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Implications of Indian PM Visit to US By Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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Indian intelligence agencies launched a comprehensive media and psychological warfare against Pakistan prior to their Prime Minister Visit to USA. In this connection, New Delhi has raised numbers of issues to malign China, Pakistan, and its intelligence Agencies in her domestic communal conflicts. Indian started pretending them as a great victim of terrorism just to divert world attention from her ethnic problems. Fortunately, now world community has somehow started recognizing ulterior Indian motives. In recent past, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has made it clear that he will not sell uranium to India. In a meeting with Indian Prime Minister, Rudd also stated that India’s refusal to sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty meant Australian would not sell it uranium, even though it had helped the Indian Government obtain materials to support its nuclear program. Australian government also sent back Indian students of physics.

On November 10, 2009 Indian Intelligence Team returned back to home after receiving shut up call just 14 days prior to her Prime Minister Visit to US. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh started USA visit on November 23, 2009 he would also be meeting President Obama during his stay in Washington. The Indian team had rushed to Washington when FBI last month apprehended Dave Headley and Rana Tawassur. According to media, Indian authorities claimed that Dave Headly has been seen visiting her nuke plants. Indian investigators have alleged that terror plotters Dave Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana were in Pakistan when Mumbai was attacked on November 26 last year, raising further suspicion about their possible involvement in the conspiracy. Thus, to attract the world, Indian Union Home Ministry has put fresh security alerts for the country’s nuclear installations. At the same time Canada has been asked by Indian authorities to provide more inputs on Headley's accomplice.

In this context, Indian authorities stated that six nuke plants located at Narora in UP, Tarapur in Maharashtra, Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu, Kakrapar in Gujarat, Kota in Rajasthan and Kaiga in Karnataka though properly guarded but were visited by Dave Headly. The stance of Indian authorities’ reveals that Indian nuke security arrangements are too much poor and vulnerable. The nuke proliferation in India is undoubtedly on the peak. For example, the cases of abduction, murder of staff and scientists employed on the nuke plants and Uranium theft cases are yet to be resolved and proving big question mark to her nuke security. USA think tanks already objected former Bush polices in relation to civil nuke deal with India. They are also objecting that India has not yet signed CTBT and NPT. Moreover New Delhi also remained as satellite of Russia. Its defence and mil culture is all based on Russian support. After disintegration of USSR she started looking towards America but Russia’s hawks (India) would never go against her masters (Russian) . It is quite evident that India would fall back in the lap of Russia incase of any future world war because of her demographic and geopolitical needs. The questions arises that under the stated circumstances whether Obama and his team should make more nuclear deals with India? Should Indian prime minister be assisted and promised by USA in becoming veto power and permanent member of Security Council? Can American trust a country whose agencies are involved in Killing American and NATO’s soldiers through fake Taliban? Can USA leadership push her nation in war against China just to protect Indian interest?

In fact above narrated hue and cry is a part of New Delhi’s propaganda against Pakistan and China. The purpose of fresh Indian move and Manmohan Singh visit is to divert international community’s attention from communal violence, and ethnic problems. She is cooking factious stories and creating hype for the last couple of month for the purpose of hiding ongoing Maoist’s struggle for an independent state. The said moment has been spread in 20 states now. Similarly, Kashmiries have also been deprived for using their rights of self determination. In this connection China also stopped accepting Indian passport for Kashmiries. Instead of resolving border conflicts with Pakistan and China, New Delhi always alleged them for causing disturbance in the effected areas.

American leadership is aware of the facts that Indian serving army officers were involved in crushing Christians, Muslims and Sikhs. Lt Col Prohit and his others comrades are living examples of state brutality of India. On November 23, 2009 Indian Express and others leading newspapers also disclosed the involvement of Indian first line political leadership in destroying Babri Mosques and killing innocent Muslims. In this context, Indian Expressed stated that Liberhan Commission of Inquiry has indicted former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee along with current Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha L K Advani and former BJP president Murli Manohar Joshi, among others, for the demolition of the Babri Mosque on December 6, 1992. The commission also stated that entire build-up to the demolition was meticulously planned.

The global political circle is viewing Indian prime minister visit in various perspectives like , (1) American president visit to China and South Korea is not being considered much successful (2) New Delhi’s wishful regional aims and their effects on regional peace (3) containment of China and Pakistan (3) Indian try of becoming permanent member of security council (4) Indian troops to replace NATO and American forces in Afghanistan (5) Indian objective of hijacking war on terror (6) New Delhi assurance to guard American interest in the region and groom her economy. The stated perceptions show that in fact New Delhi is bluffing America. She is busy in state terrorism in Pakistan and others regional countries. Pakistan has shown great concern to American top brass regarding Indian intelligence involvement in unrest of FATA and other part of the countries. There are reports that CIA provided tacit support to Indian Intelligence Agency for destabilizing Pakistan and alleging ISI. AS per ANI on November 21, 2009 Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, during his meeting with Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Leon Panetta, has reportedly presented evidence regarding India’s hand in fanning terrorism in Balochistan and Waziristan. Sources said General Pasha, during the meeting, expressed his disappointment over CIA’s failure to provide credible information to Islamabad regarding the extremist groups working in Afghanistan to create trouble in Pakistan. CIA Director also holds meeting with President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilliani. During his meeting with CIA Director Leon Panetta made it clear to the US that al-Qaeda and the Taliban leaderships are not present in Pakistan. They also stated that the US leadership must share all kinds of information with Pakistan as it was not “our war” only. The president also stressed CIA chief to get US drone attacks in Pakistani tribal areas stopped.

President Obama if really interested in elimination of global terrorism then he has to convince Indian Prime Minister on, (1) stop fanning terrorism in Pakistan (2) American political leadership should carry out mediation between Indian and Pakistan on Kashmir issue (3) Indian active role in Afgnistan be condensed as bare minimum.(4) Investigation of murdering American and NATO troops be carried out (5) India should be asked to punish Col Prohit, LK Advani, Vajpai and others extremists Hindus for killing minorities and demolition of Babri Mosque (6) India should carry out the investigation of murder of nuke scientists (7) Indian-US Nuke deal should be reviewed in the light of Indian nuke proliferation (8) detailed inspection of Indian nuke plants be carried out as per IAEA’s set procedures and Indio-US nuke civil deal. (9) India should not allowed to keep her forces in Afghanistan (10) minorities rights in India should be respected and state terrorism against them be stopped

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