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IMF:Bangladesh GDP 249 Billion USD, Per capita 1,525 USD in 2017.

2021,I think. No hurry.

How you will grow afterwards?

You have no track record no history of investment infrastructure high growth rates?

Any Bangladeshi has yet to explain how they will overtake India in per capita income and how they will achieve and SUSTAIN those growth rates?
How you will grow afterwards?

You have no track record no history of investment infrastructure high growth rates?

Any Bangladeshi has yet to explain how they will overtake India in per capita income and how they will achieve and SUSTAIN those growth rates?

I dont know how it happened, only a decade ago BD per capita GDP was half of India and now it is 90% of India. A lot of people did not even notice that BD per capita income already surpassed India.
Vedic Indian calculation confused us a bit, but we have to wait and see in next few years how much fuzzing it actually did in the actual data.
. .
And what is your point bigmouth?

Bangladesh is better than Pakistan in HDI, life expectancy, literacy rate, forex reserve, exports.

And more importantly we have a much lower GDP to debt ratio than Pakistan and our growth rate is significantly higher than yours.

Big talk without any substance.

Pakistan is ahead in terrorism tho...need a pat in the back for that?

i can name 100 indexes in Quality of life alone where Pakistan is ahead like Happiness index (Pakistan 80 , BD 120ish) , Mercer Quality of Life , Numbeo etc etc . Can you honestly compare Islamabad to Dhaka? It would be like comparing 1st world to 3rd world .

A country named India whose GDP is less than Tokyo produces so much idiots like you, should stop comparing itself with a country 1/20th of its size. Go to China and they will slap you left and right and they are still a 3rd world country.

China is third world ? Are you feeling okay ?
And what is your point bigmouth?

Bangladesh is better than Pakistan in HDI, life expectancy, literacy rate, forex reserve, exports.

And more importantly we have a much lower GDP to debt ratio than Pakistan and our growth rate is significantly higher than yours.

Big talk without any substance.

Pakistan is ahead in terrorism tho...need a pat in the back for that?

Dont bother yourself too much cuz...

@Khan_21 You Know wat, when i asked Bangladeshis here if you guys are progressing so fast why your cement, oil, electricity consumption/Production, is more than half of pakistan. their answer will be look at our geneder equality, look at terrorism index look at HDI index we are still better than pakistan.

Bec its weird for me if you more develop these thing shows how much actually your country is progressing.

When we look at china they are on top in these consumptions. same goes to any develop country. To b honest i dont believe on their country data they sucks in fact. Now i am totaly agree @Nilgiri that their Govt. is only showing wrond numbers just to show how much they are progressing.

Even if you ask them what new projects currently going on in Bangaldesh except Padma bridge or 4-5 more bigger project which are in pipeline there is nothing on ground.

When they talk about discrimination in pakistan that Isd is getting more national share while other provinces are sacrficing. But thet forgot that except in Dhaka there is nothing in other states. Most of people come to dhaka even for basic work. Thats why Dhaka sucks in so much traffic jam. but nope there is no discrimination is here. At the end they will start again from 1971 how they start from zero. You know its like their life born from 1971 before that they were weraing leafe clothese and houses were madeup of mud.

Pakistan Bangladesh
GDP Nomina(2017)
330B Est 249B
1.060 T 650B
Oil Consumption
550k BB/Day 120BB/Day
House Hold Consumption
245B Usd 141B USD
Energy Use per Cap
525Kw 250KW

But if you ask them wat is this above, they will start again no no we will over take pakistan soon :)

Dont bother yourself too much cuz...

We have something, but wat you guys have except Padma bridge :bounce::bounce:
@Khan_21 You Know wat, when i asked Bangladeshis here if you guys are progressing so fast why your cement, oil, electricity consumption/Production, is more than half of pakistan. their answer will be look at our geneder equality, look at terrorism index look at HDI index we are still better than pakistan.

Bec its weird for me if you more develop these thing shows how much actually your country is progressing.

When we look at china they are on top in these consumptions. same goes to any develop country. To b honest i dont believe on their country data they sucks in fact. Now i am totaly agree @Nilgiri that their Govt. is only showing wrond numbers just to show how much they are progressing.

Even if you ask them what new projects currently going on in Bangaldesh except Padma bridge or 4-5 more bigger project which are in pipeline there is nothing on ground.

When they talk about discrimination in pakistan that Isd is getting more national share while other provinces are sacrficing. But thet forgot that except in Dhaka there is nothing in other states. Most of people come to dhaka even for basic work. Thats why Dhaka sucks in so much traffic jam. but nope there is no discrimination is here. At the end they will start again from 1971 how they start from zero. You know its like their life born from 1971 before that they were weraing leafe clothese and houses were madeup of mud.

Pakistan Bangladesh
GDP Nomina(2017)
330B Est 249B
1.060 T 650B
Oil Consumption
550k BB/Day 120BB/Day
House Hold Consumption
245B Usd 141B USD
Energy Use per Cap
525Kw 250KW

But if you ask them wat is this above, they will start again no no we will over take pakistan soon :)

We have something, but wat you guys have except Padma bridge :bounce::bounce:

Every Pakistani should read this gem which explains the mindset of Bangladeshis wrt Pakistan:

Bangladeshis feel their rightful position in world and the respect they deserve is not coming to them due to existence of Pakistan. There is a sense of betrayal from India and Pakistanis both as both of them lookdown upon Bangladeshis.

What I dont understand is why Bangladesh which has almost the same population as Pakistan (slightly less) and being almost completely ethnically homogeneous and having democracy is lagging behind Pakistan in terms of economy (Bangladesh economy is half the size of Pakistan aswell as GDP per capita nominal), Bangladesh has no real military power to speak off, Only now its embarking on a nuclear power plant that was originally planned by Pakistan for the erstwhile East Pakistan almost 50 years ago, Not just that but but socially culturally and internationally Bangladesh does not enjoy the same kind of attention that Pakistan gets even though they are both almost the same size and from the same region.

Bangladesh has had the benefit of good relations with India since Independence and has not had to worry about fighting wars in Afghanistan or taking in tens of millions of refugees from Afghanistan, Though Bangladesh did take in Rohingya refugees but not nearly as many as are/were being hosted by Pakistan.

Almost completely lost on South Asia and the world is the huge contribution Bangladesh has made to international peacekeeping aswell as economics with the development of mirco-credit. Bangladesh has a thriving economy and I see Bangladesh replacing Pakistan as the second largest economy of South Asia, It only needs to stamp out the corruption.

Bangladesh does not get the international or even regional respect that it deserves despite its contributions to International peacekeeping and economics with mirco credit development and being the founder of SAARC.

There is anger in Bangladesh because following Independence Bangladeshi people assumed that they would be the number #2 power in South Asia given that the larger population and great economic potential, Not just that but because Pakistan is universally loathed by South Asia, Bangladeshis have a dislike of Pakistanis because of their war time barbarity, Indians dislike Pakistan for being Muslims, Partition and because of Kashmir. Afghanistan dislikes Pakistan because they have been meddling in Afghanistan and reduced Afghanistan to the most miserable nation of the world by using proxies like the Taliban.

So with all this said there is a sense of betrayal in that Bangladesh never did get that mantle of being a regional power despite normal relations with India and at the time of Independence having a larger population than Pakistan. Alot of this is down to the short-sightedness of Bangladesh leaders, But alot of the blame for Bangladesh lack of important regionally and internationally lies in India. For South Asia and the world its still all about Pakistan, "Pakistan's role in Afghanistan", "Pakistan's dispute in Kashmir", "Pakistan fight the Soviets", "Pakistan supporting the Taliban" ,"Pakistan's Intelligence agency", Then its "Pakistan's nuclear weapons progamme", "Pakistan and China", "Pakistan and India, "Pakistan and US", "Pakistani spies" Its still all about Pakistan and its like a broken record!

It just seems that being a responsible and peacekeeping state like Bangladesh doesnt get you billions of dollars of aid or international recognition than being like Pakistan which actively goes around killing people and seeking conflicts that it can involve itself in to get money.

Every Pakistani should read this gem which explains the mindset of Bangladeshis wrt Pakistan:

Bangladeshis feel their rightful position in world and the respect they deserve is not coming to them due to existence of Pakistan. There is a sense of betrayal from India and Pakistanis both as both of them lookdown upon Bangladeshis.


Who wrote these Gem :) I think They should become Shupar Pawar Also
i can name 100 indexes in Quality of life alone where Pakistan is ahead like Happiness index (Pakistan 80 , BD 120ish) , Mercer Quality of Life , Numbeo etc etc . Can you honestly compare Islamabad to Dhaka? It would be like comparing 1st world to 3rd world .

China is third world ? Are you feeling okay ?
Say that to your fellow countryman Iqbal Ali nit me. Who said Pakistan is way ahead in HDI and economic indices.
Say that to your fellow countryman Iqbal Ali nit me. Who said Pakistan is way ahead in HDI and economic indices.

Btw wat are the current economy indicators? when u guys are going to over take pakistan GDP
Pakistan Bangladesh
GDP Nomina(2017)
330B Est 249B
1.060 T 650B
Oil Consumption
550k BB/Day 120BB/Day
House Hold Consumption
245B Usd 141B USD
Energy Use per Cap
525Kw 250KW
Pakistan's nominal GDP is 284 Billion
Bangladesh's PPP is somewhere around 680-700Billion

And for oil household and energy consumption you are using's data from 2009-11,which hardly has any relevance today. Even in 2013 BD's nominal GDP per capita was 2/3 of Pakistan's. And now its almost equal. Just how do you think it happened? How does BD have more forex than Pakistan? How do you think BD exports more than Pakistan? Why do you think BD has a higher growth rate than Pakistan? Please answer.

And don't be butthurt.
Bangladesh a country:

1) whose most important road is a 2 lane highway connecting Dhaka and Chittagong.

2) whose exports of apparels from LDC quotas by using excessive woman labour is the ONLY driving growth factor. I just posted a thread showing decline in non apparels exports.

3) I read that Bangladesh still files paper returns. India started online filings way back in 2004. Shows how much behind Bangladesh is.

4) India has invested over 2 trillion in infrastructure since the millennium, a proven track record of sustained high growth rates, ability to carry out gigantic reforms in a populated democracy. Bangladesh???? What????

5) Bangladesh a country whose economy is still size of Melbourne city.

6) Bangladesh has no steel, oil refining, ports, auto, ship building, electronics, capital goods industry. No base no foundation, no track record.

Bangladeshis always shy away when asked how do they feel they can overtake India when their own power capacity is what 3200 MW?

Yawn.. How Boring. Wake me up when you see something like this in Bangladesh

Btw wat are the current economy indicators? when u guys are going to over take pakistan GDP
Hmm...Pakistan's nominal GDP per capita is 1550 and BD's 1525...BD is expected to grow around 7%. Fi d out how much Pakistan is expected to grow then do the math yourself.
Pakistan's nominal GDP is 284 Billion
Bangladesh's PPP is somewhere around 680-700Billion

And for oil household and energy consumption you are using's data from 2009-11,which hardly has any relevance today. Even in 2013 BD's nominal GDP per capita was 2/3 of Pakistan's. And now its almost equal. Just how do you think it happened? How does BD have more forex than Pakistan? How do you think BD exports more than Pakistan? Why do you think BD has a higher growth rate than Pakistan? Please answer.

And don't be butthurt.

how our GDP is equal? please backup ur claims with data. the oil figure is of recent. If these are wrong please provide sources for your claim.

284 is not equal to 220.
our GDP PPP is 1.060 which is also not equal to 680 even if i take ur claim.

so please dont live in denials prove with facts.

Hmm...Pakistan's nominal GDP per capita is 1550 and BD's 1525...BD is expected to grow around 7%. Fi d out how much Pakistan is expected to grow then do the math yourself.
wow man using 2016 data for bang 2017 :) wat a logic to prove :)
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