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Imran Khan is doomed (MUST WATCH)

Don't blame Imran Khan for what police is doing, police is under Federal/Provincial Govts register your complaint with them, jaloos and protests etc takes place like that you've to make you way in legally or illegally. Instead of calling on Imran as doomed think how many times you people by your own hands doomed you selves for voting other parties, now enjoy them as Pakistan is doomed by these parties not Imran Khan his vision will live even if he is gone, want to make a difference Vote for him!.
@ Thread starter
Since I am not a "genius" like you,so kindly can you tell me that how I.K is "doomed"??? How your video supports your title? :pop:
Those who believe in Soft Revolution are like this !! if you want blood revolution ask others...
and its great to see a what people call mummy-daddy bacha on the streets to protest... I so proud of the fact that IK is the only Leader in PAKistan who is able to bring out those people on streets for protests who by no means are directly effected with inflation and all other problems !! he brought those people on the streets who are non-political and are fed up of the situation their country is in.... even the kids of bureaucrats, army officers, and of all elite support IK, and he is the only one to bring them out on streets to protest ! I think it to be no less than a miracle !!
I think Imran khan has very bright chances as i can see his support is growing day by day among members here.
yes, even musharraf is asking to support him,

IK is the most popular leader right now in the country, I only hope that he may either be able to formulate a government in KP, or emerge as a pressure group in Punjab or in National Assembly.
thats all he need in next election.
Police left right center maregi to inqalab kaise aayegi.

Masum banda hai.
Oh dear... LOL

I appreciate his efforts... he is masoom thats all...

kinda cute, wasnt he ? but the fact is he is far better than those laughing at him,

this young boy remind me of an reported conversation by some journalist.

The journalist asked one of the man listening to Jinnah's speech, "you dont understand English then how come you understand what he is talking about?" that man replied "Yes I dont know what he says, cause I dnot know English, but I know he is vowing to defend our rights !!
this guy may not understand what Inqalab is, but he know the call for inkalab is by his LEADER, who vows to defend the right of his people !
Lol, while i genuinely appreciate the sentiments and commitment of this young man, I just cant help but imagine him sitting at the side walk saying" All i ever wanted was McDonald and a strawberry milkshake, why can't I just have that in peace without the policemen pushing me around? "
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