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If India fails to miscalculate within the next 20 years we have to explore ways to start a war unilaterally


Mar 1, 2019
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Enough talks and vomitting vegeterian stuff have been heard but the time of action is fast approaching. If they were to fail to miscalculate then we will be forced to move in...

Yeah it will be huge war in magnitude and resources will be wasted but the potential of gaining far better stuff is great. But it is not good to attack them when the world is not busy meaning the best timing is when the world is at conflict in some other areas example in Europe if Russia and NATO were to clash it gives room and opportunity to seize junks of India.

Taking the arable lands and natural resources is key and will develop us into the next world power
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What's your strategic plans to conquer India?

You mentioned it a lot... if we could have some more insight my friend it would be nice
What's your strategic plans to conquer India?

You mentioned it a lot... if we could have some more insight my friend it would be nice

The Indians aren't about this life you just make sure that things turned very harsh on the ground reality and keep the consistency in order to break the Indian resolve which it will at certain point...

creating a harsh environment is key.. Where only the patient can tolerate
What's your strategic plans to conquer India?

You mentioned it a lot... if we could have some more insight my friend it would be nice
Op has made similar threads before.

His argument can be boiled down to hit em hard and with passion. Indians are inferiors whereas the invaders dont fear but rather welcome death, hence victory is assured.

Any queries with anything to do with logistics, diplomacy or even common sense are either largely ignored or are met with verbatim replies.

@Titanium100 I too, have a wonderful proposition, we shud build a large scale energy collector around the sun to collect all that energy. The sun wont burn anything Indian as a large chunk of us worship the sun as a diety. It wud have no choice but to bow down before the imaan of a billion people.

Dont ask me how it is to be done, my job was to propose a brilliant idea and the rest you plebians can figure it out. As long as our faith in the sun god remains true we won't even need to launch rockets at the sun during nighttime like the rest of you unbelievers, we launch during the day. :woot:
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Op has made similar threads before.

His argument can be boiled down to hit em hard and with passion. Indians are inferiors whereas the invaders dont fear but rather welcome death, hence victory is assured.

Any queries with anything to do with logistics, diplomacy or even common sense are either largely ignored or are met with verbatim replies.

We need India's resources in order to ethablish a future in the East.. It is all about the resources nothing personal..
We need change of rulership.. Shabazz, Imran etc etc PTI, PDM, etc etc all the political parties will adhere to UN territorial boundaries.

Hence we need new younger generations to come to power and out with the old guard their time is up.

We need the desire to have India because Muhammad of Ghor desired India like a beautiful woman and if there is no desire towards it then it is not worth it. Meaning it has to become an obsession.
We need India's resources in order to ethablish a future in the East.. It is all about the resources nothing personal..
Too true, the energy from the sun collected would be enuf power to colonise our entire solar system. We NEED it.

HOW, however remains a valid question.

How exactly are you going to go about and do it, if you cant articulate the how or if it is vague the entire proposition is baseless isn't it?
Too true, the energy from the sun collected would be enuf power to colonise our entire solar system. We NEED it.

HOW, however remains a valid question.

How exactly are you going to go about and do it, if you cant articulate the how or if it is vague the entire proposition is baseless isn't it?

The How is easy to understand.

India is an inflated ballon that is hollow from the inside.. Some others may find India's chances great but not me because I know things about them.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Outmanuver and beat the Indian armed forces exclusively in the north and the entire subcontinent is yours. There will be no civil rebellions or the likes if the army is defeated. They cherish life that is why or let me put it this way that is why India was easy to keep for 1000 years
The How is easy to understand.

India is an inflated ballon that is hollow from the inside.. Some others may find India's chances great but not me because I know things about them.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Can you articulate why India is a baloon and how that translates to easy to invade.

Keep in mind that as an outside observer, one can also make the same proposition about Pakistan being a barrel of explosives with its wick lit.

Whats the cost of a bullet? Armaments? Logistics for a soldier on the march. How much time till We are subjugated, are there enough funds to sustain operations till then?

Where would you divert your resources from?

Who gets to eat grass first for this noble vision.
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The How is easy to understand.

India is an inflated ballon that is hollow from the inside.. Some others may find India's chances great but not me because I know things about them.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Outmanuver and beat the Indian armed forces exclusively in the north and the entire subcontinent is yours. There will be no civil rebellions or the likes if the army is defeated. They cherish life that is why or let me put it this way that is why India was easy to keep for 1000 years

I welcome an invasion into India more then anything.. As that being critical for us it is do or the highway.. I think we chose wealth and glory over the other way around.. India has to be sacrificed to the heavens as sacrifical lamb for glory to be granted and wealth including power
You say time to take action is 'fast approaching' but you also say 'in next 20 years'. You also say 'we need arable lands' but I don't think Kashmir has much of that.
I welcome an invasion into India more then anything
Says the expatriate living on US soil, when are you giving up your current lifestyle to fight for what you believe in? If not why expect from others what you're not willing to sacrifice.

What sacrifices have you specifically made towards your goal?

You can join the PA, are you qualified to be a Pak soldier?

You can also forgo formal institutions and fight as a holy warrior, come on over, let us serve you tea:laugh:
Are you gonna volunteer to be the first to fight? Or are you just going to be satisfied seeing people younger than you die in a war that has no guarantees of victory?

Don't underestimate the Indians. Where they lack in competence, they make up for in sheer numbers and international support.

Pakistan would be crushed under the sanctions, and India would have the last laugh.
Are you gonna volunteer to be the first to fight? Or are you just going to be satisfied seeing people younger than you die in a war that has no guarantees of victory?

Don't underestimate the Indians. Where they lack in competence, they make up for in sheer numbers and international support.

Pakistan would be crushed under the sanctions, and India would have the last laugh.

They have never won a war where they have numbers advantage.. India is a large Hollow element.. We need to go into gangetic plans
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