西藏地方政府撤出 龙土驻兵。但西藏地方政府坚决抑制,不肯撤出,并积极准备阻挡英军入侵。1888年3月19日,英军第一次侵藏战争爆发。战争初期,藏军英勇作战,对入侵 英军形成了有效阻击。清政府惧怕藏边发生战事,将支持抗英的驻藏大臣文硕革职,任命听话主和的升泰为新的驻藏帮办大臣,并派英国人赫德之弟赫政充任其助 手。但西藏噶厦地方政府仍然调兵遣将,下令僧俗民众1万多人开赴前线,在6月至10月间同入侵英军数次作战,力图收回隆吐山。升泰到藏后,完全执行清政府 妥协让步路线,下令藏军待命帕里,不许反击英军。在此情况下,藏军虽然拼死抵抗,但最终未能阻当英军进攻,英军先后攻陷则里拉、亚东、朗热等地。至此,英 国第一次侵藏战争结束。
1890年3月17日,升泰经亚东前往加尔各答,与英印政府总督兰斯顿正式签订了《中英藏印条约》。之后,英政府又 于1893年12月5日在印大吉领迫使清政府签定了《中英藏印续约》。《续约》规定自1894年5月1日起开放西藏亚东为通商地点,自亚东在开关之日 起,5年内藏印贸易互不收税。自此亚东被开为商埠,清政府在此设立了西藏第一个海关(另有自1888年英军侵藏后亚东就成为商埠的说法)。尽管在《续约》 中规定,亚东开市5年后开始征收关税,但是清政府的这个海关却从未履行过征收关税的职责。随着满清王朝的覆灭,1913年,亚东海关彻底关闭。从此,英国 侵略势力伸进了西藏。
自亚东成被辟为商埠后,边贸日益增大,商号也越来越多,市场愈加繁荣,亚东逐渐成为西藏重要物资进口中心,20世纪 初,这里的交易额最高时达到上亿银元,占当时中印边境贸易总额的八成以上。1947年印度独立后,乃堆拉山口的双边贸易飞速发展。10年后,就有超过 1000头骡子和700多人每天往返在这条道路上。那时,印度主要进口羊毛、动物皮革、牦牛尾巴等货品,出口衣物、烟草、肥皂、劳力士手表甚至是分解的汽 车,他们由此换回成袋的中国银币。下司马镇又有“小香港”的美誉也由此而来。
Can't find any English documents about Yadong customs.
China first has to remove the stapled visas for Arunachal Pradesh citizens, other wise Trade exports from china will be blocked in the near future.
Chinese companies hold 60% of India power equipment market share,so please, we need India $ to feed our workers.
In 1600, the British colonialists founded East India Company in India, engaged in commercial exploitation.In 1757, the British defeated the India Bangladesh, India became a British colony. In 1849, the British conquestthroughout India, India became a British colonial system in East political, economic center and to Asia foraggression and expansion of strategic bases.

In nineteenth Century and early twentieth Century, was the heyday of the British empire. Due to the India this"king bright pearl on the crown of England" and "foodbasket" attaches great importance to ensure the long-term stable, squeezed in the subcontinent to maximize economic benefits, according to the geographicalfeatures of India and the surrounding environment, the British strategists gradually put forward the so-called"protect the security of India" "three buffer, twoconcentric circles and a lake" strategic thinking. "The British under the administration of Tibet", is one of the three buffer. Starting from the strategic conception ofTibet, British aggression have become the inevitable.

The Empire invaded Tibet from the beginning of the invasion of Sikkim. In 1830 the British colonial authoritiesin the name of mediation Seney relationship, the actual control of the Tibet India traffic, as the British colonialSikkim, and laid the foundation for further invasion of Tibet. In 1860, the British and French allied forcesinvaded Beijing, the British colonial authorities took the opportunity to launch Sikkim, forced to sign the Treaty oftin, including "with Tibet's trade is" attempting to tradegradually infiltrated into Tibet.

In 1865, the British to Bhutan is also included in the scope of the British colonial power. Look at fiercely as a tiger does the British have from Tibet zhichizhiyao.Russia is at this time for South India ocean strategyactively, aggression is also directed at the northwest,southwest china. Russia's move ambitions for the Britishinvasion of Tibet constitute a threat. Looking for troubleinvasion of Tibet, the British on the grounds of the "Ma Jiali incident", the Qing government to exert strong pressure. In September 13, 1876, Li Hongzhang was forced to and the British Minister Withoma signed the"Treaty of Yantai" and "Tibet special article". In addition to the "loss" "apology", also allows the British OpenTibetan traffic.

At the same time, the English settlers in Sikkim reserve materials, deployed forces, intensify aggressive warpreparation. Since then, the British deliberately border disputes, at the end of 1887, the British to local government of Tibet in the dragon card "soil damagetrade" in the name of protest to the government of the Qing Dynasty, Tibetan troops withdraw from the Dragonsoil requirements. Corrupt and incompetent Qing government regardless of national leadership to the British sovereign, yield, forcing the local government of Tibet dragon soil withdrawal of troops. But the Tibetlocal government resolutely curb, refused to withdraw,and actively preparing for blocking the British invasion. In March 19, 1888, the British first invasion war against tibet. At the beginning of the war, the Tibetan armyfought bravely, the invasion of the British form efficient.The Qing government fear the Tibetan side in the war,will support the anti British Amban Wen Shuo cashiered,appointed obedient Lord and Sheng Tai for the newresident deputy minister, and sent the Britishgovernment as the brother of Hird Hector the assistant.But the local government had Tibet still deploy forces,ordered the monks and lay people in more than 1 peopleto the front, in June to October with the invasion of the British several operations, to collect back to long spitmountain. Shengtai to hide, full implementation of the Qing government concessions route, ordered the Tibetan troops on standby Parry, no British counterattack. In this case, the Tibetan army althoughdesperate resistance, but eventually failed to stop when the British attacked, British has captured is lira, Ya Dong, Lang heat etc.. So far, Britain's first invasion ofthe end.

In March 17, 1890, Suntime after Ya Dong went to Calcutta, and the British Indian government governor Langston signed a "Sino British treaty" Tibet and india.Later, the British government in December 5, 1893 in theprinting down collar forced the Qing government signed the "contract" in Tibet and india. "Contract" provisionssince May 1, 1894 opening of Tibet Ya Dong tradingplaces, Ya Dong in the switch from the date, 5 yearsTibet India trade without tax. Since Ya Dong wasopened as a commercial port, the Qing government toset up Tibet's first customs (another British invasion Tibet since 1888 after Ya Dong became a commercialversion). Although the regulations in the "contract", Ya Dong opened 5 years after the beginning of tariffs, but the customs of the Qing government but never fulfillduties responsibilities. With the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, in 1913, Ya Dong customs completely shut down. Since then, the British invasion forces into Tibet.

Since Ya Dong was regarded as a commercial port, the border trade is increasing, the firm is also more and more, the market more prosperous, Ya Dong graduallyTibet became an important center of imported materials,at the beginning of twentieth Century, the volume of transactions when the maximum billion dollar, then the India China border trade accounted for more than 80% of the total. After India's independence in 1947, the rapiddevelopment of bilateral trade Nathu la. 10 years later,there are more than 1000 mules and 700 people every day on this road. At that time, India imports of animalleather, wool, yak tail goods, export clothing, tobacco,soap, Rolex watches and even car decomposition, theychange into a bag of China silver. The boss Ma Zhenand the "small Hongkong" of reputation to the.

Since 1962, the Sino Indian border conflict, China and India have rescinded the original border trade marketinstitutions such as customs, Nathu La pass by the armyto guard the border trade channel, barbed wire isolation.
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