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If the Worlds military alliance is based on share culture/religion...


Aug 18, 2013
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United States
Let play. Imagine a world where countries are align based on their share culture, people, history, and religion, who will posses the strongest military power and economic influence today

Orthodox Christian: Russia + Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, and and most central Asia.

Democratic Protestant Christian: USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and some small country.

Latin/Rome Catholics: Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and most Central America countries.

Hindusphere: India, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Philippines, etc...

Muslim/Islam sphere: Middle-East to Persian Gulf to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Confucian sphere: China, Greater China (include HK, Taiwan, Macau), Singapore, Japan, North/South Korea, Vietnam.

Anybody willing to add up each sphere military power and economic (combine GDP) output? I would be interest to see which sphere dominate the Earth.
U do know that central Asian states if you add them to an alliance based on the religion, then they do tend to fall in the Muslims camp.
Let play. Imagine a world where countries are align based on their share culture, people, history, and religion, who will posses the strongest military power and economic influence today

Orthodox Christian: Russia + Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, and and most central Asia.

Mongolians are 96% Buddhists, dude. :coffee:

Hindusphere: India, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Philippines, etc

A hardcore Christian country here.

Confucian sphere: China, Greater China (include HK, Taiwan, Macau), Singapore, Japan, North/South Korea, Vietnam.

Japanese are Shinto and Buddhist while Koreans are shaministic and Buddhist with recent surge in Christians. Same way Singapore is also a mix.
It would be the Confucian sphere AFTER China industrialises fully.
If I take OP's classification, then:

Democratic Protestant Christian: USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and some small country.
China is fast becoming a christian country.

Let play. Imagine a world where countries are align based on their share culture, people, history, and religion, who will posses the strongest military power and economic influence today

Orthodox Christian: Russia + Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, and and most central Asia.

Democratic Protestant Christian: USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and some small country.

Latin/Rome Catholics: Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and most Central America countries.

Hindusphere: India, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Philippines, etc...

Muslim/Islam sphere: Middle-East to Persian Gulf to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Confucian sphere: China, Greater China (include HK, Taiwan, Macau), Singapore, Japan, North/South Korea, Vietnam.

Anybody willing to add up each sphere military power and economic (combine GDP) output? I would be interest to see which sphere dominate the Earth.
Let play. Imagine a world where countries are align based on their share culture, people, history, and religion, who will posses the strongest military power and economic influence today

Orthodox Christian: Russia + Ukraine, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, and and most central Asia.

Democratic Protestant Christian: USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Australia, Sweden, and some small country.

Latin/Rome Catholics: Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, and most Central America countries.

Hindusphere: India, Thailand, Lao, Cambodia, Philippines, etc...

Muslim/Islam sphere: Middle-East to Persian Gulf to Indonesia and Malaysia.

Confucian sphere: China, Greater China (include HK, Taiwan, Macau), Singapore, Japan, North/South Korea, Vietnam.

Anybody willing to add up each sphere military power and economic (combine GDP) output? I would be interest to see which sphere dominate the Earth.
This is not a great list, if there was a Muslim alliance then I doubt that Iran and the Syrian regime will ally with other Muslim countries especially Saudi Arabia who they are currently in a proxy war with. This includes the Shia - Sunni divide.

Another thing is that Central Asia is mostly Muslim so why would they ally with Orthodox Christians?

Including Philippines in the Hindu group doesn't make sense.
Islamic sphere will win based on resources,manpower etc.. It stretches from Bosnia to tiny Brunei .. And Central Asia to Bangladesh .. Or even Maldives ..
Thts over 55?+_ countries having a population if over 1.62 billion controlling oil n other resources and tht too with a most populations under 30.. On average..
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Islamic sphere will win based on resources,manpower etc.. It stretches from Bosnia to tiny Brunei .. And Central Asia to Bangladesh .. Thts over 55?+_ countries having a population if over 1.62 billion controlling oil n other resources and tht too with a most populations under 30.. On average..

Idk who runs the world but I can tell you who can't; muslims...The idea of uniting muslim countries under one roof is beyond my imagination, muslims good at betraying and fighting each other...
Idk who runs the world but I can tell you who can't; muslims...The idea of uniting muslim countries under one roof is beyond my imagination, muslims good at betraying and fighting each other...

In the past so were Christians .. Christians killed more Christians than Muslims killed Christians,Muslims,Jews or any other ppl.. Combined!

Right now Muslims are in deep shit .. No doubt..
Actually the alliance has already happened in the past, and continues in other form now:

East Christian (Byzantium) = Russia
West Christian (Roma) = NATO

In the old days Roma attacked Byzantium, and doing crazy things there. They are rival in the past, and continue as rival now

Muslims are still not united though. There should be an Islamic alliance in the form like NATO, but until now there is no leader yet that make it difficult to realize, which is not happening in West Christian where USA is de facto Leader there.

Total GDP of Muslim countries in term of nominal calculation is more than Japan GDP with many important natural resources as well.

Shiah is only around 10 % of total Muslim population, which is so small, so if Shiah is still acting alone and against Sunni interest just like what they do in Syria, so we can exclude them.
US is less than 50% Protestant and about 20% Catholic so there's some overlap there. Plus the Protestants as a whole are fragmented (200 groups) and no one group of them is more than 20% of the size of the Catholics.
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Make whatever alliance you wish all i care is that India gets its share of energy without any problem.

This alliance is all about interest if 2morow India's interest lies with china , we will behave like brothers . Good example is China-PAK relation. Pak has seriously nothing to give but still relation is go and maturing. It shows that you don't need any cultural or religious touch to forge a good relation or alliance. All you need is same national interest.
The alliance of Muslim countries will not make the world go into WW 3, but it is needed so that we can solve any problem by using military means in quick way like what Muslim nation can potentially do in Syria, without relying on the West. Same goes to Libya before, if Muslim troops got there and topple Gaddafi, so Libya will be more stable, instead of using and arming Libya tribal force there. Muslim alliance will also be able to pressure country like Myanmar by using its political and economical force.
While religion remains a key factor in share culture, but architecture demonstrated deeper root in similarity. Central Asia architectures have many influence from Russia with the mushroom building. Mongolia is the same. Buddhist is a joke. Most in East Asia say they are Buddhist but they rarely visit temple. LOL Japan, Korea are definitely Confucian society. There is no question asked. Just look at Korean flag, Japanese clothes are heavily influence by Confucian.

Islamic sphere will win based on resources,manpower etc.. It stretches from Bosnia to tiny Brunei .. And Central Asia to Bangladesh .. Or even Maldives ..
Thts over 55?+_ countries having a population if over 1.62 billion controlling oil n other resources and tht too with a most populations under 30.. On average..
The Islamic sphere has tremendous geographical size advantage and, as you said, huge population across and vast energy resources but one thing that make Islamic sphere weak, technological prowess. It is mostly backward but Islam is improving now. Still, way behind that of others.

Someone help me classifying African states. They are a bunch of different identity. They can be with Muslim, Christian, or a unique form of their own.

US is less than 50% Protestant and about 20% Catholic so there's some overlap there. Plus the Protestants as a whole are fragmented (200 groups) and no one group of them is more than 20% of the size of the Catholics.
Every countries overlap, my friend. That is not the point. The point is association by most common, similarity. I would definitely classify the US as Democratic Protestant Christian. They are just an extension of Western European identity.
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