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Imran Khan gears up for Pakistan vote, though his plans remain unclear

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates
Jun 23, 2012

Imran Khan gears up for Pakistan vote, though his plans remain unclear

For 25 years, two political dynasties, the Bhutto and Sharif families, have wrestled each other and the military for political control of Pakistan. None has been able to get to grips with the country's myriad problems, which currently include two civil wars, a dire economy that can't feed half the population and a system of governance choked by corruption and ineptitude.

The lack of a credible political alternative, and the absence of any visible national progress, had left many Pakistanis disillusioned and fearful for their future.

A growing number are now looking to Imran Khan as a saviour-in-waiting. He is probably the most recognisable face in Pakistan, adored for leading his country to victory in the 1992 Cricket World Cup, and admired for his ambitious philanthropic ventures, which include the establishment of a specialist cancer hospital and a university.

However, Khan's 16-year political career as the head of the Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaf (Movement for Justice) party had, until last year, made no real impact.

His decision to boycott the February 2008 general election - the first after nine years of military rule - was widely dismissed as naive, and most commentators stereotyped him as a noisemaker lacking the political acumen to translate his popularity into votes.

At least, that is, until last October, when Khan relaunched his party with a series of public rallies, memorably one in Lahore that drew several hundred thousand people.

Khan had politically arrived, finally, as a credible alternative to the Bhutto-led ruling Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and Sharif-led opposition Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).

"He's an achiever", says M Ziauddin, executive editor of The Express Tribune, a leading English-language newspaper.

"He established the cancer hospital against all the odds. Now he's set up a university. He has achieved, and that is his great plus."

Notably, Khan has demonstrated his ability to mobilise the country's youth and the educated middle class, a segment of Pakistani society that has traditionally favoured military rule over populist democracy, and rarely votes.

Commentators say Khan now has the chance to make the mainstream political parties look tired. Indeed, he has positioned his political brand as one that will sweep away an ugly era of corruption.

However, he has offered little of substance about what he might do as prime minister. The reason, critics say, is Khan runs his party as an autocrat. That has led to frequent reshuffles in its structure, preventing its emergence as a proper political machine.

"After 16 or 17 years in politics, Khan is still a novice. He is bereft of any policy. He doesn't have a team, and the team he has ... won't contest anything he says," says Aamir Ghauri, a former director of two Pakistan cable news channels, ARY News and Dunya.

It is only really possible to evaluate Khan's vision from his few public statements and his 2011 book, Pakistan: A Personal History, a best seller in both English and Urdu.

The area he has offered most clarity on is the economy. He has said he plans to declare a "revenue emergency" as soon as he takes office and will get tough on personal taxation and the fiscal deficit. He also intends to divert expenditure towards providing better education, health care and other social services.

All this sounds excellent, but Khan and his party have not come up with any documentation to show how they would go about it.

In Pakistan, he also remarked that it is impossible for the country to ever pay off its foreign debt. But the country's foreign debt, at between 55 to 60 per cent of GDP, is not large, and is certainly lower than that of most western countries.

"Foreign debt is not an enormous burden on the Pakistani economy. The problem is excessive domestic borrowing," says Ziauddin.

Here, Khan loses out to Nawaz Sharif, the former two-time prime minister and leader of the PML-N. An accomplished businessman, Sharif is acknowledged as having a clear economic agenda.

The bedrock of Khan's foreign policy is the withdrawal of Pakistan from the international war on terrorism. He argues, justifiably, that the country has lost far more than it has gained from its post-September 11 alliance with the United States.

He has repeatedly claimed that he can bring an end to the militant insurgency in Pakistan's federally administered tribal areas, or Fata, along the border with Afghanistan in 90 days. To do so, he would activate a South African-style truth and reconciliation commission.

Experts dismiss his promise as impossible. They point out that Khan is not a Fata resident and wouldn't have spent more than a couple of days there before the violence erupted in 2004 (his book mentions the odd hunting trip to South Waziristan, the ancestral family home of his late mother).

Commentators agree that Khan's rhetoric, while short on substance, represented his evolution from the angry man of Pakistani politics to the leader of a party about to commence electoral battle. That transition marked his firm grasp of some electoral realities.

For the past 25 years, approximately one-third of Pakistanis have voted for the Bhutto dynasty and their left-of-centre PPP party, and two-thirds have voted against it. Khan's political stances are clearly aimed at the right-wing majority, which is split between various factions of the Pakistan Muslim League (by far the largest is headed by Sharif) and a handful of religious parties.

To win, Khan would have to overcome these odds. That is an extraordinarily big challenge.

In Lahore, a PML-N fortress, he would have to overcome winning margins from the 2008 election ranging from 21,000 to 58,000 votes, according to Suhail Warraich, political editor of Geo News, Pakistan's most popular cable channel.

That has forced Khan to make some serious compromises. Since October, his party has been inundated with defectors from the Muslim League factions and religious parties, and the odd disenchanted PPP politician.

Despite consternation among the founding activists of Khan's party, the arrival of professional politicians has significantly boosted his electoral chances.

"Compared to the last election, Khan is now in a much better position. Last time, he didn't have a single electable candidate, save himself. Now he has 50 to 60 new party members who have either won or been runners-up at previous elections. As such, he can now field 30 to 35 winnable candidates," said Warraich, who has written several best-selling political histories.

But if all those potential winners were to win, Khan would still be more than 100 constituencies short of a parliamentary majority.

Tactically, Khan is best positioned in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab, the two northern provinces. He is yet to make any inroads in Sindh, the PPP's ancestral home in the south, or in Balochistan, the huge but sparsely populated province in the west that is currently in the grip of a nationalist insurgency (as opposed to the militant insurgency in the Fata).

But Khan could easily find himself outwitted in Punjab, where his candidates could further divide the right-wing vote.

He may stand his best chance in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, where Sharif is a bit player and voters have become disillusioned with both secular nationalists and fundamentalists.

Khan's rhetoric plays especially well there because voters have suffered terribly in the war on terror, having often found themselves sandwiched between militants, the military and a host of foreign spy agencies.

However, most commentators believe Khan's role, for the time being, would be that of a catalyst, offering a political leadership role to the middle class that it does not have in the established political parties.

Potentially, his party could emerge as a leading second-tier political party and, to some extent, play a pivotal role in the coalition-building process that would invariably follow the election scheduled for early next year.

But Khan has repeatedly said he would not sit in government unless his party wins a majority - which could mean he would revert to type, and sit on the sidelines doing little more than casting aspersions on those participating in governance.

Therein lies the terrible responsibility that Khan has taken upon himself.

"There's a big risk: if Khan proves to be a political failure, he would have disillusioned the youth and middle class - two entire segments of society," said Ghauri, the former TV channel director.

Imran Khan gears up for Pakistan vote, though his plans remain unclear - The National
True, IK doesn't have a plan yet.

And to what the article says- If Nawaz Sharif is such a great economic expert what happened in his two terms?
True, IK doesn't have a plan yet.

And to what the article says- If Nawaz Sharif is such a great economic expert what happened in his two terms?

what happened when ppp was and is in power?im sure imran will do better than them.with the mess these 2 parties have left behind,it will take time.
Imran has vision and plans also team for prosperity, what these ganjas have?
Imran has vision and plans also team for prosperity, what these ganjas have?

in other words; mayray paas nayee party hay, youth hay, public hay, nayee sooch hay. Tumharay paas kiya hay? haeen

IK speaking in Amitabh style :D
hope hope and last hope if he failed army is on the way .pakistan can't wait more 5 years to be destroyed in hands of these looters
Here, Khan loses out to Nawaz Sharif, the former two-time prime minister and leader of the PML-N. An accomplished businessman, Sharif is acknowledged as having a clear economic agenda.

A clear economic failure.

Get aid/loans and spend it, get more aid/loans and spend it.

Clarity only visible to the bhikari minded people of Pakistan.

Any economic policy that doesn't have its bedrock as Taxation, Investment and Exports (as means of revenue generation) is doomed to fail.
hope hope and last hope if he failed army is on the way .pakistan can't wait more 5 years to be destroyed in hands of these looters

How much I wish to see all our corrupt politicians in parliament or outside parliament be given death sentence by the public on the streets in front of their (the politician's) respective palaces or parliament in front of their sons and daughters and wives so that they never ever dare think of running the country and leave Pakistan for good.

Or let us be somewhat less "evil" and show some softness and let the court in Pakistan bring them on a fair trial and hand them life sentences or peaceful and painless death by a court death sentence.

But alas, that day will not come in Pakistan.
Any web specialist here;

A non-profit group in Egypt has launched a "MorsiMeter" website to track his adherence to his list of promises for the first 100 days of his presidency. Those include pledges to restore security, increase pay for police and ease the fuel, food, housing and unemployment crises that have wracked the country for years.

Mostafa Rafaat, a founding member of Zabatak - the group that created the MorsiMeter (Morsi Meter - ???? ????) - said he was confident Mr Morsi would meet many of the challenges.

Is it possible to make a site like the one for Mursi ( Morsi Meter - ???? ???? ) where we can see what issues the current senior officials, Ministers, Prime Minister, President promised and boasted off of working on them and how much they succeeded in it.

It is something good for the people to see and know with facts how the government is working and how they worked worked.

For example the site made for mursi has sections for different issues that he said he would tackle for example increasing bakeries that provide subsidized bread (خبز; or روتي as we know it), traffic, security, fuel, cleanliness and how much has been tackled so far and how many days he has been president.
Imran has vision and plans also team for prosperity, what these ganjas have?

Trust me, even Sharif's have vision today.

Can you tell me what was Khan's vision 10 years ago?

My observation; Khan is making wrong choices.
True, IK doesn't have a plan yet.

And to what the article says- If Nawaz Sharif is such a great economic expert what happened in his two terms?

Really???? When NS became PM GDP was 1.06 something and he raised it to 4. something in just 2 years despite the sanction Pakistan had to face because of Nuclear Test.

Pmln introduced many reforms. Open Market, Taxation & Infrastructure Development were some of the several Economic Reforms by PMLN 1990-93

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Trust me, even Sharif's have vision today.

Are you for real? Seriously can you please enlighten us what vision the sharifs have today? Lets skip the past two terms

Really???? When NS became PM GDP was 1.06 something and he raised it to 4. something in just 2 years despite the sanction Pakistan had to face because of Nuclear Test.

Raising GDP does not automatically means your economy is making progress. Pakistan even in his tenure for close to bankrupt. The decisions that he made, putting ban on dollar accounts, do you know the damage it caused for a short temporary gain?

I would go as far as to say that testing nuclear weapons was also a stupid decision, made simply to boast his own image and increase the vote bank.
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Are you for real? Seriously can you please enlighten us what vision the sharifs have today? Lets skip the past two terms

Raising GDP does not automatically means your economy is making progress. Pakistan even in his tenure for close to bankrupt. The decisions that he made, putting ban on dollar accounts, do you know the damage it caused for a short temporary gain?

I would go as far as to say that testing nuclear weapons was also a stupid decision, made simply to boast his own image and increase the vote bank.

lol Nuclear test was a stupid action :rofl:

and my dear yes after test there was a economic crisis. But what happened after that? Where was dollar after the test and where was it on 12 Oct 1999

And what about the KSE in his first era. That was also an artificial improvement? What about his Tax Reforms???? What about lowest un-employment rate???

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