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If this isn’t Shia genocide, what is?


May 18, 2011
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A video grab purportedly shows an attack on Shia passengers on their way to Gilgit-Baltistan. It remains unconfirmed whether the video is from the August 16 incident or April 3.

“It must have been early morning when about two dozen masked men, in army uniforms, stopped their convoy of buses. All passengers were asked to get down. In an organised manner they separated the Shias from among the rest and having ascertained their identity (through their names and the area they belonged to), shot them dead,” said Hussain (real named withheld on request), who belongs to a village in the Astore district of Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B).

Twenty-four people (21 Shias and three Sunnis) in aboard three buses, who had embarked on fateful that August 15 morning, from Rawalpindi, never reached their destination in G-B (a Shia-majority region), after their buses were intercepted near Lulusar area in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province on Aug 16, where they were mercilessly massacred.

Among them, 12 were from Astore and six were Hussain’s close relatives from the same village.

Two family members, somehow, survived to tell the sordid episode. “They saw their cousins die in front of them,” he said.

During the massacre, said Hussain, the masked men asked the passengers to loudly chant “Allah-o-Akbar” (God is Great) and “kafir, kafir, Shia kafir (infidels, infidels, Shia infidels)”. He belongs to the Shia sect although 90 per cent of the villagers were Sunnis.

A shaky and grainy video doing the rounds on the internet shows the incident exactly as Hussain described to Dawn.com.

Muhammad Afridi, of the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan, associated earlier with the anti-Shia militant outfit Sipah-i-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), stated the killings were in retaliation for ‘excesses’ committed by Shias against Sunnis in G-B. He warned that more such attacks would be carried out in other parts of the country.

After the incident hundreds remained stranded in the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, after public and private transport for the region was suspended.

This is the third such incident since the beginning of the year. On February 28, and then again on April 3, 18 and nine Shia passengers were dragged out of the buses in a similar manner in northern district of Kohistan, and Chilas, 60 miles from Gilgit, respectively.

Political analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi finding a “growing trend of Islamic sectarianism” predicts that with Pakistan’s rapid shift towards religious orthodoxy in Islam, “sectarian thinking” is likely to dominate.

Pakistan has recorded at least 2,642 sectarian attacks, killing 3,963 people since 1989, according to the South Asia Terrorism Portal (SATP) database.

Balochistan, said the SATP has witnessed at least 71 incidents of sectarian attacks in which 304 persons have been killed since 2009. Over 90 people have already been killed in 34 such incidents since the beginning of 2012 until August 19.

Earlier Interior Minister Rehman Malik, hinted at “foreign” hands fanning sectarianism in Pakistan to destabilise the country and promote religious hatred.

Dismissing Malik’s statement, Dr Mohammad Taqi, said it is Pakistan’s own domestic policy of using jihad as a tool which has “led to the tail wagging the dog.”

Talking to Dawn.com, Taqi, who left Pakistan for the United States in 1996 “anticipating the disaster we are facing” added that the intolerance and extremism Pakistan is in grips with is a “direct consequence of Pakistan’s neighbour-phobic national identity anchored in religious ideology”.

Hussain from Astore called the massacre nothing short of genocide against the Shias.

“If this isn’t genocide, what is?” exclaimed Hussain. “What’s worse we were advised by elders in our village, that we shouldn’t agitate as it may fuel riots,” he said.

Finding the “studious silence of the Shia massacre by the Sunni majority” disquieting, Dr Pervez Hoodbhoy, a peace activist and an academician told Dawn.com: “Describing the killings as sectarian is outrageous because a conflict assumes two warring sides. But in fact here there is just one side – the Shias – which is being massacred.”

“Pakistan was conceived in haste with just one goal in mind – Muslims must be separated from Hindus, and then somehow all Muslims will live together in bliss. Zero thought was given to what happens when religious fervour is aroused,” said Hoodbhoy retracing the partition of the sub-continent in 1947 when India and Pakistan became two separate nations.

The pre-independence writings by Wahabbi, Deobandi and Ahle-Hadees hardliners, added Rizvi, show discord between Shias and Sunnis existed even then.

“The division always existed but sectarianism gained momentum in the 1980s (during military dictator General Zia ul Haq’s 11-year rule) when Pakistani state began to implement and promote religious orthodoxy and conservatism,” he said.

Today, the country is more fragmented than ever before and Hoodbhoy blamed the rise in extremism to the “overdose of religion given to young Pakistanis”.

?If this isn?t Shia genocide, what is?? - DAWN.COM
The fundamental problem is the mindset that ppl can do anything as long as they are saying that they are doing it for Islam.
Btw it is nothing new, they have been killing each other for 100s of years.
But still they shamelessly keep saying Muslims can't kill Muslims. bla bla bla :angry:
^ they are not following Islam, people who kill innocent people are not following Islamic teachings. When the whole system is broken down, anyone can do anything and claim it as anything, this is what is happening in pakistan and the Islamic world in general

There are no real muslim states. A real muslim state will never allow such chaos and killings of Innocent people in the name of Islam, it is fundamentally against Islam. Our leader are unfortunately so corrupt in every way, that they wont do anything to stop such things, they are worried about their own power, in fact many of them probably support such groups just to stay in power
Weren't 14 sunnis killed the other week?

Pakistanis have died since NATO came to our region, in their thousands.

Who gives a sh*t about sect when people are dieing.
its one thing outsiders killing you... another that brother killing brother.

there is no such thing is brotherhood these days, look at what is happening in Egypt

However that doesn't mean, we should stop working towards brotherhood
there is no such thing is brotherhood these days, look at what is happening in Egypt

However that doesn't mean, we should stop working towards brotherhood

he implied sectarian killing is somehow less offensive than terrorism, I would say its much worse, as it tears the country apart.
its one thing outsiders killing you... another that brother killing brother.

You do realise these shias would be at your door ready to butcher you if you commit blasphemy, right?
So what is happening is logical, insult sahabas and get killed.

I'm not advocating this, I'm just saying end the hypocrisy and either get rid of blasphemy altogether or keep getting killed.
"Pakistan was conceived in haste with just one goal in mind – Muslims must be separated from Hindus, and then somehow all Muslims will live together in bliss."
If pakistan was created to "separate" muslins from hindus, why are there so many muslims still in India?
The truth is, when the muslim-majority regions were carved into pakistan, Jinnah and the other leaders of Pakistan promised safety for the minorities, just as mulsims were promised safety and the freedom to pursue their religion in Hindu-majoirty (and not "Hindu") India.

Of course, once separated, the majority religion in Pakistan showed their true colours, as the Hindu, Sikh and Christian minorities were virtually wiped out and the few remaining forced to live as sub-humans.

Unfortunately, what goes around comes around. The Shias and ahmadis who were so enthusiastic about Pakistan and their "pure" Islamic country are getting what the Hindus and Sikhs got in 1947. Enjoy!
RAW, CIA, and Mossaad involvement ... not SSP or Taliban .... all Infiltrators trying there level best to create a sectarian rift in Pakistan ....

I belong to Baluchistan .... 99% of them are sikhs and hindus..... I have seen their identities with my own eyes..... Even Indians know it here on Forum..... But, even now if we two neighbors will not understand and learn to live peacefully together when will we understand .......

We dance to the tunes of Super Powers and think we will gain... but in actuality we have always lost in terms of economies, wealth, good men and women ...... we need to settle our differences on Table ... these activities will only make two nuclear borders more and more unsafe... not for us but for the world......

Further ..... The only one who gains is Super powers... they sell their armament and use our funds to do R&D and our people and our land act as guinea pigs for them .... Lets all wake-up and work towards a properous region rather than this full time bull **** of accusations....

Who ever did this ...... it was wrong and should be stopped .... every religion in this world does not allow it and deplores it.... includin Islam, Christanity and hinduism....
^ killings of Innocent people in the name of Islam, it is fundamentally against Islam.

So, the likes of Ghaznavi, Babur, Ghauri, who killed numerous innocent people, are not mulsims, right? Funny, then, you have missiles named after non-muslims in an "Islamic" country.
RAW, CIA, and Mossaad involvement ... not SSP or Taliban .... all Infiltrators trying there level best to create a sectarian rift in Pakistan ....

I belong to Baluchistan .... 99% of them are sikhs and hindus..... I have seen their identities with my own eyes..... Even Indians know it here on Forum..... But, even now if we two neighbors will not understand and learn to live peacefully together when will we understand .......

We dance to the tunes of Super Powers and think we will gain... but in actuality we have always lost in terms of economies, wealth, good men and women ...... we need to settle our differences on Table ... these activities will only make two nuclear borders more and more unsafe... not for us but for the world......

Further ..... The only one who gains is Super powers... they sell their armament and use our funds to do R&D and our people and our land act as guinea pigs for them .... Lets all wake-up and work towards a properous region rather than this full time bull **** of accusations....

Who ever did this ...... it was wrong and should be stopped .... every religion in this world does not allow it and deplores it.... includin Islam, Christanity and hinduism....

^^^ This :tup:
RAW, CIA, and Mossaad involvement ... not SSP or Taliban .... all Infiltrators trying there level best to create a sectarian rift in Pakistan ....

I belong to Baluchistan .... 99% of them are sikhs and hindus..... I have seen their identities with my own eyes..... Even Indians know it here on Forum..... But, even now if we two neighbors will not understand and learn to live peacefully together when will we understand .......

Dude... no... just no..
: “Describing the killings as sectarian is outrageous because a conflict assumes two warring sides. But in fact here there is just one side – the Shias – which is being massacred.” - Pervez Hoodboy

Well described that this is genocide there is no conflict in fact the terrorists have killed thousands of Shias , they wished to see retaliation but Failed miserably .. the shias never did a thing i can imagine how utterly frustrated are the militants and extremists are - the state remained a numb and has decided to leave the militants to do whatever they want
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