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Iftikhar Chaudary's address to Staff College, Quetta


Mar 31, 2008
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This still has not made news, but i am sure it would.

As a starter it is a guud step and should be practiced in future also.
hmmm...why was he invited? rather how ? I mean is it not against protocols ?
Still no news link available over the webs. The speech was shown live on TV tough. The only thing that was lucid in his speech that i could hear/understand was; 'military rule', 'military govts', 'constitution defines the duties of armed force', 'armed forces
primary responsibility is to defend border' etc.

P.S. i wonder why the guy cant do an extempore, he is always sunk deep inside his write ups whenever he delivers a speech.
Military is subordinate to civilian govt: Chief Justice

Military is subordinate to civilian govt: Chief Justice
Updated at 16:33 PST Saturday, April 16, 2011


QUETTA: Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has stated that military is subordinate to civilian government and that constitution does not allow armed forces to indulge in politics, Geo News reported.

Addressing a delegation of Staff College Quetta, the Chief Justice further stated; “To safeguard the borders of the country is responsibility of armed forces, while safeguarding the constitution is that of the Supreme Court”.

Owing to military interventions in the past, civilian institutions were weakened, Iftikhar Chaudhry said and added it is the obligation of the former to perform its duties outlined in the constitution.
Army intervention weakening democratic institutions: CJP – The Express Tribune

Army intervention weakening democratic institutions: CJP

ISLAMABAD: Supreme Court Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said on Saturday that the frequent intervention of army in the political system has weakened the democratic institutions of Pakistan.

While addressing trainee officers of the Command and Staff College in Quetta, he said that the constitutional role of the military is to protect the nation’s borders.

“Army is under the civil government and takes the front line role only in a war ridden situation,” he said.

He also added that only those nations can be successful who follow their constitution, and it is the Supreme Court’s duty to protect the constitution.



Judicial Commission deferred judges’ appointment issue | Pakistan | DAWN.COM

Chief Justice on Army

Chief Justice said on Saturday that army’s role was to protect the borders while the role of the judiciary was to uphold the constitution.

The Chief Justice was speaking to students at the Staff College in Quetta.

According to the Chief Justice the role of the army was clearly stated in the 1973 constitution and it was not their role to be involved in politics.


If anyone can get the text of the speech..?
After 8th February, the political cell of ISI was shutdown, the espionage on the politicians was also abolished, and the envelopes to the journalists to dress down the politicians also stopped flowing. But just after few months, the practices were restored and the spying and envelopes were doubled. Why that happened? Well because of humongous storm of corruption which Supreme Court later took notice. But the question is that why even after spying the ruling ministers and advisers and their front men managed to siphoned off billions of rupees in numerous scandals? Whats the purpose of these cells and funds and spying when looting still goes on? Its purpose basically is to just blackmail the politicians later on so that they keep on acting as pawns of establishment. Chief Justice of Pakistan Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has stated that military is subordinate to civilian government and that constitution does not allow armed forces to indulge in politics. Well that is very true, but that is rhetoric and it seems in Pakistan that is not possible. Even CJP is the tool in the hand of establishment and we all know that. That is the biggest quagmire in which Pakistan is doomed.
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