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Iftikhar Chaudhry bids farewell, expresses confidence in Jillani


May 21, 2006
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ISLAMABAD: Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry marked the end of his term on Wednesday with a speech at the Supreme Court and expressed his confidence in the leadership of CJ-designate Tassaduq Hussain Jillani, the next most senior judge in Pakistan.

He said Justice Jillani and future chief justices will continue to support and enhance the work and functionality of the Human Rights Cell also.

“The Human Rights Cell has, in fact, processed thousands of complaints and the court also took many suo motu cases,” he said while addressing the Full Court Reference held in his honuor at the Supreme Court building on the eve of his retirement.

Besides SC registrar and all judges of the apex court, the Full Court Reference was also attended by the attorney general for Pakistan, VC Pakistan Bar Council (PBC), president and elected members of Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA), all four provincial advocate generals and a large number of lawyers from across the country.

The AG, vice chairman PBC, president SCBA and CJ-designate paid rich tributes to the outgoing chief justice of Pakistan.

Justice Chaudhry was appointed chief justice in 2005 and attracted national prominence two years later, when he was sacked by then-President General (retd) Pervez Musharraf.

He was reinstated in 2009 after a protest movement led by the nation's lawyers.

Justice Chaudhry leveraged his prominent position to pressure the government and military on issues such as corruption and illegal detentions. But critics accused him of wading into political areas outside of the judiciary's domain.

Commenting on democracy in the country, CJ Chaudhry stated that the democracy was impossible without free and fair elections all the way from the local government to the national level.

“The Court has adjudicated on a number of cases relating to the fair conduct of elections in ensuring that fake ballots and the like are not utilised, and electioneering practices are free and fair,” he said.

Commenting on local government polls in the country, the chief justice said the apex court ensured the constitutional command of Article 140-A in that regard. “I am confident and hopeful that the judiciary will continue to support democracy in this vein.”

He expressed great pleasure and satisfaction while saying, “The judiciary has realized its duty to ensure the enforcement of the Constitution and the rule of law in the country.”

“Through its judgments, the judiciary, after 62 years of independence has succeeded in making the general public to believe that their welfare exists in the rule of law and constitutionalism.”

Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry maintained that the court always tried its best for ensuring the enforcement of fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution.

He emphasized upon the executive while saying that it was the first and foremost duty of the executive to ensure adherence to rule of law.

The Chief Justice stressed upon focusing on ‘white collar crime.’ “White collar crime is a particularly malevolent species of crime. Its effects are wide-ranging and affect the public at large because of the billions that are sapped from the national exchequer.”

At the end of his speech, the chief justice Chaudhry thanked the media, lawyers, his staff and other stakeholders for supporting him in accomplishing his task of delivering justice to all.
Good bye CJ, you have laid the foundations of an active and independent judiciary. Salutations!
Journalists outraged over discrimination in full-court reference coverage

Farewell footage was not given to any other channel except Geo news

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chudary gave his last speech in this full court reference event and no other channel even Associated press or state run tv Pakistan television was given this exclusive footage only Geo news was "awarded"

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court of Pakistan’s staff on Wednesday flouted relevant constitutional provision by providing footage of the full-court reference to only one particular channel(Geo), SAMAA reports.

A full-court reference was held today in honor of the outgoing Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry. The reference was held in-camera.

But according to our correspondent Supreme Court’s staff facilitated only one channel to have video coverage of the event depriving other media outlets including the state-run Pakistan Television.

Journalists from other media channels are not pleased over the incident, saying fundamental rights of journalists were violated. They demanded that action should be taken against those responsible for this act.

Some say it is a conspiracy to create a controversy on the last day in office of the Chief Justice of Pakistan.

Abdul Hameed, Staff Officer of the Chief Justice, failed to satisfy journalists during his brief media talk after the full-court reference.

He, strangely, maintained that one cameraman ran away with the footage of the event.

Nadeem Malik, senior anchor of Samaa, demanded an inquiry into the incident. He regretted partisan approach of the Supreme Court administration, saying favoritism should be avoided in such types of important events.

Reacting on the incident, Justice (retd) Saeeduz Zaman Siddiqui also said that Supreme Court staff don’t have prerogative to provide footage to only one channel. He reminded that under Article 25 of the Constitution every citizen enjoys equal rights.



Journalists outraged over discrimination in full-court reference coverage | SAMAA TV

All news channels are outraged and boycott further coverage

Judges playing in hands of one news channel a.k.a Geo news

Senior retired Supreme court chief justices,judges,Lawyers,journalists slammed exclusivity given to geo news

All channels from last 4 hours are conducting programs on this issue

Chief Justice Iftikhar Chudary gave his last speech in this full court reference event and no other channel even Associated press or state run tv Pakistan television was given this exclusive footage
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@pkuser2k12, a stupid thread was not enough. You HAVE to troll other thread now. Get a life kid. Stop being a liability for PTI.
All mortals are a combination of good & bad characteristics. Some have more of one some more of the other. Iftikhar Chaudhry had courage and an overwhelming personality. Something one can truly admire. However, he was vindictive, biased towards Nawaz Sharif & PML-N and suffered from the common weakness of having soft spot for his son.

Additionally, he liked news headline and his Suo Motto actions were often an incursions into the area of the Executive. Many of his decisions were also frivolous. For example Supreme Court is primarily concerned with ‘Constitutional ‘matters; it is not the job of Supreme Court to decide upon the retail price of Sugar?

How can a Court render unbiased judgement if it is the court that orders the gov’t to start proceedings as Iftikhar Chaudhry did against Musharraf?

Notwithstanding the above one has to grudgingly admit that Iftikhar Chaudhry leaves the Supreme Court of Pakistan a lot stronger and more independent than it ever was. Something commendable indeed.

In my humble opinion Iftikhar Chaudhry is a controversial figure will probably be remembered by posterity with mixed feelings.

I thank God that Iftikhar Chaudhry is finally no more the CJ.
overall his legacy shall give positive development to the institution of the judiciary.

cannot say if he has full filled the expectations but still, laid foundation of an independent judiciary.

hopefully no illegal act of military general would ever be declared de jour by the judges !

overall his legacy shall give positive development to the institution of the judiciary.

cannot say if he has full filled the expectations but still, laid foundation of an independent judiciary.

hopefully no illegal act of military general would ever be declared de jour by the judges !
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