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Imran Khan unacceptable

He also wanted to resettle TTP who killed innocent kids.

The rights of Kashmiris are nothing new for a Pak politician. That's the way to survive in Pak politics.
Pak electoral politics is a joke.
You have a PM on whose watch innocents were massacred in Gujrat, first reconcile with that then come here lecturing us on who is guilty of what...
That's because they are not banana republics like Pakistan is.
Ironically, Pakistan is outdoing Latin American countries in being the banana-est banana republic

You have a PM on whose watch innocents were massacred in Gujrat, first reconcile with that then come here lecturing us on who is guilty of what...
That's putting it mildly.
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Imran Khan values Pakistani lives and that is why he released 100's of TTP prisoners and also resettled them in KPK.
The same TTP who killed 1000's of Pakistani's and played with the heads of our soldiers.
It seems either you or TTP didn't exist before Imran khan came to govt. Nor were peace deals made with them and Swat handed over to them, nor were 1000's of Pakistani's martyred not soldiers' heads played with.

He did not release any TTP infact PA generals on the orders of Bajwa made this plan to create chaos in Pakistan and blame it on IK.
No, you are dead wrong. Imran khan was holding TTP and Ehsanullah Ehsan in his bani gala home and snuck them out the back door with Hazrat Bajwa A.S. noticing this treachery in time to stop it.
All because peerni's pet jinn told her to get this done.

It is more of a local game plan, with US just being engaged to make it workable.
US's blessing is for Pakistan what lemon and coconuts are for gangus.
Don't think Indians are concerned as much about the first one.

On the second point, we are simply two sides of the same coin. As if in India Pakistan is the not the bogeyman every single election cycle.
It is. To a large section. But, I don't think it has any leverage in an election anymore. It's not like you guys will come tomorrow & take away Kashmir. You have tried so many times
even when India was at its weakest and failed and failed so spectacularly.
What we did like is striking back at Pakistani terror, unlike the previous pusillanimous govt. It's clear to you all & us any large-scale terror activity will evoke a strong response from India. That makes us happy.
See as the country gets more literate & crosses the 80% threshold. Bogeyman politics won't work.
We all know the next 5 decades could be ours if we play it well. Our politicians(hopefully) understand this. Our masses understand this. We are not going to waste our time thinking or worrying about Pakistan.
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No, it has nothing to do with Nadeem Anjum. He is just executing on policy that has been decided months ago which is to keep Pakistan's relations with the US intact and potentially grow. This is the position of the establishment and also of those others who are seeing the situation up close in terms of where Pakistan is and heading. PDM are just another bunch of petty tools but they are going along with Pakistan's look westward policy. Even if IK were to come back to the office, the relations with the US will not mend and there in lies the rub. Either IK and the establishment get aligned on this or this cannot move forward with them together.

I am sure both the PTI government along with the establishment evaluated what and how Pakistan could rely on China and KSA etc. for to offset a divorce from the US post their withdrawal from Afghanistan. The calculus clearly brought them to a point where they realized that going cold on our ties with the US would hurt Pakistan in multiple ways. IK made some noise about diversification but none of that landed given the situation with us still living in a unipolar world with a ton of dependencies on the Americans and their alliances. This is the realpolitik of the situation. None of the talk of our "ghairat", "khuddari", "ji hazoori" pays our bills.

So anti-American populism aside, the reality of the situation has hit Pakistan just the same way it hit Turkey, KSA, Egypt etc. that they have no choice but to mend fences with the Americans. They all talked about getting close to Russians/Chinese etc. but none of that has panned out. If anything, the Ukraine war clearly demonstrated how the US had the ability to bring to its knees even the Russian bear's might by choking them from all monetary and trading platforms. So how can Pakistan be an exception in this situation?

This is the conundrum facing the establishment.
I feel so sad..here i thought it was all about those huge foreign assets everyone has built but no..nawwz sharif bajwa and even roa anwar foreign plazas and real estate all are gifted by a foreign pakistanis to them..they obvsiouly didnt do corruption being a grade 17 officer to buy all these properties ..

Youthias are now destroying pakistan by asking silly questions

If you look at china korea japan they all developed by doing malashi of america..none of them developed by working on their economies or corruption issue..

What pakistan need is PDM and good USA relationship may be a few drones victims & few guys handing over as terrorists..not exports or remittences..
Education and manufacturing isnt needed

Whats the proof..last 8 months
I feel so sad..here i thought it was all about those huge foreign assets everyone has built but no..nawwz sharif bajwa and even roa anwar foreign plazas and real estate all are gifted by a foreign pakistanis to them..they obvsiouly didnt do corruption being a grade 17 officer to buy all these properties ..

Youthias are now destroying pakistan by asking silly questions

If you look at china korea japan they all developed by doing malashi of america..none of them developed by working on their economies or corruption issue..

What pakistan need is PDM and good USA relationship may be a few drones victims & few guys handing over as terrorists..not exports or remittences..
Education and manufacturing isnt needed

Whats the proof..last 8 months
I understand the sarcasm and even empathize with some of it.

In your list, besides China, Korea and Japan certainly did maalish of the Amreekis. Billions and billions were spent post WWII in Japan and also in South Korea after the 1951 Korean War. Same kind of aid came our way too but instead of putting that aid to work, we wasted it on short term upsides.
China grew because of the US market access. They had products which the American consumers wanted. Please remind me what we have on offer.

I will never disagree with the need to cut down imports, increase exports, invest in education and manufacturing, however all of these are known to every single government that has come our way. Maybe you will say PTI was better, I agree, they were better but still not good enough. Maybe they needed more time, I agree with that too. But they too were going to IMF...there was no other alternate. So what of PTI's plan was any different except that they were not going to get much help from the IMF?

I understand the urge to keep on bringing up the drones and handing people over. Please remind me which native "Pakistani citizen" was captured by our own intelligence agencies and handed over to the Americans. By Pakistani, I don't mean dual citizens. On the drone attacks, we paid a price because we supported Taliban in our tribal areas. You think our denials were going to stop the Americans from taking action against what they saw as supply routes and bases where Taliban were recuperating? What did you want Pakistan to do? Start a war with the Americans over Taliban in our FATA? Americans were waiting for just such a bait to be taken so they could come in and teach Pakistan a hard lesson for supporting Taliban. So I come back to the pragmatism of the situation. You can appeal all you want to Pakistanis' emotions but that does not remove the hard reality that has faced us all these years.
I understand the sarcasm and even empathize with some of it.

In your list, besides China, Korea and Japan certainly did maalish of the Amreekis. Billions and billions were spent post WWII in Japan and also in South Korea after the 1951 Korean War. Same kind of aid came our way too but instead of putting that aid to work, we wasted it on short term upsides.
China grew because of the US market access. They had products which the American consumers wanted. Please remind me what we have on offer.

I will never disagree with the need to cut down imports, increase exports, invest in education and manufacturing, however all of these are known to every single government that has come our way. Maybe you will say PTI was better, I agree, they were better but still not good enough. Maybe they needed more time, I agree with that too. But they too were going to IMF...there was no other alternate. So what of PTI's plan was any different except that they were not going to get much help from the IMF?

I understand the urge to keep on bringing up the drones and handing people over. Please remind me which native "Pakistani citizen" was captured by our own intelligence agencies and handed over to the Americans. By Pakistani, I don't mean dual citizens. On the drone attacks, we paid a price because we supported Taliban in our tribal areas. You think our denials were going to stop the Americans from taking action against what they saw as supply routes and bases where Taliban were recuperating? What did you want Pakistan to do? Start a war with the Americans over Taliban in our FATA? Americans were waiting for just such a bait to be taken so they could come in and teach Pakistan a hard lesson for supporting Taliban. So I come back to the pragmatism of the situation. You can appeal all you want to Pakistanis' emotions but that does not remove the hard reality that has faced us all these years.
Countries dont develop by being malshi of USA

They develop with skill education and good ethics.

Army has no interest in anything apart from its own "army inc"

This is what 99% of pakistanis think and 100% of other /foreigners think.

Army has lost the war of perception soyou can try all u want it wont work

I am shocked that you dont know how many pakistanis were handed over to usa in gunta bay..like really you dont have google.

Iam also amazed how can you drfend pakistanis killed in drones attack but again we know people of FATA Kp and balpchistan arent pakistanis to some people
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i have a feeling this guy is being instructed to say these things by colonial sepoys or foreing agencies

he was even claiming to want to bomb Sweden and France

just think about it, first they remove democratic khan, they install pDm, they start kidnapping and arresting political opponents, blast in peshawar and TTP returns with a shit excuses, while every ethnicity is fighting and arguing: AND NOW people are saying extremist things about nukes

Did Khan's presence in government feel threatening for certain powers about the potential risk pakistan poses to them?

Is this not engineered for the sole purpose of destroying pakistan??

@Areesh @AlKardai @Bleek @Signalian @villageidiot @epebble @akramishaqkhan @Menace2Society @ghazi52 @blain2 @Abid123 @Clutch @ThunderCat @Ali_14 @Khan_patriot @TNT
@ziaulislam @SaadH this post of mine makes even more sense after reading the thread title
Please remind me which native "Pakistani citizen" was captured by our own intelligence agencies and handed over to the Americans.

Some examples here Sir:

(I won't even mention Aafia Siddiqui.)
I understand the sarcasm and even empathize with some of it.

In your list, besides China, Korea and Japan certainly did maalish of the Amreekis. Billions and billions were spent post WWII in Japan and also in South Korea after the 1951 Korean War. Same kind of aid came our way too but instead of putting that aid to work, we wasted it on short term upsides.
China grew because of the US market access. They had products which the American consumers wanted. Please remind me what we have on offer.

I will never disagree with the need to cut down imports, increase exports, invest in education and manufacturing, however all of these are known to every single government that has come our way. Maybe you will say PTI was better, I agree, they were better but still not good enough. Maybe they needed more time, I agree with that too. But they too were going to IMF...there was no other alternate. So what of PTI's plan was any different except that they were not going to get much help from the IMF?

I understand the urge to keep on bringing up the drones and handing people over. Please remind me which native "Pakistani citizen" was captured by our own intelligence agencies and handed over to the Americans. By Pakistani, I don't mean dual citizens. On the drone attacks, we paid a price because we supported Taliban in our tribal areas. You think our denials were going to stop the Americans from taking action against what they saw as supply routes and bases where Taliban were recuperating? What did you want Pakistan to do? Start a war with the Americans over Taliban in our FATA? Americans were waiting for just such a bait to be taken so they could come in and teach Pakistan a hard lesson for supporting Taliban. So I come back to the pragmatism of the situation. You can appeal all you want to Pakistanis' emotions but that does not remove the hard reality that has faced us all these years.
Hard reality is we never acted as a nation. Some people sold other people.
Be it shahbaz sharif asking thr taliban to slectively bomb KP or be it your army chiefs
Now Imf wants imran khan guranttee for bailout
Musharraf to bajwa are put on trial for kidnapping and killing pakistanis ...pakistan will never develp..

Asma jahangeer thought lets begoned be begones but seems that hasnt worked
So let's take a break from these useless "khuddari" lessons here as if you are the only aggrieved party here. We collectively brought Pakistan to this point. Own up!

Qaum e youth has F all to do with the Establishments shenanigans.

You own up.
Countries dont develop by being malshi of USA

They develop with skill education and good ethics.

Army has no interest in anything apart from its own "army inc"

This is what 99% of pakistanis think and 100% of other /foreigners think.

Army has lost the war of perception soyou can try all u want it wont work

I am shocked that you dont know how many pakistanis were handed over to usa in gunta bay..like really you dont have google.

Iam also amazed how can you drfend pakistanis killed in drones attack but again we know people of FATA Kp and balpchistan arent pakistanis to some people
I have Google access just the same as you. Please dig in and let me know how many "Pakistan-only" nationality citizens were handed over by "our" own intelligence agencies to the amreekis.

Second, nobody is arguing against education, skills and ethics. You and PTI cannot claim to be the only ones wanting that for Pakistan. Any mohib-e-watan Pakistani and 100% of the army, military, establishment wants that for Pakistan.

Third, let's not resort to this "how can you defend" tactic. I am stating facts for which you (and for that matter even IK) has no answer. You all start with "this was not our war" and "drone attacks" and finish there. Nobody ever bought that narrative. Explain, FGS, what options were with Pakistan to fend off American drone attacks when we were supporting Taliban? We needed Taliban to win over Northern Alliance. We paid a cost for it. Do you think we were going to get away with our support of the Taliban without having to pay a price?

Also, please don't give me this "FATA/KP/Bolochistan aren't Pakistanis" blackmail line. I have lived my life all over Pakistan with Pakistanis of all color and I care for them all the same. Part of being in the army circle was there was never a distinction/consideration for who was Punjabi, Pathan, Mohajir, Sindhi etc. etc. I never took any pleasure in Pakistan's sovereignty being breached by the drone attacks but also understood what the long term state strategy was despite taking the damage.

Some examples here Sir:

(I won't even mention Aafia Siddiqui.)
Ok, in both cases, close proximity to Al-Qaida was the reason but agreed that exceptions exist. Where does the narrative of "hundreds" of Pakistanis arrested and handed over to the US and millions upon millions paid in ransom come from?

Aafia Siddique was arrested inside of Afghanistan after marrying and traveling to the country with an Al-Qaida man. Am I wrong?
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