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Imam Nawawi On Eating Kaafirs Due To Necessity

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Palao Eater


New Recruit

Mar 21, 2014
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Imam Nawawi was a major scholar of the Shafi'i school of Islamic thought. He was the author and compiler of Hadith Qudsi, Riyadh us Saliheen, Sharh Sahih Muslim etc.

The following is his opinion on eating kaafirs and sinners if there is a genuine need to do so. I hope my thread won't be deleted by the mods like last time, rather I want people to engage in a respectful dialogue on this topic insha allah.

Our associates held that the impermissible foods which a person finds himself compelled to eat are of two types: intoxicating and non-intoxicating....As for the non-intoxicant type, all foods are permitted for consumption as long as these do not involve the destruction of things protected under the law (itlaf ma'sum). He who finds himself compelled to eat is permitted to eat carrion, blood, swine meat, urine and other impure substances. There is no juristic disagreement (khulaf) as to whether he is permitted to kill fighters against Islam and apostates to eat them. There are two wajh-opinions concerning the married fornicator (zani muhsan), rebels and those who refuse to pray (tarik al-salat). The more correct of the two opinions (asahh) is that he is permitted to kill and eat them. Imam al-Haramayn and the majority of jurists (jumhur) conclusively affirm the rule of permissibility. In justification of permissibility Imam al-Haramayn maintained that ths is because the prohibition imposed on individual Muslims to kill these is due to the power delegated to governing authority (tafwidan ila al-sultan), so that the exercise of this power is not preempted. When a dire need to eat arises, then this prohibition ceases to hold. {Al-Majmu': Sharh al-Muhadhdhabi. Vol 9. Cairo: Matba'at al-Tadamun}
@Palao Eater
Islam explicitly forbids the use of mutilation of enemy combatants, especially as this was the case in the jahiliyah among arabs. How than can it say eat them? Why are trying to hold the opinion of a scholar higher than the opinion of the Holy Prophet (saw) and the word of God, the Holy Qur'an. Show me one verse from the Qur'an or a single hadith that allows what you are trying to claim here. Stop trolling.
Such things greatly distort Islam image. Rather than this, why don't you highlight the importance of education, dealing well with people or peace?
We are kaafirs. I mean the non believers. :D

Does praying to this make me a kaafir?


I'm an Atheist but I still do worship my Ancestors, and to the various Gods, for cultural reasons. I don't literally believe in that stuff of course.

On topic: I would prefer not to be cooked in a stew.
Does praying to this make me a kaafir?


I'm an Atheist but I still do worship my Ancestors, and to the various Gods, for cultural reasons. I don't literally believe in that stuff of course.

On topic: I would prefer not to be cooked in a stew.

If you are anything other then muslim, than you are kafir. You shall be killed.
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