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Sep 7, 2008
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India’s foreign minister and army chief don’t know what they’re talking about. Bravado aside, this country does kick ***.

Saturday, 17 January 2008.
Ahmed Quraishi-Pakistan/Middle East politics, Iraq war, lebanon war, India Pakistan relations

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pakistan can fire missiles on a ten-minute notice on all the major Indian cities. Part of this capability is the result of geography: the lack of geographic depth also means that it would take less time for Pakistani missiles to enter Indian air space. The launch and travel time is short.

India needs 30 minutes for initial ignition, partially due to the country’s size, response time across the chain of command, and other reasons.

There is also the question of the quality of Pakistani and Indian missiles, the quality of the delivery systems, and the speed with which nuclear weapons can be loaded and launch pad readied.

Pakistan has also not committed itself to no-first use. This means that Pakistan can use nuclear weapons for self defense whenever its chain of command deems the action necessary and not just as a last option. This lack of commitment on the part of Pakistan makes it difficult for Indian warmongers to decide on a ‘limited war’. Indian officials will be signing on a nuclear war the moment they decide on a war, any war.

If war is imposed, Pakistan can successfully fight for four months with its year-to-date ammunition production resources. No doubt, this is one of the highest ratios among nations of similar size and strength. Moreover, very few people talk about Pakistan’s advanced cruise missile program, which India is unable to match. Not yet at least.

Pakistan's missile accuracy is also considered one of the highest. Data from Pakistani missile tests shows that Islamabad has a better test results compared to the data available in public domain on Indian missile tests and the progress of the Indian ballistic missile program.

No matter which way you spin it, one thing is clear: Pakistan is no walk in the part. Just because Pakistan is not out with officials making kooky statements like India’s foreign minister and army chief, it doesn’t mean Pakistan should be taken lightly.

India is running around pulling its hair. Pakistan is confident.

Mr. Jawed Syed can be reached at jawedsyedATmsn.com

You are such a funny man.

Just tell me one thing..

If all you say is correct, then why the hell it is Pakistan who takes all the accusing, always on backfoot and in the defensive mode??

The only reason is, GoP knows the truth.

Why don't you tell all this to Pakistan govt? May be they will get a backbone hearing this.

You are such a funny man.

Just tell me one thing..

If all you say is correct, then why the hell it is Pakistan who takes all the accusing, always on backfoot and in the defensive mode??

The only reason is, GoP knows the truth.

Why don't you tell all this to Pakistan govt? May be they will get a backbone hearing this.

Pakistan is a very sensible country. It does not get into fist pumping, nostrils ripping actions as our neighbour does. Neither it has any policy of showing aggression towards anyone. It's a country with a defensive military policy and responsible character.

This fist pumping, underwear jumping, spraying while talking attitude have caused India a bucket full of shame, while they took the shirt off and got into the field, but before they could say "kut kabbadi", they had to wear the shirt back on. Humiliation, isn't it?

So no, sir, if this is what you call a spinalcord, then you may have three of them, spare us! We are better off as a responsible state. :pakistan:
If all you say is correct, then why the hell it is Pakistan who takes all the accusing, always on backfoot and in the defensive mode??

I suppose you did not hear the words of our real hero Gen. Musharaff "Dare" ?

I thought Indian PM was claiming that Pakistan is involved in war hysteria !

WRAPUP 1-India PM says Pakistan whipping up war hysteria - Reuters Politics - Zimbio

WRAPUP 1-India PM says Pakistan whipping up war hysteria
EmailJan-6-09 11:09am
From: World News, Financial News, Breaking US & International News | Reuters.com
* Indian Prime Minister accuses Pakistan of war hysteria

* Singh says Pakistan agencies must have known of attack

* Washington wants more cooperation between neighbours (Adds details throughout)

By Krittivas Mukherjee

NEW DELHI, Jan 6 (Reuters) - Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Tuesday that Pakistan was whipping up war hysteria, and that the Mumbai attacks must have had support from some of its nuclear-armed neighbour's official agencies.
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