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Imran Khan says Pakistan was 'humiliated' over Osama bin Laden, and his kil

A dead OB1 serves the cause of an uncivilized police state. Ask no questions.

A live OB1 can always be executed after a short show trial, in order to show Al Qaeda in its true colours.

It is like the arrest and trial of John Dendamjuk, a Nazi that killed tens of thousands we're told.

Should he have been shot on site? I don't think so. All the grisly details of his mass murders can come out straight from the horses mouth. And anyway he can be executed and then dumped in the sea. That is accountability and punishment. Not going round killing people and disposing of the bodies as quickly as possible.

Justice is paramount.
Is it your affiliation with a certain party that is encouraging you to denounce him just for the sake of it? As far as I remember, every political party excluding PPP and MQM have said that the raid was humiliating. And if you had read the article before opening your mouth, you would have found out that he has criticized the army equally if not more for not knowing that OBL was residing in Abbotabad and their incompetence for not detecting US helicopters. Seriously you MQM supporters need to get a life!

like leader like supporters .. you are either thick or plain ignorant , having not fully read the opening thread yet you reply to my remarks in very strong words leaves with no choice but too have above opinion . You are here blindly supporting hipocrat khan "" here is a quote from the article find me in the opening thread where he critisized the army equally or any where close to that.

Mr Khan added that the national humiliation was complete "because it is perceived abroad that the government was playing a double game, that they were hiding him".So I asked him if he believed that the Pakistan army really was hosting bin Laden in his safe house in Abottabad. Imran said he found this very hard to believe.

And lastly just to clarify I support who does good for pakistan ...i dont give a rats ar$e if its mqm ,ppp ,pml ,anp or pti , And NO i am not affiliated with MQM ... give me a reason with a PDF link how did you reached to that conclusion !!! get out of your box and start thinking in broader terms please.
Mr Khan added that the national humiliation was complete "because it is perceived abroad that the government was playing a double game, that they were hiding him".So I asked him if he believed that the Pakistan army really was hosting bin Laden in his safe house in Abottabad. Imran said he found this very hard to believe.

And lastly just to clarify I support who does good for pakistan ...i dont give a rats ar$e if its mqm ,ppp ,pml ,anp or pti , And NO i am not affiliated with MQM ... give me a reason with a PDF link how did you reached to that conclusion !!! get out of your box and start thinking in broader terms please.

Doesn't the bolded statement of yours makes sense? Whats wrong with that? pray tell me..

And read here:

He compared the pitifully small sums of money spent on education in Pakistan to the lavish share of the national budget enjoyed by the military. "If we are spending so much money on the army what is this that the army can't even protect our sovereignty. Why should someone from outside do that?

Only if you knew that in democratic Govts and by the constitution of Pakistan, Its the president who is supreme commander of the armed forces. The COAS reports to the president and DG ISI reports to the prime minister.
Why criticize CIA or allies? No one was expecting anything good to come from them for Pakistan - Anyway, the reason you are defensive is understood by all - we all wish it didn't have to be like this, we all wish things could be different and islamist ideology could be good and effective, instead of what it is, rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage.

Bin Qasim, Islamism is the enemy of humanity, the closer your association with it, the more misery it will bring to you and yours -- we wish you the best, embrace Pakistan and reject islamist ideology and the world of the arbi.

You are confused here about Islam . Islam is live religion dont need any support , Pakistan was made for Islam , may Allah help Pakistan and Muslim Ummah.
Pakistan was made for Islam -
Ah, the pernicious effects of a Zia education!

may Allah help Pakistan and Muslim Ummah.
They will need it as long as there are people like you who treasure rapacious ideology over the spiritual and material well-being of the Pakistani people, yes?
Ah, the pernicious effects of a Zia education!

They will need it as long as there are people like you who treasure rapacious ideology over the spiritual and material well-being of the Pakistani people, yes?

Little Solomon2... I find your comments against Yahya very derogatory and downright insulting... Check that attitude of yours son... Dont accuse others of wrong doing just because they believe in something different than you...
From the claim "Pakistan was made for Islam" follows that its inhabitants are to be judged by someone - not G-d - as to how "Islamic" they are, and if not "Islamic" enough then they aren't acceptable. So Pakistan has undemocratic groups - sometimes armed - attempting to impose their own vision upon others.

For it's a recipe for tyranny, not freedom and justice. That is why the prayer is appropriate - people need it so much!
From the claim "Pakistan was made for Islam" follows that its inhabitants are to be judged by someone - not G-d - as to how "Islamic" they are, and if not "Islamic" enough then they aren't acceptable. So Pakistan has undemocratic groups - sometimes armed - attempting to impose their own vision upon others.

For it's a recipe for tyranny, not freedom and justice. That is why the prayer is appropriate - people need it so much!

first study Islam then talk on it. . Commenting on ill equipped knowledge won't help you understand what we believe and what we want. .
Chaudhry Nisar; the torchbearer of national ghairat, Shah Mahmood Qureshi; insignificant Munawwar Hassan and the PML-N representative in the Barelvis, Sahibzada Fazal Karim are very much working as the hot guns of uniformers. But off course, these gentlemen are nothing as compared to Nawaz Sharif and Imran Khan. Nawaz Sharif is the empty cartridge and Imran Khan is the loaded barrel of ISI. One represents their glorious past and the other represents their gloomy future. Off course, both the investments of ISI had the same message: we need to have a change, which is basically make a scapegoat of the Prime Minister and the President. Well done sirs, we need you much more than these mindless statements. Stop being the Asset of an institution which has brought Pakistan at the brink of a disaster.
I wonder why bother about the humiliation and keep going on and on about it.

It leads to greater despondency and lowers the morale further.

Ways to salvage the humiliation is required.
Go on. Do the work and cite the clauses of the U.N. Charter or Resolutions that support your statements. Otherwise, why should anyone listen to you?

I wasn't expecting such a mediocre response, targeted most likely to divert attention from my post, but Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. In any case Chapter VI also is important in this particular case. But the only real fact here is that the US does not give a **** about UN resolutions!

Now, can we move back to the spirit of my earlier post and discuss whether it was illegal for the US to cross the border without authorization, carry out military operation and hijacking on sovereign soil? While we are at it can we also discuss if it is fair to use drone to kill just about anyone without proper trial?

I mean what exactly is the difference b/w a person who flies an aircraft in to world trade centre and a person who deliberately bombs civilians without trial? I guess the difference is 3000 dead in WTC and about a million murdered in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan........so you, my friend, tell me who the bigger, the real terrorist is?
Why criticize CIA or allies? No one was expecting anything good to come from them for Pakistan - Anyway, the reason you are defensive is understood by all - we all wish it didn't have to be like this, we all wish things could be different and islamist ideology could be good and effective, instead of what it is, rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage.

Bin Qasim, Islamism is the enemy of humanity, the closer your association with it, the more misery it will bring to you and yours -- we wish you the best, embrace Pakistan and reject islamist ideology and the world of the arbi.

WTF???? Either your post is extremely poorly written or you are.........I don't even have words! You dared to call Islamic ideology rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage and yet you are not banned??? Is this a bloody atheist takeover of all Forums in Pakistan???? Islamism is the enemy of humanity???? What a nerve, God!
America can't never be trusted, especially for the Muslim nations because of their Anti-Islam nature.

Heck, even they created Al Qaeda, and yet they always blame Muslims for the atrocity of Al Qaeda?
WTF???? Either your post is extremely poorly written or you are.........I don't even have words! You dared to call Islamic ideology rapaciously murderous, cruel and savage and yet you are not banned??? Is this a bloody atheist takeover of all Forums in Pakistan???? Islamism is the enemy of humanity???? What a nerve, God!

Bro, i am atheist, meanwhile i respect all religions.

I think the biggest Islam haters are the Christians, since these people are the one who has waged so many crusades against the Islamic civilization. Yet they won't give up their even in the modern era.
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