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I'm not considered son of soil: Musharraf

Thread title is no proof, the guy who make allegations has to bring the proof.

Isn't that a shame! Slaves running the asylum & the Gladiator searching for mercy at the same yard!

Its a shame indeed, but this war between truth and falsification has been on since the begining and would continue till the end of the world.
Trying to pull an ethnic angle when there isnt none. Sure Musharraf is a migrant but he is as Punjabi as they get. Born and bred there. He screwed up, his arrogance and cowardice led him to his fall. Instead of accepting that and realizing that "enlightened moderation" is no longer the tune of this nation .. rather the very opposite of it.. he should stick to lectures and bellicose interviews in India.
so now, TTp terrorism is better then ENLIGHTENED MODERATION?
with economy in its worst form?
terrorist sympathizers in govt?
yes pakistan is far better today in every sense?
plz stick to your, own world !
your post was the biggest, un laughble joke on to this thread!
mushraf is not good man, he kill many Muslims in islamabad
I can see the bloody bias.... he did not said it.

Where as PTI, PMLN & PPP reps. went to Pervaiz Musharraf with air ticket.

Low are the people who are prosecuting him for treason for his one act!

If you have balls try him for his counter coup of 1999.

Low was trying him for red mosque case and loosing, another low was trying him for criminal Bugti's murder and again loosing, another low was to look for corruption cases against him and failing!
great post sir!
angel of hell is back, with finger on the trigger & eye on the targets? lolzzz

mushraf is not good man, he kill many Muslims in islamabad
who is killing muslims now all over the world?
btw bring the prooves to the SC, if you hve some, instead of few words?
& hate inside your dammed childish mind, against the best of the former ruller of pakistan?
who is killing the pakistanis in the bomb blasts? TTp dogs, jews or hindus?

president musharaf never ever said, he is ethinicly procecuted, all what he meant was his, free trial & blackmailing of army through his , dam cases?

He was not the son of soil but was made Cheif of the Pakistan army

He was not son of soil but reigned Pakistan for 9 years with full power

He was not son of soil but Pak army is bailing him and after a mock sentence he will be pardoned by pmln (according to some news) and free to roam Pakistan

pmln is sending delegation even before Treason case that he should leave Pakistan and no case will be further prosecuted.conformed by his lawyer Qasuri and ppp senator Babur Awan in Program of Kamran Shahid

Lanat on this character
keep dreaming it, he is here for fight?
the time he got bailed lots of , babies like you cried that he, ill be making deals & leaving pakistan, but look he is here?
he, was a real able man of his trade, thts why been made to that far?
its not, like some one just put him there?
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Musharraf should continue to use his SSG Training to get him through stress. His rule of 9+ years was prosperous and peaceful as compared to now.
Yea, and Hitler lost the war because of same PTI. Have you officially gone nuts?

Nuts were those, who went to streets and dance like crazies, destroyed state property.
Bloody abettors of terrorists, who occupied red mosque!
How sensible is it to register murder FIR of a killer against an x-army chief and president?
Weather, those people agree or not, all the blood spill since Musharraf resigned is on there heads, and I have not slightest of doubt that Imran Khan, will lead the hell bound caravan to its deepest place.
We'll then be happy with these political maggots the blood suckers !!!
so now, TTp terrorism is better then ENLIGHTENED MODERATION?
with economy in its worst form?
terrorist sympathizers in govt?
yes pakistan is far better today in every sense?
plz stick to your, own world !
your post was the biggest, un laughble joke on to this thread!

Maybe Pakistanis dont want enlightened moderation, perhaps this whole terrorist bit was a hand me down from Musharrafs times. Your shortsightedness and lack of perception is perhaps.. a very laughable joke on this entire forum.
Trying to pull an ethnic angle when there isnt none. Sure Musharraf is a migrant but he is as Punjabi as they get. Born and bred there. He screwed up, his arrogance and cowardice led him to his fall. Instead of accepting that and realizing that "enlightened moderation" is no longer the tune of this nation .. rather the very opposite of it.. he should stick to lectures and bellicose interviews in India.

All this talk of migrants is so revolting ! :bad:

You & I are - One ! :kiss3:

But what is the 'he is as Punjabi as they get' supposed to mean ? :mad:

Why are we always the punching bag in these things ? :cray:

Could it be because the rest of you never could measure up to our suave womanizing abilities & why every Punjabi is a Casanova at heart ? :unsure:

Or is it because you're actually a racist in need of a kick up your jacksie ? :pissed:

chutya............. aur kitna rule karna hai is gandu ko?

Ma Sadkey, spoken like a true Lahoriya ! :smokin:

Lahore kiii Halwa Purri yaaad aatiii haiii naaa ? :azn:
All this talk of migrants is so revolting ! :bad:

You & I are - One ! :kiss3:

But what is the 'he is as Punjabi as they get' supposed to mean ? :mad:

Why are we always the punching bag in these things ? :cray:

Could it be because the rest of you never could measure up to our suave womanizing abilities & why every Punjabi is a Casanova at heart ? :unsure:

Or is it because you're actually a racist in need of a kick up your jacksie ? :pissed:

I am a deadly racist.. You arent even Punjabi.. tum bhi bhagorey ho.. However Ill include you into the Punching bag list.

But the talk of migrants and races is unfortunately part of politics. Mush's attempt to buy into the ethnic card played is stupid. The man was born and raised in Punjab... only the gandasa remains.. what is his excuse of saying that I am Urdu Speaking. Nor did urdu speaking have anything to do with his becoming chief.. taking over the country.. or Nawaz Sharif.
I am a deadly racist.. You arent even Punjabi.. tum bhi bhagorey ho.. However Ill include you into the Punching bag list.

Mujhee bhagoraa kahaaa - There must be War for this insolence ! :mad:

Khair on a serious note - Isn't it obvious why the Immigrants from Kashmir or from Eastern-Punjab are never considered as Immigrants & not even a single racial slur is thrown against them ?

Hint : We neither called ourselves Immigrants nor let any other call us One !

But the talk of migrants and races is unfortunately part of politics. Mush's attempt to buy into the ethnic card played is stupid. The man was born and raised in Punjab... only the gandasa remains.. what is his excuse of saying that I am Urdu Speaking. Nor did urdu speaking have anything to do with his becoming chief.. taking over the country.. or Nawaz Sharif.

To be fair the Urdu Speakers are guilty of some of this too !

I've got very close relatives who came from Jammu & the adjoining areas where out of a family of dozens only 2-3 people made out alive to Pakistan whilst the rest were cut along the way !

Others were lucky enough to be in the areas that became Pakistan for either studies or business purposes; their families back home in Kashmir were not - Many didn't make it !

The stories of Punjabis from Eastern Punjab are just as heart wrenching & stomach turning !

None of them....none of them, as far as I know or as far as I've heard or seen or listened to, have ever tried to score a Brownie Point by mentioning this !

None of them have used 'We paid for Pakistan with our blood & we made Pakistan' as a means to brag !

Some of the Urdu Speakers are guilty of that !

The Politicians from that Community most certainly !

It does not for a second excuse anyone - Punjabi or Otherwise - to say the unthinkably shameless thing of asking the Muhajirs to go back or to differentiate between Brother & Brother !

There is no Local...no Immigrant & anyone saying otherwise is a basterd who pisses over everything that Islam taught us & what Quaid-e-Azam commanded us !

But the above does put some things into perspective why we - Kashmiris from Maqbooza Kashmir - or we Punjabis from Eastern Punjab, are or were never called Immigrants or never stood for this & why some Urdu Speakers deliberately identify themselves as Muhajir & why others call them as such & why the filllth then starts flowing from each others mouth on this !

And mind you I or anyone else have never stopped being a Kashmiri in Punjab or a Pukhtoon in Punjab but this absence of a false sense of superiority or the scoring of Brownie Points or having some bragging rights have ensured that Punjab has evolved a more pluralistic sense of identity when compared with the other Provinces !

And that is precisely why I know that I'm a Kashmiri & others know that I'm a Kashmiri but they & I both know that I'm also very proud to call myself a Punjab because no one, not the natives, not the immigrants in the years after '47-48 ever made each other mutually exclusive to each other !
@Secur - Meriii post peii koii comment hiii nahin ? :(

I think even @Oscar didn't agree with what I wrote & now he hates me ! :cray:

Why do you think he says so ?

I think I implied the 'why' in my above post(s) ! :unsure:

Is it because he's about to be sentenced or something ? A sudden thought perhaps or somehow a realization all along that he was suppressing but cant do it anymore ? I told you something about " soil " remember ? Remind me where and when ?

Was it where you were talking about how you want to grow Mooooliiis in your own garden so that you can eat quality Mooooliii Waleiii Paratheiiis every Friday ? :undecided:
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