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Ijaz Butt apologises for match-fixing comments



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Sep 8, 2010
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Ijaz Butt apologises for match-fixing comments

Ijaz Butt, the PCB chairman, has issued an apology for the comments he made during the one-day series between England and Pakistan when he claimed the hosts' players had taken "enormous amounts of money" to lose the third ODI at The Oval. The England players have accepted Butt's apology and withdrawn the threat of legal action which had loomed since the outburst.

In a joint statement issued by the PCB and ECB, Butt admitted he had no evidence to back up his claims - which he repeated to multiple media outlets - and that he regretted the "misunderstanding" that followed even though he initially refused to back down from his comments.

"I wish personally and on behalf of the Pakistan Cricket Board to withdraw the comments I made concerning the England and Wales Cricket Board and each of the England players who played in the one-day International at The Oval on Friday 17 September. It is regrettable that there was a misunderstanding arising from my comments.

"I would like to make it quite clear that in the statements which I made that I never intended to question the behaviour and integrity of the England players nor the ECB nor to suggest that any of them were involved in any corrupt practices or in a conspiracy against Pakistan cricket.

"In particular, I wish to make it clear that I have never seen any evidence of any wrongdoing by any England player or the ECB at any time," he added. "I deeply and sincerely regret that my statements have been interpreted to cast doubt upon the good names of the England players and the ECB and hope that this public withdrawal will draw a line under the matter."

Butt also acknowledged the role the ECB are playing in trying to keep Pakistan on the international scene despite the team being unable to play at home due to security concerns. Giles Clarke, the ECB chairman, heads the Pakistan task force and the team played a neutral series against Australia during the English season and plans had been in place for them to return next year until the spot-fixing scandal erupted.

"The ECB and its chairman have been and continue to be a friend of and hugely supportive of Pakistan cricket," Butt said. "I am very grateful for their efforts in that regard and for their hospitality this summer. We at the PCB, like all other cricket governing bodies, are committed to a zero tolerance policy to corruption in the game and will continue to work hard with the relevant authorities to eradicate it."

Following Butt's outburst Andrew Strauss, with the full backing of the board, said the players would pursue all their legal avenues if Butt didn't respond to a letter demanding a full and public apology. "The ECB and the England players who played at The Oval warmly welcome this withdrawal and now regard the matter closed," the statement concluded. "Giles Clarke confirmed that following this statement he is continuing in his role as the ICC Pakistan task team chairman."

Earlier in the day Haroon Lorgat, the ICC chief executive, had rebuked Butt for not going through the official channels if he had concerns about match-fixing. "I would have been much more satisfied had it been a direct approach to us or ACSU inspectors," he said.

ESPNcricinfo also understands that the ICC considered suspending Butt over the remarks but gave the chairman time to issue an apology.
what a MORON why apologise! his statement initally was "i have heard from bookies that English players fix too"

so his statement didn't need to be backed up by facts anyway so he shouldn't have apologized! loser!
well one way or the other he is a bigger looser even english player had taken bribes from Bokkies or not
He was left with no other option.....no country wants to come to pakistan to play cricket Pcb is almost going bankrupt in such circumstances do u want pcb to take another U turn to digg their self into even bigger hole... never the less we need to be more pragmatic to deal with facts n situations around us n that's not only in cricket
he shouldnt have said what he said in the first place without any proof.
What's the use of apologizing. He has damaged his reputation beyond repair.

He never had any reputation at all. The way he was appointed as the chairman of PCB and then later on he ran the board, it was nothing but shear mismanagement.

If somebody called him a buffoon...you can well imagine whatsort of a repo he has.

His biggest compatitiveness was his brother in law (another theif) Chaudhry Ahmed Mukhtar the defence minister.:coffee:
He was left with no other option.....no country wants to come to pakistan to play cricket Pcb is almost going bankrupt in such circumstances do u want pcb to take another U turn to digg their self into even bigger hole... never the less we need to be more pragmatic to deal with facts n situations around us n that's not only in cricket

Sorry mate cant swallow your comments or justification. He does not know as how to run a multi million dollar organization , he is a political appointee. What PCB needs a professional who could run and fight in both fronts ( Domestic and Insternational).

Since the days this buffoon has joined PCB , the board has taken a nose dive already. We need a person who could understand the international politics and cricket. We have enough organizations in Pakistan who can sponsor the sorry fate of cricket in Pakistan.
Sorry mate cant swallow your comments or justification. He does not know as how to run a multi million dollar organization , he is a political appointee. What PCB needs a professional who could run and fight in both fronts ( Domestic and Insternational).

Since the days this buffoon has joined PCB , the board has taken a nose dive already. We need a person who could understand the international politics and cricket. We have enough organizations in Pakistan who can sponsor the sorry fate of cricket in Pakistan.

When was the last time u saw Pcb chair man is not political appointed Which part of my comment u weren't agree with countries not coming to pakistan to play cricket or Pcb is going bankrupt Ijaz butt might not be a good man but wat he said cannot be wrong english players is also involve in match fixing infect all the crickteting countries is involve in fixing but why Icc or english board trying to sideline pakistan only..
^^^ Thats only because they had been highlighted and rest r not.
Also pak-team remains in controversy all-time.
wise decision btw or else he was abt to be sued hehe....

every "phattu" would have done the same. first bark then lick the feet. :yahoo:
Ijaz Butt proving himself stupid time after time....now you see in democracy an incompetent person has longer survival rate..
wise decision btw or else he was abt to be sued hehe....

every "phattu" would have done the same. first bark then lick the feet. :yahoo:

u r celebrating like it is a personal victory for indians, the matter is not even related to india cricket or bcci, laughing in your heart at others misery??
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