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IMF considers Pakistan economic teams deceitful, liars

Bang Galore

Feb 21, 2010
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IMF considers Pakistan economic teams deceitful, liars

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s former representative in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) board Dr Ehtisham Ahmad Monday disclosed that a last moment favour by the White House helped Pakistan gain $11.3 Stand-by Arrangement in 2008 with the IMF, which initially turned down Pakistan’s request saying the economic managers lied on tax reforms, a perception that has now become reality in 2010-11.

Now after two-and-half-year the IMF considers the economic policymakers ‘cheaters and liars’, said the former official. He was addressing a seminar on ‘Urgency of Tax Reforms-The challenge to the Macroeconomics Situation and Development’ organised by the Institute of Development Economics and Alternatives, known as IDEAs, funded by the Open Society Foundation of New York.

IMF has had very low opinion about Pakistan that became a reason for initially refusing the bailout programme, sought to avoid defaults on international payments.
“The White House had to intervene (to secure a programme for Pakistan) as even the friends on the IMF board said Pakistan’s economic team lied on the promise of levying (the value-added tax).”

He said the 2008 programme was approved on a plan prepared by Finance Secretary Dr Waqar Masood and the key element of Masood’s plan was that Pakistan would finally address the domestic resources mobilisation issue and generate additional tax revenues equivalent to 1.0 percent of the total national income for consecutive three years The IMF wanted Pakistan to enhance tax to gross domestic product (GDP) ratio to 14 percent from the lows of 9.0 percent till 2013 and reduce the budget deficit to 3.0 percent of the total size of the economy. And after two-and-half-year the programme is suspended due to failure in implementing tax reforms and we are standing nowhere. Dr Ahmad said it would not be easy for Pakistan to have another bailout programme with tainted reputation. “It is now a different IMF that will seek prior implementation of conditions before agreeing to a new programme.”

He said even the Kerry Lugar money is not coming without the IMF Letter of Comfort. On a question whether the US can tide the new loan programme with North Waziristan operations, he said North Waziristan could be an American card, but now even the US has been finding it very hard to convince the IMF to release the withheld tranches.

He said the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) opposed the value-added tax implementation, as it also would have taken away the FBR’s powers to issue Statutory Regulatory Orders, which is an important tool for maintaining ‘cozy relations with individual companies’. He said the general sales tax has mutilated over 10 years by the FBR, which has traditionally known for rent seeking. He said SRO 283 that reduced the sales tax rate on textile, carpets, leathers, surgical and sports goods from 17 percent to 4 and 6 percent, is an ‘April fool gift to the nation by the FBR’. He said the SRO 283 has killed the tax reforms. He said the 7th National Finance Order was on an assumption of the VAT implementation and now without VAT this and the successive governments will be in jeopardy. “Now the unfunded devolution has put the 18th Amendment under risk.” Dr Ahmad said the government should disband the inefficient and corrupt FBR and form another agency on the model of the central bank. He said to minimise the gap between expenditures and income. The government should levy wealth tax at district levels. The colonies like Clifton, Gulburg, Raiwand and GOR would be taxed in the new budget. He said the government should consolidate corporate income tax and also tax all incomes irrespective of source. “Windows of opportunity are fast closing on Pakistan due to the credibility issue,” said Dr Faisal Bari, a renowned economist. He said the government should tax all the sectors irrespective of size of revenue to ensure equity of tax.
Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
So it was the US that once again came to Pakistan's rescue ?

BTW the words 'deceitful' and 'liars' are too strong.
IMF rejects Pakistan’s request for $ 1.3 billion’s sixth tranche
Washington: International Monetary Fund Sunday again rejected Pakistan’s request to release sixth tranche of $1.3 billon under the Stand-By Arrangement Program.

As per reports, IMF has conditioned the release with next fiscal budget 2011-12 and advised Pakistan to strengthen its economy by making long term policies rather than the temporary dealings.

Source said that during the talks in Washington, IMF authorities told Pakistani delegation that Islamabad government has to take major steps to improve its economy and advised to control the budget deficit, implementation of Reformed General Sales Tax (RGST), expansion in taxation network, boost revenue, independence of State Bank, agriculture tax reforms, cut off government expenditures and ending subsidy on energy means.

Source rejected any chance of release of 6th tranche before coming June but predicted that IMF team could visit Pakistan by next month.
So it was the US that one again came to Pakistan's rescue ?

BTW the words 'deceitful' and 'liars' are too strong.

What's new in there? Even Pakistan's public has got the same impression. :lol:
the writing is on the wall - these so called 'politicians' now have to make some serious choices - Pakistan first or their own self-interests !!! no one (even KSA) will come to their rescue anymore!
So it was the US that once again came to Pakistan's rescue ?

BTW the words 'deceitful' and 'liars' are too strong.

USA, China KSA all of these best friends have denied bailout to pakistan it was India who have helped them at that time because of manmohan singh.
The fact is..
When your own people consider you the of the earth..
what do you expect from outsiders..
Finally, it is time to pressure Pakistan politics to step up itself instead begging IMF. I like this!

Alot of test coming few years ahead.
the writing is on the wall - these so called 'politicians' now have to make some serious choices - Pakistan first or their own self-interests !!! no one (even KSA) will come to their rescue anymore!

Actually, this concerns the bureaucrats more than politicians...
If things do turn out as the article says we are going to see huge problems in the coming months. We have to start repaying the IMF from 2012 so foreign exchange reserves are going to take a hit. I can see the rupee devaluing further which is good for exporters but bad for pretty much everyone else.
If things do turn out as the article says we are going to see huge problems in the coming months. We have to start repaying the IMF from 2012 so foreign exchange reserves are going to take a hit. I can see the rupee devaluing further which is good for exporters but bad for pretty much everyone else.

I have been consistently saying this all along.
USA, China KSA all of these best friends have denied bailout to pakistan it was India who have helped them at that time because of manmohan singh.

Please keep your help to yourself we don't need it....thanks anyways
A lot of Pakistanis here are loathing the government for not levying the citizens for the services it provides. But is it not a fact that the same Pakistanis will kick this loathsome government out of the office if any heavier taxation were implemented?

Damned if you do... damned if you...
Most of the money these politicians get doesn't help the average Pakistani citizen in anyway, so I guess this is a good thing.
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