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improving pakistan's image


Dec 3, 2007
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As most of you all know pakistan is unfairly portrayed in the west as a backward radical nation on the brink of collapse .Yes it has it's problems but it's nowhere near as bad as the media portrays it to be.
Lets not blame the indian lobby and the jewish lobby(I don't wanna turn this into pointing fingers or a fight thread) and lets just focus on ourselves for so what do you think we pakistanis can be do to impove our image ?
I personally think that foreign elements have a part in the turmoil in Pakistan. At the same time I believe that our own people are to blame more than anyone. These foreign elements count on Pakistanis to carry out their dirty work. What a shame our own people are bent on destroying their own nation. I am also one of those people who point fingers at other people, but the fact remains it was I who should be the one being blamed. So please I ask you all, all my Pakistani brothers and sisters to please stop these elements from using us. For the sake of Pakistan it must stop. The world sees us as a failed state, we must show them that we are not a failed state.
I personally think that foreign elements have a part in the turmoil in Pakistan. At the same time I believe that our own people are to blame more than anyone. These foreign elements count on Pakistanis to carry out their dirty work. What a shame our own people are bent on destroying their own nation. I am also one of those people who point fingers at other people, but the fact remains it was I who should be the one being blamed. So please I ask you all, all my Pakistani brothers and sisters to please stop these elements from using us. For the sake of Pakistan it must stop. The world sees us as a failed state, we must show them that we are not a failed state.

Well said:tup:
As most of you all know pakistan is unfairly portrayed in the west as a backward radical nation on the brink of collapse .Yes it has it's problems but it's nowhere near as bad as the media portrays it to be.
Lets not blame the indian lobby and the jewish lobby(I don't wanna turn this into pointing fingers or a fight thread) and lets just focus on ourselves for so what do you think we pakistanis can be do to impove our image ?

Launch an expensive media blitzkrieg in the West.... and shut off all radical madrasas rather have Islamic Schools which have A-levels and modern curriculum, they have opened some in Bombay it was in the press last week..

Launch an expensive media blitzkrieg in the West..

It would have no use as all the media contents are usually filtered there and than sent to this part of the world.
above all even if we expensive media drive to improve our image the west not gonna give it due time nor even our own media as media only promote things that bring them alot of money and the most favourite hot topics these days are anti-Islam, anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan stuff which sells.

and shut off all radical madrasas rather have Islamic Schools which have A-levels and modern curriculum, they have opened some in Bombay it was in the press last week..

That is to be but then the number of these such radical ones is far too less and mostly in mountainouse areas.

rest there are a large number of these where they teach all modern subjects too.
the only thing not only we but the Super Powers to stop using them for their own intrests.
The policies of these super powers to use Pakistan in their proxies had harmed us badly besides forcing to agree.
Launch an expensive media blitzkrieg in the West.... and shut off all radical madrasas rather have Islamic Schools which have A-levels and modern curriculum, they have opened some in Bombay it was in the press last week..

Easily said then done...

Media compaign should be done but the rest to shut down the madaris, its not a piece of cake and frankly it is not the solution either. Moderate interaction with Islamist on madaris issue is the need of time since these madaris are not only used by radical groups but our general population also. Its not the case that few are extremist madaris and few are not, its the way of thinking of the few in these madaris that is coming out in the form of this extremism. The root cause is to be treated with some moderate adjustment with the Islamists. All syllabus of madarsas is to be prepared with Government consent, better education system to be introduced within the Islamic studies scope. Lots of steps can be taken to mend the situation.
It would have no use as all the media contents are usually filtered there and than sent to this part of the world.
above all even if we expensive media drive to improve our image the west not gonna give it due time nor even our own media as media only promote things that bring them alot of money and the most favourite hot topics these days are anti-Islam, anti-Muslim and anti-Pakistan stuff which sells.

Responsible Media always behaves in an unbiased manner and makes money through advertisements and through subscriptions.. a decidedly anti-Islamic paper will attack Islam etc.. so the truth is the Muslim Ummah is doing something seriously wrong and Media is just promoting it, some call it targetting...

anyways what I meant was an advertising media campaign.. something of the Malaysia truly Asia, Singapore, Dubai or HKG advertising Campaigns type.. Malaysia, Turkey and Dubai are Moslem Countries who are perceived favourably partly due to their advertisement campaigns..

That is to be but then the number of these such radical ones is far too less and mostly in mountainouse areas.
rest there are a large number of these where they teach all modern subjects too.

Many reports talk about non-existent education esp of women in NWFP, Balochistan and Northern Areas...

I am not sure what is Pakistan's educational policy but I am pretty sure a Madrasa educated person can not be hired in a professional job either in Pakistan or abroad...

Madrasa curriculum, should be replaced with a more upto date curriculum if it is not already following a modern one... though I am not a great follower of Madrasa schools..

the only thing not only we but the Super Powers to stop using them for their own intrests.
The policies of these super powers to use Pakistan in their proxies had harmed us badly besides forcing to agree.

How do superpowers use these people??
okay hypothetically even if these people are being used the question to ask why these guys allow themselves to be used..
I think you are being unreasonable here and blaming others.. The sooner who accept responsibility for shortcomings and stop blaming others the quicker problems are solved.. my 2 cents

We have taken the problems of muslim world,s heartedly. The impact starting right from Khilafat Movement, Kashimr, Palestine and and then the USSR agression of Afghanistan. We as muslims have lethal weapon against any agression in our faith and so we had to preach such weapon to defend ourselves from adversaries in time to time. It was the unjust behaviour or greed of the countries which led us to such sentiments of using this instrument. The suicide bombing is not an easy job for a non muslim. These are the sentiments of such mentally affected people which contradict with the government and world policies in regard to muslim world,s problems. As a Pakistani i do condemn such bombings and can not justify it but i also condemn the behaviours of the greedy countries who grab the land and resources of other countries, and the others who snub such problems.
There were and are circumstances which lead us to raise our voice or arms against unjust occupations, which conveyd as negative and extremist in their powerfull media to fool or puzzle even the muslims between freedom fighting and extremism.
Its better now for us as a nation to have policy for all seasons and do handle the situation with utmost care with relieving policies towards such affected people.
As most of you all know pakistan is unfairly portrayed in the west as a backward radical nation on the brink of collapse .Yes it has it's problems but it's nowhere near as bad as the media portrays it to be.
Lets not blame the indian lobby and the jewish lobby(I don't wanna turn this into pointing fingers or a fight thread) and lets just focus on ourselves for so what do you think we pakistanis can be do to impove our image ?

Damm That Jewish media and don't even get me started with Indian lobby its all there fault.:crazy:
I knew it all along it was them doing it to us in Pakistan so I guess Osama and zia were Jewish or Indian.:angel:
But in Pakistan we will do any thing and every thing to blame others but will never ever point towards the real bastards.

Wanna improve your image recognize the problem and fix it
What about so called Pakistani Media. Beaming anti Pakistan propoganda
from Dubai and specially one Channel who has gone personal against President Pervaiz Musharraf. Like me and some other people here are disconnecting it. We, being a Patriotic Pakistani, cannot take it any more.
What about so called Pakistani Media. Beaming anti Pakistan propoganda
from Dubai and specially one Channel who has gone personal against President Pervaiz Musharraf. Like me and some other people here are disconnecting it. We, being a Patriotic Pakistani, cannot take it any more.

Government of Pakistan gave them all the freedom in the world yet till today the call people fighting Pakistan armed forces militants and not terrorist.Almost all the media in Pakistan have refused to say any thing about mullahs and there activities in Pakistan.yet they don't forget to attack musharaf its for a simple reason most people that have any kind of control in Pakistan don't want to lose there control and the only way to do that is to keep the masses uninformed or ill informed.
my point is simple media in Pakistan is one sided like most politicians in our country media don't care what they doing to the country's image as long as they can get there one sided message across to millions of uneducated idiots they consider there job is done.
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