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yes lets not bring any other religion here and give a free hand to the trolls.we dont want this to be converted in to a vs thread do we

Sikhims is part of Sanathana Dharma so there is no 'other' religion being brought here. Are you saying it is not ?
Similiar thing happens at our shrines,mosques... apart from "langar" people also donate deegs..

It would be best if religions don't need to serve meals anymore because everyone earns enough to feed their families and themselves.

That's got nothing to do with the religion but the nation those people live in. In South Asia, a lot of people are hungry and poor. I believe two full meals a day are every human's right in this world. If there was no religion, then who would be feeding these poor people?

In our part of the world, religion helps enhance charity. I am not saying this should be the norm, but it is heartening to know that what the state/nation should be providing, is being provided by some other means, in this case by the various religious beliefs.
When I go to Hindu kovils, sometimes they give some milky rice to hand mixing from their hand. yuck. lol actually those meals are belong to god?
it is Tamil/Sinhala culture. have observed Tamils serve food by raw hands *sometimes*.
Unfortunately I'm terrible at cooking. I'm enthusiastic though. :D

I am really interested by this ghee, I'll try to order some pre-made ghee online (for the first time at least) and try eating it with that South Asian style bread, see how it goes.

I have been to Indian restaurants before but I don't remember using ghee on anything.

Ghee would be very nice if you cook rice dishes like fried rice in them. We mainly use Ghee for cooking rice pulav or brushing over roti.
I think only bigger ones have langar..otherwise I feel cheated now. :cry:
I went to a gurdwara in India a few times, and only got sweet dish each time.
If its so yuck why do you go and take that ? ...... it shows either your are greedy or stupid. Which is it ?

Sometimes they give that, it's something like pooja/ god meals etc It is not good thing to refuse so I took but didn't eat it.
When I go to Hindu kovils, sometimes they give some milky rice to hand mixing from their hand. yuck. lol actually those meals are belong to god?
if you don't have respect ,than why you have visited that place , next time try to avoid ,so that you should not feel any ting yuk......lol
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When I go to Hindu kovils, sometimes they give some milky rice to hand mixing from their hand. yuck. lol actually those meals are belong to god?

I don't know what's and how meal is served at Hindu Kovils in Sri Lanka. If you don't like it then refrain yourself from having it. Moreover, don't draw the comparison based on it with meals served at Gurdwaras.
Sometimes they give that, it's something like pooja/ god meals etc It is not good thing to refuse so I took but didn't eat it.

It is worse to refuse prasadam after showing faith by going to a hindu temple. If you do not have faith they why go to a temple ?

It is outright wrong to then throw away food after having accepted it. Especially so when millions of people and kids die of hunger and starvation in this world. Shame on you.
Great organization and discipline exhibited by the devotees and worshippers. I would love to see Pakistanis learn the discipline from the Sikh Brothers. When Pakistanis see food, they usually attack it like they have been hungry for days or weeks.
It is worse to refuse prasadam after showing faith by going to a hindu temple. If you do not have faith they why go to a temple ?

It is outright wrong to then throw away food after having accepted it. Especially so when millions of people and kids die of hunger and starvation in this world. Shame on you.

I have respected to them that's why I didn't refuse it when they gave it to me in the pooja. Throwing it away is another story I don't think anyone have seen it coz I didn't put it in to a bin inside that Kovil. lol He just used his hands which looks dirty, that's why I didn't eat it. It's not a insulting to Hindu religion. how do you judge it that way?
I have respected to them that's why I didn't refuse it when they gave it to me in the pooja. Throwing it away is another story I don't think anyone have seen it coz I didn't put it in to a bin inside that Kovil. lol He just used his hands which looks dirty, that's why I didn't eat it. It's not a insulting to Hindu religion. how do you judge it that way?

It is insulting to Hindu religion because you made that comment on Hindu religious practices. No one is interested in listing to your life story or various experience. Without that reference correlating religion and unhygienic practice you claimed to have witnessed, your post had no value.

People eat prasad / food at a temple as an article of faith. It is the strong belief that god is sharing his food with men and hence whatever is given is eaten without question. That is how people show faith and their trust in god. No one asks for a lab certificate authenticating its hygienic conditions before eating prasadam. You do not have faith, then do no partake in that ritual.

You claim you did not want to offend people by throwing the prasad in the dustbin inside that kovil, where people could see you do that. Yet you show no such respect to Hindus in pdf or globally while mentioning to us that you threw away prasadam.

It just shows the kind of person you are. The kind best avoided by civilized hindus.
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