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If you can't find someone, just say you killed and threw them in the ocean

Two things

Firstly , what is the fuss about seeing pictures of dead Osama ? Has the world seen pictures of dead Hitler ? No. Yet he is dead.
We are not desperate to see his dead pictures. We are not denying the fact that he is dead, he might be dead. We are just concerned with the objective of US to defame pakistan through this drama, thats why we are and will continue to ask for the proof of his death, evidences as to his stay in Abbottabad, time of his death, reasons why his body was not shown to anyone, i repeat ANYONE, why it is thrown into see. It is not that simple as Hitler's death.

Secondly, there is a good chance that he was taken alive injured perhaps. In this case it would suit US to say he is dead . Now they could repair him ,make him talk ( & there are chemical ways to make a man talk besides physical) get all the info they need & bump him off without any fuss. After all he was consigned to the waves.

At the very outset, tt is doubtful that he was in Abbottabad, so question of taking him alive blah blah blah does not arise.

US after this operation is declaring its victory like Sauruv Ganguly in the above pic.
BTW I think this whole tamasha has been a plot by Kayani and Pasha's enemies to discredit them and get them sacked.. May be Zardari is behind this.. Possibly there was no raid and PAF only flew a couple of sorties around the town to sound like an American attack. Also USA is no longer fond of Pasha and Kayani due to RD episode and they probably went along..

Not possible as people living out there are eyewitness of the raid.
We are not desperate to see his dead pictures. We are not denying the fact that he is dead, he might be dead. We are just concerned with the objective of US to defame pakistan through this drama, thats why we are and will continue to ask for the proof of his death, evidences as to his stay in Abbottabad, time of his death, reasons why his body was not shown to anyone, i repeat ANYONE, why it is thrown into see. It is not that simple as Hitler's death.

At the very outset, tt is doubtful that he was in Abbottabad, so question of taking him alive blah blah blah does not arise.

US after this operation is declaring its victory like Sauruv Ganguly in the above pic.

Ganguly? This guy does not look like him.
People learn from experience and it is best to release the photos/videos after some time if indeed it is gruesome. America was the biggest gainer from the death of OBL and their is no need for US to lie.


Their 200 yr history is enough of an indicator of what they have learnt. If you want to prove someone is dead, you need to produce a body. A simple rule. Secondly, accounts emerging sauggest that the man was unarmed, and caught as such and disposed of at the Presedential order. I dont know what you call this, but if true, I call this judicial murder. There are so many things wrong with this story that you dont know where to begin
Osama's Pictures Coming soon at a wikileaks near you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wot we ask for ? Evidence? DNA's, Pictures, Videos and stuff ? lol.
i'm sure they already have OBL's DNA wid them(as he worked for them back in 80's :sniper:), and pictures and videos? lol really? didn't you saw the movie "2012","Avatar" and much of their Fantasies, still do you doubt that they can't make a fake obama and make a scene of his death! lol.:azn:
my contributions

1) Bush had the body frozen for Obama to use b/c they are both part of the NEW WORLD ORDER

2) Osama Bin Laden has never existed. I have reason to think that because there are no proofs of his arresting by CIA agents, and even a REAL foto about his death. So it can presumably theorized the fact that he never existed. Today inventing an identity is very easy.

3) In exchange for spilling the beans and giving the US all he knows about the Terror networks, - such as they are...

OBL is whisked out of Pakistan to a waiting US Carrier, where he gets some medical treatment - urgently needed.

He then shaves off his beard,adopts an Afro hairstyle, eats MacDonalds every day, and is now living half a mile from West Point, on the Hudson River, about 50 miles north of New York. ( And the Americans dont know he is there....)

4) Obama and Osama are friends i think. and he is hiding him somewhere in the white house or just the same person.. Osama and Obama look alto alike if u ask me. just take a way that weird towel hat and beard and whala its obama. why else would it have taken Obama 2 yrs to get a birth certificate. because he had to remake one.

courtesy : talkingskull.com
The unfortunate truth about conspiracy theorists is that no matter how much evidence is provided to them, no matter how many facts are at their disposal, no matter how many logical explanations are given to them, they can be counted on to prefer baseless theories.

Imagine if we used that argument in court. No matter how much evidence we provide there would be someone who disagrees with it... SO let's not give any evidence at all :D

Their explanations have little bearing on the truth and more drama than an action movie. Accepting false explanations and baseless conspiracies as the truth never helps anyone and neither will it benefit any country In this case, the reality that the entire world, including Al-Qaeda, TTP, and Afghan Taliban, has accepted the death of Usama bin Laden on May 2, 2011 has become new food for conspiracy theorists.

The burden of proof is upon you. The explanation of Osama's killing and subsequent burial at sea explanation has been given by the US. That is the theory. Ours is a question. You have no answer other than feigning indignation.

You may also recall that the TTP vowed revenge for the killing of Bin Laden, promising to murder more Pakistanis in exchange for the life of a foreign terrorist. Rest assured, with every passing day denial will be replaced by doubt and eventually, not seeing anymore propaganda videos or hate filled statements by Bin Laden, will accept reality and that will be a more solid and visible proof than any pictures.

TTP is your evidence? :D Nice. Oh and the second part so your best game plan is to provide no evidence just repeat your POV so many times that it gets accepted?

Unlike our enemies who pride themselves on the release of graphic images of those they have killed which they then treat as trophies --a practice that violates both the Geneva Convention and US law, distributing images of combat fatalities as propaganda is against our policies.. The video of Saddam Hussein's execution was released by a minor Iraqi official with a cell phone camera and not by the U.S.

Yeah you just release pictures of sexual abuse on prisoners and hanging Saddam, and torturing women (Aafia Siddique). But now that it comes to Bin Laden you are worried about graphic content? Didn't you initially claim that people would be infuriated by seeing Bin Laden dead, now its a Movie rating issue? Rate it R, 18 + and get on with it.

The initial fake pictures have caused some to doubt BIN LADEN death. The US conducted successful DNA matches with many members of his family which, along with visual recognition, confirmed his identity.

Actually we believed the US president for a day. We can believe him his position is good enough for that. But after a day we need to see pictures.

Because we have decided not to release BIN LADEN after death images some bloggers suggest that it is because the photo editors need time to photoshop dead BIN LADEN pictures. Does not that tell you that even if we had released the real pictures, conspiracy theorists would have assumed it was photoshoped?
Repeat the word conspiracy theorists 5 more times, that will do the trick. Again just because no one believes your evidence does not mean you should stop providing any. Is this the new direction of the war? No evidence, just bam bam thank you maam.

If the incident was truly staged, as you suggest, we would have known beforehand and released the photoshoped pictures already.
Release the pictures, you're making it worse by giving these weak excuses.

There were several factors behind the decision to bury Bin Laden at sea. Many countries, including his birthplace, Saudi Arabia, disowned him and rejected his burial in the land of Mecca and Medina.

Decided within hours of his killing?

Also according to Islamic burial customs, a dead body needs to be buried within a day of death.
Nope, not necessarily.

The burial was done according to Islamic customs, out of respect towards the religion and in keeping with our practice of treating the dead with dignity, regardless of whether the individual was friend or enemy, or even, like BIN LADEN, a mass murderer; Not a Muslim leader, but a murderer of Muslims.

You can't stop shooting at mosques out of Islamic customs but you felt the need to fulfill freakin OSAMA BIN LADEN's last Islamic rites?

CDR Bill Speaks,
DET – U.S. Central Command
U.S. Central Command

Central Command needs to do better with its story making
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