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Imran Khan: "We can learn a thing or two from Erdogan"


Apr 30, 2012
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He may not be the best person, but he has a lot of characteristics that we can learn from. Same goes with Ahmadinejad.
Sure, as long as they don't take something called progress, then regress further and further into archaic religious law and governing bodies. Would prefer to see Pakistan rise to its full potential for its people. :kiss3:
Wow Imran Khan looks so handsome...
I would be proud if he represented Pakistan at world stage
You can have him. Give me your address, I will package him and send him to you.
Its funny how all "expatriate" turks hate Erodgan while he wins over-whelming vote in mainland Turkey Mashallah! There is a reason that Europe is going down while Turkey is rising...

Erodgan might not be perfect, but he is sincere with his motherland and his people...and thats enough. Turkey used to be a sh!thole of Europe during Army and secular ruling periods..but now, Turkey is rising as a gem of Euro-Asia!

I got this info from one guy who went to Istabul in 2000's and then again in 2011...he was just ASTONISHED on how Turkey has transformed itself! May Allah make Turks progress even further....

I don't understand..Why do some expatriate Turks dislike Erodgan so much? Even though he is taking Turkey in the right direction? Probably they are just brainwashed by West and its terminologies ...hah.
Its funny how all "expatriate" turks hate Erodgan while he wins over-whelming vote in mainland Turkey Mashallah! There is a reason that Europe is going down while Turkey is rising...

Erodgan might not be perfect, but he is sincere with his motherland and his people...and thats enough. Turkey used to be a sh!thole of Europe during Army and secular ruling periods..but now, Turkey is rising as a gem of Euro-Asia!

I got this info from one guy who went to Istabul in 2000's and then again in 2011...he was just ASTONISHED on how Turkey has transformed itself! May Allah make Turks progress even further....

I don't understand..Why do some expatriate Turks dislike Erodgan so much? Even though he is taking Turkey in the right direction? Probably they are just brainwashed by West and its terminologies ...hah.

You would get a real answer but i would get a warning again.
As i told you before,its my country not yours.
We dislike him because he will send our country in your countries direction.
You would get a real answer but i would get a warning again.
As i told you before,its my country not yours.
We dislike him because he will send our country in your countries direction.

So you aren't able to give any answer? lol..expected from you.

If anything, forget about what he "will" do...Look what he "has" done for your country...Please, stay in Holland...You support corrupt secularists who made Turkey sh!thole of Europe? You want that Turkey back? LOL..

Erodgan FTW! I hope he remains in power till 2023 <3
Its funny how all "expatriate" turks hate Erodgan while he wins over-whelming vote in mainland Turkey Mashallah! There is a reason that Europe is going down while Turkey is rising...

Erodgan might not be perfect, but he is sincere with his motherland and his people...and thats enough. Turkey used to be a sh!thole of Europe during Army and secular ruling periods..but now, Turkey is rising as a gem of Euro-Asia!

I got this info from one guy who went to Istabul in 2000's and then again in 2011...he was just ASTONISHED on how Turkey has transformed itself! May Allah make Turks progress even further....

I don't understand..Why do some expatriate Turks dislike Erodgan so much? Even though he is taking Turkey in the right direction? Probably they are just brainwashed by West and its terminologies ...hah.

I think you may be mistaken if you take into account only internet world. The realities in the real life quite different than what you see on the intrrnet.

In each election Erdogan's party AKP gets pretty much more votes of expatriates than all other parties.

But whatever extremists there are no matter ideology, all of them hatred toward Erdogan, his party and staff.

Extreme Turkish and Kurdish nationalsts, extreme secularist, militarist and generals lovers, extreme and marginal leftist groubs, even some extreme islamic groubs and jamaats strictly againist Erdogan.
You would get a real answer but i would get a warning again.
As i told you before,its my country not yours.
We dislike him because he will send our country in your countries direction.

Cmon answer him, people want to know what Turks really think. Just don't use personal insults and you should be fine. :cheers:
You would get a real answer but i would get a warning again.
As i told you before,its my country not yours.
We dislike him because he will send our country in your countries direction.
Yes, that's why you're living in the Netherlands. :lol:
I think you may be mistaken if you take into account only internet world. The realities in the real life quite different than what you see on the intrrnet.

In each election Erdogan's party AKP gets pretty much more votes of expatriates than all other parties.

But whatever extremists there are no matter ideology, all of them hatred toward Erdogan, his party and staff.

Extreme Turkish and Kurdish nationalsts, extreme secularist, militarist and generals lovers, extreme and marginal leftist groubs, even some extreme islamic groubs and jamaats strictly againist Erdogan.

So if one dislike Erdogan and his policies, it automatically makes him extreme? :)

By the way: POLITICS - AKP

Its funny how all "expatriate" turks hate Erodgan while he wins over-whelming vote in mainland Turkey Mashallah! There is a reason that Europe is going down while Turkey is rising...

Erodgan might not be perfect, but he is sincere with his motherland and his people...and thats enough. Turkey used to be a sh!thole of Europe during Army and secular ruling periods..but now, Turkey is rising as a gem of Euro-Asia!

I got this info from one guy who went to Istabul in 2000's and then again in 2011...he was just ASTONISHED on how Turkey has transformed itself! May Allah make Turks progress even further....

I don't understand..Why do some expatriate Turks dislike Erodgan so much? Even though he is taking Turkey in the right direction? Probably they are just brainwashed by West and its terminologies ...hah.

Don't you worry, he has many haters in the mainland as well.
I think you may be mistaken if you take into account only internet world. The realities in the real life quite different than what you see on the intrrnet.

In each election Erdogan's party AKP gets pretty much more votes of expatriates than all other parties.

But whatever extremists there are no matter ideology, all of them hatred toward Erdogan, his party and staff.

Extreme Turkish and Kurdish nationalsts, extreme secularist, militarist and generals lovers, extreme and marginal leftist groubs, even some extreme islamic groubs and jamaats strictly againist Erdogan.

Well in this case, he is definitely the 'one' for Turkey!!!! If all extremists of all different sections hate one guy..just understand that he is definitely doing something right!

Even in Pakistan, Imran Khan is called by the right was "Jewish Agent" while liberal extremists call him "Taliban Khan" ...So now we know that the man must be doing something right to get this kind of treatment from both extremes...lol
Erdo could learn a thing or two from Imran Khan aswell. Like how to be a honest man and not to contradict wih himself in each 11 minutes.

He called Bashar Asad "my brother" and now he wants to whack him. Total stereotypical politician. His attitude shifts from good to bad as the balance of power shifts in the region.

Imran Khan on the other hand is a visionary that i admire, he's a good man THAT I can see in him. I'm sure he can judge what's good and bad in Erdo but if it's guidance he seek(in a positive way) in him then unfortunately he's in the wrong place.
Hope Imran Khan gets a chance this time as one can expect a lot from him to take Pakistan on the path of progress as Erdoan has done.
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