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Illegal Indian Immigrants in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has cracked down on foreigners working illegally after an Indian died while working in a steel plant, an official said.

The Indian was identified as Manas Kumar Mallick who was electrocuted while working in a privately owned steel plant on the outskirts of capital Colombo, reported Xinhua citing local media.

As part of the probe, the immigration and emigration department is also calling on people to help identify illegally working foreigners.

"There have been increasing complaints that foreigners arrive as tourists but become employed illegally. This is a serious situation as they could be harmed and are depriving locals of jobs," Immigration and Emigration Controller Chulananda Perera told the media.

Since the beginning of this year, officials have arrested over 1,500 foreigners that were illegally residing in the country after overstaying their tourist visas.

Sri Lanka expects over one million tourist arrivals in 2012.

Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death - Economic Times
India is hosting hundreds and thousands of illegal Sri Lankans. You shouldn't be complaining about a few hundred Indians in SL.
The moral is: Never offer Indian citizens a facility like visa on arrival - it will be abused.

And the moral of the below story in the link is that roughly about 20% tourists last month is from India while other countries make up the reminder and SL tourism and economy will suffer if SL denies visa on arrival for Indians.

Sri Lanka : Sri Lanka tourist arrivals up by 9 percent in April

Illegal immigration is a problem everywhere including Srilankans trying to immigrate to other countries not to mention Chinese. It is like Pot calling the kettle black. Even India has that problem with British settling down illegally in Goa. Mexico has illegal U.S citizens in its country. Do not make it a specific issue to a country.

The difference is when the demographics start to change in a particular region, it is a very serious issue - this is my response to your first line in post #1.
LOL. Yes, the Somalia govt was advised the same about Sri Lanka.
The moral is: Never offer Indian citizens a facility like visa on arrival - it will be abused.

Do we need a VISA to got Sri Lanka. We can go there any time to bless that country.
The moral is: Never offer Indian citizens a facility like visa on arrival - it will be abused.
Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has cracked down on foreigners working illegally after an Indian died while working in a steel plant, an official said.

The Indian was identified as Manas Kumar Mallick who was electrocuted while working in a privately owned steel plant on the outskirts of capital Colombo, reported Xinhua citing local media.

As part of the probe, the immigration and emigration department is also calling on people to help identify illegally working foreigners.

"There have been increasing complaints that foreigners arrive as tourists but become employed illegally. This is a serious situation as they could be harmed and are depriving locals of jobs," Immigration and Emigration Controller Chulananda Perera told the media.

Since the beginning of this year, officials have arrested over 1,500 foreigners that were illegally residing in the country after overstaying their tourist visas.

Sri Lanka expects over one million tourist arrivals in 2012.

Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death - Economic Times

Srilanka is not unique to this problem. Any country which has to be liberal with visas(for example if the main source of income is tourism) faces this problem. It is also not a co-incidence that many of these are Indians, just like most of the refugees from Srilankan civil war fled to India and not to say, Pakistan.
Its India's duty to help Sri Lanka. Don't worry we will help you in post war recovery.
If you want money ask straight why troll?????
Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death

COLOMBO: Sri Lanka has cracked down on foreigners working illegally after an Indian died while working in a steel plant, an official said.

The Indian was identified as Manas Kumar Mallick who was electrocuted while working in a privately owned steel plant on the outskirts of capital Colombo, reported Xinhua citing local media.

As part of the probe, the immigration and emigration department is also calling on people to help identify illegally working foreigners.

"There have been increasing complaints that foreigners arrive as tourists but become employed illegally. This is a serious situation as they could be harmed and are depriving locals of jobs," Immigration and Emigration Controller Chulananda Perera told the media.

Since the beginning of this year, officials have arrested over 1,500 foreigners that were illegally residing in the country after overstaying their tourist visas.

Sri Lanka expects over one million tourist arrivals in 2012.

Sri Lanka cracks down on illegal workers after Indian's death - Economic Times
And the moral of the below story in the link is that roughly about 20% tourists last month is from India while other countries make up the reminder and SL tourism and economy will suffer if SL denies visa on arrival for Indians.

Sri Lanka : Sri Lanka tourist arrivals up by 9 percent in April

Illegal immigration is a problem everywhere including Srilankans trying to immigrate to other countries not to mention Chinese. It is like Pot calling the kettle black. Even India has that problem with British settling down illegally in Goa. Mexico has illegal U.S citizens in its country. Do not make it a specific issue to a country.

The difference is when the demographics start to change in a particular region, it is a very serious issue - this is my response to your first line in post #1.

Visa on arrival facility stopped by government this year.
Sri Lanka tourism is not based on Indian tourists. Having 1 tourists from a western country is more profitable than 100 Indian tourists who do not want to spend that much.
I feel your pain. :tup: There are hordes of illegal Indian immigrants trying to get into Hong Kong as well.

It is really funny a Chinese should say this....read below:

Australia has enough illegal immigrants to fill a city, figures reveal | The Courier-Mail

THERE are enough illegal immigrants living in Australia to populate a large regional city.

Together, the 58,400 foreign citizens hiding illegally in the community could rival the population of Bundaberg or Hervey Bay.

More than half have called Australia home for five or more years, 20,000 have lived here a decade or more and two in three "illegals" have evaded immigration authorities for more than two years.

Documents released to The Courier-Mail under Freedom of Information also reveal the biggest groups of illegals are Chinese, American, Malaysian, British and South Korean.

More than one in every 390 people is now an illegal alien. The figures, which do not include visitors who overstay visas by less than a fortnight, dwarf the 4700 asylum seekers currently in detention or in the community waiting for their claims to be assessed and the 4695 boat arrivals in 2010-11.

Jailed terrorist cell leader Abdul Benbrika lived in Australia illegally for years after arriving on a visitor's visa in 1989.

Three months after marrying in 1992, while still an illegal, he successfully applied to stay in the country and then lived on welfare with his wife and seven children until his arrest in 2005.

Illegal immigrants have also been involved in drug cartels, sex slavery, frauds and card-skimming scams.

Australian Human Rights Commission president Catherine Branson, QC, said it was important to remember many more non-citizens living in Australia had overstayed their visa or arrived by plane and sought asylum, than had arrived by boat.

"Another misconception is that people who arrive by boat are illegal immigrants. This is not the case," Ms Branson said. "Australia, as a signatory to the Refugee Convention, is obliged to assess asylum seekers' claims."

Ethnic Communities' Council of Queensland executive manager Ian Muil said he was not surprised by the figures.

"There are a large number of people who do overstay their visas and want to settle here and haven't got permanent residency," he said.

"It's not of great concern to Australia, if you compared it to the number of people who arrived by plane."

The documents released to The Courier-Mail show three in four illegals came here on tourist or work visas; one in seven arrived as students and one in 15 disappeared after being granted temporary residency.

Monash University migration expert Bob Birrell said tens of thousands of foreign students expecting to live here once their courses were finished were now scrambling to find other ways to stay after immigration laws were tightened last year.

"A surge in the number of students who have overstayed without any form of bridging visa is a reflection of their desire to extend their stay by hook or by crook," he said.

A spokesman for Immigration Minister Chris Bowen said less than 0.1 per cent of visitors overstayed their visas, many leaving soon after and before immigration involvement.
Its India's duty to help Sri Lanka. Don't worry we will help you in post war recovery.
If you want money ask straight why troll?????

Use that money to increase living standards and more job opportunities of your countrymen, it will stop amount of the illegal Indian workers here.

As conditions in Sri Lanka continue to improve after the end of the war, this issue is going to get worse I think. I would also blame the SL government for turning a blind eye to law-less Indian companies setting up shop in Sri Lanka and then filling their workforce with poor Indians who then get abused by their own Indian brethren.

I just don't appreciate how many of the Indian posters here, and elsewhere, keeping belittling and putting down the Bangladeshis when their own countrymen are hardly paragons of virture....you know, why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own and all that... So there are Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in India, well guess what there are plenty of illegal Indian immigrants in Sri Lanka....

Do you have a number for that?

Visa on arrival facility stopped by government this year.
Sri Lanka tourism is not based on Indian tourists. Having 1 tourists from a western country is more profitable than 100 Indian tourists who do not want to spend that much.

Any figure on the average spending of Indian tourist vs a Western peer in Sri Lanka?
Visa on arrival facility stopped by government this year.
Sri Lanka tourism is not based on Indian tourists. Having 1 tourists from a western country is more profitable than 100 Indian tourists who do not want to spend that much.

Mate - unless you have supporting evidence here is what you are mistaken. Many western country people are not big spending tourists. For example, do you think western tourists visiting SL or Thailand or India(specifically British visiting Goa) or say Vietnam are big spenders? Many of the students or youngsters doing backpacking and live on few dollars on daily basis. The British visit Goa in winter for few months and the rent is few hundred pounds which they would easily dish out considering they pay slightly more if not equal in UK.

But if the tourists go to top notch resorts, these are big spenders as the hotels charge them a package of $600 or more per person for a 5 night package. And believe me, many of my friends in India visit various countries for these exotic resorts and the Indian travel companies/sites do not offer any reduction in prices for various packages while western sites offer significant discounts now and then and that is what the western people take advantage of. For comparison - lookup makemytrip.com for Indian rates and expedia/orbitz for U.S rates( not to mention cheapcarribean.com and bookit.com for carribean resort rates which are heavily discounted.)

For your information a snippet from below link.

MUMBAI: Did you know that an Indian tourist in Australia spends Rs 3.37 lakh on average? Or that desi travellers contributed nearly $4 billion (almost Rs 20,000 crore) to the US economy in 2010? In a reflection of the changing global trend, tourists from India and China are increasingly acquiring the status of big spenders. Data on the average sums spent by a tourist per trip substantiates this pattern. In Australia and South Africa, tourists from these two Asian countries outspend those from the US and the UK.

Indians, Chinese big spending tourists - Times Of India
Mate - unless you have supporting evidence here is what you are mistaken. Many western country people are not big spending tourists. For example, do you think western tourists visiting SL or Thailand or India(specifically British visiting Goa) or say Vietnam are big spenders? Many of the students or youngsters doing backpacking and live on few dollars on daily basis. The British visit Goa in winter for few months and the rent is few hundred pounds which they would easily dish out considering they pay slightly more if not equal in UK.

But if the tourists go to top notch resorts, these are big spenders as the hotels charge them a package of $600 or more per person for a 5 night package. And believe me, many of my friends in India visit various countries for these exotic resorts and the Indian travel companies/sites do not offer any reduction in prices for various packages while western sites offer significant discounts now and then and that is what the western people take advantage of. For comparison - lookup makemytrip.com for Indian rates and expedia/orbitz for U.S rates( not to mention cheapcarribean.com and bookit.com for carribean resort rates which are heavily discounted.)

For your information a snippet from below link.

MUMBAI: Did you know that an Indian tourist in Australia spends Rs 3.37 lakh on average? Or that desi travellers contributed nearly $4 billion (almost Rs 20,000 crore) to the US economy in 2010? In a reflection of the changing global trend, tourists from India and China are increasingly acquiring the status of big spenders. Data on the average sums spent by a tourist per trip substantiates this pattern. In Australia and South Africa, tourists from these two Asian countries outspend those from the US and the UK.

Indians, Chinese big spending tourists - Times Of India

Well my cousin is in tourism industry and operating some restaurants and spas, according to him German and British are good spenders, Japanese are too. Russians and Indians are less spenders. Israelis are trouble makers etc coz some western tourists don't like to see Israelis are in the pool.

As conditions in Sri Lanka continue to improve after the end of the war, this issue is going to get worse I think. I would also blame the SL government for turning a blind eye to law-less Indian companies setting up shop in Sri Lanka and then filling their workforce with poor Indians who then get abused by their own Indian brethren.

I just don't appreciate how many of the Indian posters here, and elsewhere, keeping belittling and putting down the Bangladeshis when their own countrymen are hardly paragons of virture....you know, why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own and all that... So there are Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in India, well guess what there are plenty of illegal Indian immigrants in Sri Lanka....

please provide a concrete proof of ur claims srilankan , does ur country face the threat of demographic changes due to illegal Indian immigration ..? do provide a official data on illegal immigrants from india
Visa on arrival facility stopped by government this year.
Sri Lanka tourism is not based on Indian tourists. Having 1 tourists from a western country is more profitable than 100 Indian tourists who do not want to spend that much.

And how you reached that conclusion smarty pants. A guest staying in a hotel pays the same rent irrespective of which nationality he belongs to. The same goes for taxi fares, restaurant charges etc etc. The only people who whines are the people like bell boys who always praise Westerners/Gulf Arabs bcs they are generous with tips.
Well my cousin is in tourism industry and operating some restaurants and spas, according to him German and British are good spenders, Japanese are too. Russians and Indians are less spenders. Israelis are trouble makers etc coz some western tourists don't like to see Israelis are in the pool.

Maybe it makes sense as Indians want to bargain. Having stated that, the elite spenders are two kinds from India - the businessmen who take their family out once every year and indulge in a spending free during that time and the other is the newly rich middle class due to the economy opening up in Indian in 1991, who have started to go out to other countries for tourism.
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