It is wrong to waste food this is why Muslims have one month Ramadan to share the pain of hunger.
Food is wasted in Saudi Arabia by every one....simply because its cheap...why because its tax free!
People from famine countries like india, somalia also eat full stomach in Saudi Arabia and waste food.
Its same concept in US or other rich states. Where there is food there is slight waste but it is not right to assume that all food in pictures above is a waste.
it is my observation that places where people are famine riddled is because there rulers are corrupt and they send there nation's wealth in foreign banks, instead of developing infrastructure and resources in there own countries.
In those famine riddled countries nature is destroyed at the cost of corruption and people are held back of their rights deliberately to enslave the masses for petty food and water.
Same what is happening in Afghnaistan. Youth are being enslaved either by northern alliance and their affiliates or by contractors building roads with US dollars.
This world has the potential to provide food and energy to all human beings but than those who control the supply and demand will earn less profit.
In Pakistan we can produce hydal energy, solar energy which will be much more than our requirement and thermal energy will make no ecnomic sense, but if this happens than minister can not have Swiss account or flat in UK.
Liberria has been exporting dimonds from years but there people live in ***** and disease. why can't they eat food if not waste?
It cost very little to put up a water pump to save people from spending more on medicine due to drinking dirty water but UN is not interested in providing such common sense solutions... because of involved corruption in WHO funds, that is why projects to provide clean water and sewage treatment is far less.
Humans are required for biological experiments and organs and places like Africa and Afghanistan is ideal to get human slaves to promote organ transplant / health care bussiness in india.
In short all the femine in the world is a bussiness and quite high professionalism is involved behind.