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In a visionary move Turkey launches online system for visa issuance"e-Visa"


Feb 13, 2013
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Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru and THY Chairman Hamdi Topçu shake hands after signing a protocol on a visa issuing system for foreign nationals visiting Turkey. (Photo: Today's Zaman, Mevlüt Karabulut)

In a visionary move Turkey launches e-Visa for foreigners

A new system designed to make the visa application process easier for foreign nationals hoping to travel to Turkey has been launched by the Turkish government.
Speaking to Today's Zaman at his office, Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru stated that the new "e-Visa" system would enable foreign nationals to obtain a Turkish visa online and thereby avoid having to wait in line-ups at Turkish embassies, consulates or at border crossings.

“We have been working on this project for months. With this project, we aim to increase the number of tourists visiting Turkey and also to ease the travel of businesspeople to Turkey. We want to save on time and staff. This project gives us a new vision,” said Koru.

The e-Visa replaces the “sticker visa” and “stamp-type” visas formerly issued at border crossings. Applicants obtain their visa electronically after entering required information and making a payment by credit card online.

“We believe that the people getting visa to enter Turkey will increase with this project. My prediction is that in the upcoming months, Turkey will give 3000 visas per day,” said Koru. Turkey currently approves an average of 400 visas per day.

Koru stated that the project involves the citizens of 94 countries that are required to take visa to enter Turkey.

“This is a project that is of great importance to the people of 94 countries. The process of obtaining visa does not take more than few minutes. Therefore, it is very convenient,” said Koru.

The main advantage of the e-Visa is that it can be obtained easily anywhere there is internet connection and enables the holder to submit application easily.

Koru also added that applicants who hold a US visa or Schengen visa would get the Turkish visa more easily than the other applicants.

“In the last few days, more than 1500 people obtained an e-Visa. We were not expecting this high number. Mostly American and British citizens are applying for visa. We are the first country to launch such a system [that is open to citizens of so many countries. There are a few countries that have this system, but it is limited [to fewer countries]” said Koru.

The launching of the e-visa is expected to provide the following benefits: prevent line-ups in front of the visa desks, at airports, reduce the workload of staff working at airports, save time for staff at Turkish consulates and embassies, provide easier visa facilitation for foreigners that visit Turkey for tourism and business purposes and increase the number of the visitors as well as tourism and foreign trade revenue.

The project was launched with the cooperation of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Turkish Interior Ministry and Turkish Airlines (THY).

The citizens of the 40 Group A countries, such as Canada, US, European Union countries, can travel with any airline company and are provided multiple visa entry.

The citizens of the 54 Group B countries, such as Nigeria, Pakistan and India, are required to travel with Turkish Airlines in order to obtain an e-Visa. These citizens are provided a single visa entry.

“We have a protocol with THY. Within the framework of that protocol, we require the citizens of some countries to travel with THY,” said Koru.

Koru also stated those who hold a US or a Schengen visa are not likely to immigrate to Turkey, but for citizens of certain other countries the situation is different. “For instance, we do not give an e-Visa to the citizens of African countries such as Nigeria and so on. But if a Nigerian citizen holds a US visa or a Schengen visa, it would be possible for that person to obtain an e-Visa,” said Koru.

Koru also maintained that the Turkish government has taken all the necessary precautions to prevent any misuse of the e-Visa system.

Turkish authorities can deny entrance to an e-Visa holder in certain cases. Holders of visas issued by Turkish embassies or consulates are subject to the same procedure too.

Koru said that the standard visa application system will continue at Turkish embassies and consulates until 2014. E-Visa is only valid for tourism or trade purposes.

The e-Visa system can be accessed at www.evisa.gov.tr.

E-Visa will set a good example for the world, says finance minister

Turkish Foreign minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Interior Minister Muammer Güler and Finance Minister Mehmet Şimşek held a press conference at the Foreign Ministry on Wednesday to introduce the e-Visa system to the media.

Speaking at the conference, Şimşek stated that the e-Visa application system will set a good example as it would show the world that the public sector can work effectively and can provide high-quality services.

Şimşek also added that the Turkish Foreign Ministry was a step ahead of the era. “This system is very important for Turkey because we rank sixth in the tourism sector in worldwide. As we continue with out efforts to make the stay of our guests in Turkey comfortable, our country will rise to number one," said Şimşek.

Şimşek also added that the countries that apply visa requirements to Turkish citizens have decreased. “I believe that in a very short period of time many countries will launch the same system to attract tourists from Turkey and will make a lot of effort to do that,” said Şimşek.

Koru also gave a presentation about the e-Visa application. “This project aims to develop tourism and increase foreign trade. Foreigners will be able to obtain a visa 24/7 electronically,” said Koru.

Davutoğlu also called the countries that have visa requirements for Turkey to lift those visa regimes. “Now lift the visa regime that you apply to our citizens. It is the weakness of a state to make people wait in line at embassies or consulates to obtain a visa," said Davutoğlu.

In a visionary move Turkey launches e-Visa for foreigners



Turkey launches online system for visa issuance

24 April 2013 16:18
The e-visa system aims to boost income from trade and tourism


Turkey on Wednesday launched a new online-based visa issuance system for foreign nationals visiting the country for tourism or trade purposes only.

The e-visa system replaces 'sticker' and 'stamp-type' visas formerly issued at the borders, and for the time being it is only available for foreigners arriving in Turkey on flights of the Turkish Airlines (THY), the country's state-owned air carrier, in line with a protocol signed between the government and THY.
"This is a revolutionary practice and there is no other country implementing this system at the scale we are implementing it," Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters during a press conference in Ankara.
It is expected that around 7.5 million visas will be issued annually through the online system and while 600,000 people are still estimated to apply to Turkish consulates and embassies for visa issuance through regular system including applications with work and study purposes.
The online system at "www.evisa.gov.tr" will replace visa issuance at borders entirely within the next 3-4 months.

Turkey launches online system for visa issuance Anadolu Agency
E-Visa is fantastic - The only other country I know of is Cambodia and I used that for my travel - makes life easier - provide credit card information and upload a jpeg pic into the Cambodian consulate website with other information and in 3 days - voila - evisa in an email.

If Turkey does that, it makes life easier for Indians and improve the travel for Indians to Turkey as they do not need to go to Turkish consulate in India for visa stamping.
only 2 minutes and 14 seconds for e-visa

Turkish Abhaber

English translation of the above article.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey's Turkish Airlines (THY) will enter the country with visas to foreign nationals has begun to electronic media, said: "This is an application that the nature of the revolution. Any country that currently do not have this application on this scale, "he said. The European Union "Immediately remove visas" which calls for "Turkey and away from you in the future signing of contemporary practices. After a while you will fossilize can not count on yourself, "he said.

Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Interior and Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek Muammer Guler launched a new "e-visa" Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the conference presentation.

Applied at border crossings, visas, and last week introduced that replaces the electronic visa (e-visa) is an application that contemporary and human dignity Davutoglu said, "This is the nature of revolution in practice. Any country that currently do not have this application on this scale, "he said.

Davutoglu stated that psychological dimensions of e-visa, an application that reflects the state's self-confidence, and everybody from the outside are not as threatened or potential risk factor approach, he said. Obama, "is an approach that transmit the following message to the whole world: I come to my country. My country is a safe country. Adopting an attitude worthy of human dignity as a country of application and you can not wait when it comes to the door of my country. My country is a realm open to everyone, "he said.

Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs stating that the database Davutoglu that the privacy of the information, only these two ministries have access to this information, he said. Davutoglu will reduce the workload of the application and the Consulate General of Turkey in many countries will increase the business volume of Turkish Airlines, Turkey would increase the efficiency of Turkish businessmen to facilitate the arrival of other businessmen in the country, he said.

"All who came from Africa or Asia is the risk" approach instead of pasture, which has certain characteristics, for example, a distinguished scientist, businessman or opinion leaders voicing easily made it possible that Obama can receive a visa, "Everyone who apply to us will win, but the most which will be tourists or businessmen, "he said.


Obama, the Ministry of Interior will begin to implement a new approach to the practice, said: "If you are found to apply for a visa to any country, and that a businessman next to a passport bulunduramıyorsa and therefore unable to apply a second country, they can be given as a second temporary passport. Visa process can be done at the same time for the two countries. This is an outstanding businessmen in terms of convenience, "he said.

Urges EU:

Calling for the European Union "Turkey how he trusts you trust yourself. Now lift the visa regime applied to our citizens. Turkey and away from you in the future signing of contemporary practices. Can not count on yourself after a while you will fossilize. Immediately remove visas, "he said.

Davutoglu said: "But until you remove visas general consulates in Istanbul in front of the images that give it undermines human dignity. At least this kind of application, please e-visa. Bari places where citizens alabilsinler visa. It states, however, the academic life, I still remember the feeling I needed a visa at the time when the doors are kept waiting. Turkish citizen insecurity is reflected in the fact that it more self-distrust. This call for applications to end. "

A state holding the power gösteremeyeceğini queues hundreds of meters, power doors, resting shown in other countries is not something that the citizens voicing Davutoglu, "demonstrated the power of Turkish citizens're not resting on doors. You put that weakness in fact. You put confidence in yourself that you've never heard. Remove visas. Until then, show us this kind of applications that a modern state, "he said.


Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the protocol was signed between the e-visa issue. Protocol with Deputy Foreign Minister Naci Koru signed THY Chairman Hamdi Topcu.

Assistant Secretary of State Preserve, e-visa regime also made a presentation on how it works. Preserve, according to the protocol signed with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the airline companies if they want to come to Turkey no longer a citizen of Turkey, many foreign countries to get visas upon arrival at the airport, rather than the country in which, or in a place with an internet connection by electronic visas in Turkey to be able to login.

95 per cent of visas at airports is given, so that there were backlogs Preserve, e-visa regime that will eliminate it.


Launched on April 17 will be given a visa application electronically foreigner 7.5 million per year. 600 thousand people are expected to continue to receive the visa consulates again. Since the start of the application was given two thousand e-visa. Takes about 2 minutes 14 seconds to obtain a visa in electronic form.

In addition, Turkish Airlines offices abroad here kiosks can also be easily installed and swiping their passports and visas so that the passengers alabilecek.Önümüzdeki considered complete removal of the application for issuing visas at the border in 3-4 months.

Avoid the queues at airports miles of new planning application, the system will come from Asia and Africa due to expected increase in the number of tourists and businessmen.


Completeness of the information requested via e-visas www.evisa.gov.tr ​​address entered and after the approval of applications for download after the online payment. E-visa will be valid only for tourist and business trips. Business visas are required for travel to and for other purposes such as education, again given by the embassies and consulates.

The front has an unconditional right to apply for an e-visa nationals are as follows: United States, Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Indonesia, Armenia, Grenada, South Africa , the Republic of Cyprus, Haiti, Croatia, the Netherlands, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Jamaica, Canada, Qatar, Kuwait, Hungary, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia.

OECD countries in the Schengen visa or a residence permit, or negotiated with, and provided with an airline to travel to benefit from the application of the e-visa nationals include: Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Algeria, Djibouti, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo The Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Iraq, Cameroon, Kenya, Cape Verde, Comoros, Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mexico , Egypt, Moldova, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Pakistan, Rwanda, Sao Torne and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe .
couldn't care less.
what about the turkish citizens themselves? they need visas (and they're not easy to get) to travel to many european countries whereas the europeans can visit with no visa requirements. this is not fair.
krølbååx;4202591 said:
couldn't care less.
what about the turkish citizens themselves? they need visas (and they're not easy to get) to travel to many european countries whereas the europeans can visit with no visa requirements. this is not fair.
Its changing and will further change in our favor,just a bit patience.
Good idea about the e-visa; the rest of the world should also look into this. I am sure all kind of security checks can be done by passport info and if someone can upload a forged .jpg copy of passport then it would not be too hard to find out--passports should be machine readable.

PS. I stayed in Istanbul for a few days in transit as a young student from Karachi to America over two decades ago. Enjoyed it a lot except was sort of robbed in a night-club; pretty traumatic for first time away from home alone. But I never held it against Turkey--touristy places have a few bad spots targeting novices. Istanbul is one of those few big cities in the world where I can live for more than a few days (Vancouver; Karachi are the others). All this is a tale to tell to the forum one day.
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