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If we don't defend, then there is nothing left to develop!


Jan 7, 2012
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By Bharat Verma

Primary key to India’s emergence as a successful global power lies on the ability to acquire and imbibe superior defence technologies in the knowledge-based society of the 21st century.

It is strange that we expect our police and para-military forces to fight with lathis or outdated rifles, while the Maoists and the external actors who support them attack with the latest automatic weapons and are equipped with satellite phones.

Selection by India of the French Rafale is a wise step to finally begin the shift of air force from the ‘bullock cart’ technology to the ‘Mercedes Benz’ expertise! To secure the borders from the Chinese onslaught requires induction of massive dose of cutting edge defence technologies, which only the West can provide. Today there exists fortunately, a synergy of purpose between the Western democracies and India, which we need to intelligently leverage.

Pakistan desires to carve out three Pakistan’s out of the Union of India while China wants to unhook the entire Northeast.

In fact India’s geographical location is a major irritant to the Islamic fundamentalists as it disallows them to create an Islamic Emirate running from Central Asia to West and East Asia without discontinuity.

Couple this with the fact that India is entirely dependent on import of energy and multitude of other products through the seaborne trade. Therefore, as the second fastest rising economy in Asia, New Delhi will require a modern military with deep offensive capabilities to act as a formidable deterrence.

To successfully maintain the unity of India, as well as defend the growing strategic interests within the region and beyond, rapid modernization of the Armed Force is a necessity.

It is strange that we expect our police and para-military forces to fight with lathis or outdated rifles, while the Maoists and the external actors who support them attack with the latest automatic weapons and are equipped with satellite phones.

To successfully maintain the unity of India, as well as defend the growing strategic interests within the region and beyond, rapid modernization of the Armed Force is a necessity.

In short term, import of the latest weapon platforms is vital. In the long term, by acquiring the sunrise defence technologies and setting up profitable joint ventures with the western partners is the promising route. This will create a win-win situation — military can be equipped with modern weaponry, India can grow as a defence manufacturing hub, it will create millions of new jobs, impart skills in the hands of the young population, facilitate expansion of strategic footprint, and earn huge foreign exchange subsequently, through export of state-of-the-art weapon platforms.

In the 1980s, a useless debate by various vested interests was conveniently thrown up for allocation of funds between the defence of the country vis-à-vis the development. The argument given was since we are a poor country, we cannot afford to allocate sufficient funds for modernization of the armed forces. The debate hinged on a falsehood of ‘defence’ or ‘development’.
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Of course, rulers neither developed nor defended the nation!

As India finally shifts gears to acquire the western defence technologies once again, the old debate between defence of the country versus development to halt the modernization of the armed forces is being thrown up by various lobbies.

As India finally shifts gears to acquire the western defence technologies once again, the old debate between defence of the country versus development to halt the modernization of the armed forces is being thrown up...

In the last two years we have witnessed that actually there is no paucity of funds. The amount plundered in CWG or 2G scam is large enough to buy many modern weapon platforms which the defence services are in dire need. A house of IAS officer in Madhya Pradesh has coughed up Rs.300 crores worth of black money. In this country, they don’t steal a few thousands or few lacs any more, but rob merrily the government exchequer in crores. Rs.20 crores worth of black-money was recovered on raiding the lowest rung of the government hierarchy i.e. an ordinary peon’s house. The loot of the government treasury in the recent past, shows that this country is extraordinarily rich!

Therefore to argue that India does not have sufficient funds for either defence of the country or development is misleading. Both activities can move simultaneously without hindrance, provided we can put an end to the huge siphoning of the funds.

The gullible, overlook a simple fact that if the Union of India is not defended, there will be nothing left to develop. Therefore to equip the armed force with latest defence technologies and weapon platforms is as important as economic development and urbanization of India at the same time.

If we don't defend, then there is nothing left to develop!
the good thing is that unlike Pakistan our government is not just building minimum detterence against China but is investing huge amount of money for our safe future.:)
Bharat Verma is smocking man as usual.I like articles written by him. His views are often in the resonance with patriotic Indians.
Corruption like plague has spread it's tentacles to every level of government employ from minister to peon.2,00,000 carore could have bought us 256 fighters from France.I bet there are more unexposed scandal of this magnitude.Is there any way out of this mess ??
Yes there is if we the people of India spread the awareness about this menace at grass root level and use our votes by rising above the level of cast and creed.Choose only those representatives who are not tainted ,is that so difficult ??Yes it may be in some constituency but not in every region.We just need to show middle finger to corrupt leaders and they would seize to exist with in decade.When would we become really serious on this issue ??
Bharat Verma is smocking man as usual.I like articles written by him. His views are often in the resonance with patriotic Indians.
Corruption like plague has spread it's tentacles to every level of government employ from minister to peon.2,00,000 carore could have bought us 256 fighters from France.I bet there are more unexposed scandal of this magnitude.Is there any way out of this mess ??
Yes there is if we the people of India spread the awareness about this menace at grass root level and use our votes by rising above the level of cast and creed.Choose only those representatives who are not tainted ,is that so difficult ??Yes it may be in some constituency but not in every region.We just need to show middle finger to corrupt leaders and they would seize to exist with in decade.When would we become really serious on this issue ??

awareness is well spread, now is the need to throw gandhian ideology of "ahimsa" (a codeword for tolerating such idiots and not saying anything) if that happens these kind of idiots can be kicked out quite easily
awareness is well spread, now is the need to throw gandhian ideology of "ahimsa" (a codeword for tolerating such idiots and not saying anything) if that happens these kind of idiots can be kicked out quite easily

That's a double edged sword. If the "gandhian ideology of ahimsa" i.e. tolerating idiots is dispensed with, all sorts of idiots may have to be "kicked out", not only those who fit your own definition of the word. Your wish might end being a case of signing one's own death warrant.
awareness is well spread, now is the need to throw gandhian ideology of "ahimsa" (a codeword for tolerating such idiots and not saying anything) if that happens these kind of idiots can be kicked out quite easily
Why would we resort to violence in a democratic and vibrant country like India which has very fair and clean electoral procedure. Just venting our frustration in unplanned manner would lead to failure only and this loss of ours would strengthen the corrupt ones morally.
Why would we resort to violence in a democratic and vibrant country like India which has very fair and clean electoral procedure. Just venting our frustration in unplanned manner would lead to failure only and this loss of ours would strengthen the corrupt ones morally.

Don't like in dream world my friend, you very well know what happened to the hindi-cheeni bahi bhai utopian dream...

---------- Post added at 10:45 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 AM ----------

That's a double edged sword. If the "gandhian ideology of ahimsa" i.e. tolerating idiots is dispensed with, all sorts of idiots may have to be "kicked out", not only those who fit your own definition of the word. Your wish might end being a case of signing one's own death warrant.

It may be the case with you, not me, yeah, lets kick out all those jokers responsible for the loot, lets start from sonia maino , INC and mayawati (or will she be spared for being a dalit :lol:)
Don't like in dream world my friend, you very well know what happened to the hindi-cheeni bahi bhai utopian dream...

I guess I was talking about India's internal complications.You are not getting my point.
North Korea had a military first policy as well.

The difference is, they instated it when they had more GDP/capita than India.

Songun and Juche in India!
By Bharat Verma

enough said i have no time for read this bastard and his lame jokes :lol:

---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 AM ----------

the good thing is that unlike Pakistan our government is not just building minimum detterence against China but is investing huge amount of money for our safe future.:)

you are new kid in town dear what you know abut pakistan ? just remove your indian media and bolllywood googles and go to threads here check all sticky threads abut pakistan and come back write again
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North Korea had a military first policy as well.

The difference is, they instated it when they had more GDP/capita than India.

Songun and Juche in India!

The difference is while India spends close to 3% of its GDP on defense , North Korea spends around 25% of its GDP on the same.
By Bharat Verma

enough said i have no time for read this bastard and his lame jokes :lol:

---------- Post added at 09:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:27 AM ----------

you are new kid in town dear what you know abut pakistan ? just remove your indian media and bolllywood googles and go to threads here check all sticky threads abut pakistan and come back write again
General Images & Multimedia

Better than reading zaid sahib :lol:

---------- Post added at 11:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:53 AM ----------

North Korea had a military first policy as well.

The difference is, they instated it when they had more GDP/capita than India.

Songun and Juche in India!

don't know who invited you here?? and keep ypur shogun and juche to urself, after all you are doing something similar
North Korea had a military first policy as well.

The difference is, they instated it when they had more GDP/capita than India.

Songun and Juche in India!

And look what happened to them as a result.
I do not trust the whole baloney of how India should build all its ability, we can only equip what ever we can afford, the knights had the armor because they could afford it, and the common soldier could not.

The Chinese have left us in dust with their economic growth and military growth, no kind of "zealot military" policy can bring any parity in this situation. The best thing is make peace with Chinese, no do not bring surrender as a term. Co-Operate and compromise or just buy time.
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