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IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Iran's relationship with Hamas is at an all time high. The Palestinians have every right and are absolutely entitled to acquire weapons to defend theirselves. The United States arms Israel with billions of dollars in missiles. Why can't Iran arm the Palestinians? That's the double standard of Israelis.

And already dozens have gotten through. :P
Iran and Palestinians just never learn.

* Iran wastes billions, trashes its economy and gets nothing, furthermore Palestinians betray them.

* Iranian rockets bring nothing but war and suffer to Palestinians. Furthermore, they are regularly being slaughtered by Iranian supported Syrians and Shia militias.

But since both sides have no brains they do it on and on.
Once Sisi gets elected that's it he's going to leave the tunnels alone and this will resume once again. :D
So it's needless to make all this long trip and give the israelis more weapons

You're the #1 terrorist state in the world. You're sending weapons everywhere in the region.

Since when does your pariah state do anything humanitarian? :lol:

You're hanging your own people at a rate of 14 a week and you want to talk about humanitarianism :lol:

This find coupled with eliminating two Hezbollah terrorists this morning, means it's been a very good day against the Mullah state.
Again look who's talking :sarcastic: stop it man youre killing me:omghaha:


You're the #1 terrorist state in the world. You're sending weapons everywhere in the region.

Since when does your pariah state do anything humanitarian? :lol:

You're hanging your own people at a rate of 14 a week and you want to talk about humanitarianism :lol:

This find coupled with eliminating two Hezbollah terrorists this morning, means it's been a very good day against the Mullah state.
Again look who's talking :sarcastic: stop it man youre killing me:omghaha:
Iran and Palestinians just never learn.

* Iran wastes billions, trashes its economy and gets nothing, furthermore Palestinians betray them.

* Iranian rockets bring nothing but war and suffer to Palestinians. Furthermore, they are regularly being slaughtered by Iranian supported Syrians and Shia militias.

But since both sides have no brains they do it on and on.
Agreed the first star

The second star: WTF???
The crazed Mullahs are doomed by now then I guess.

For once, I agree with BiBi's remarks on Rouhani :P
Even after Hamas betrayed Iran and deep economical crisis, crazy mullah regime still spend billions to support terrorists. But all in vain.

IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza

Cargo of Iranian made long-range missiles were captured en route to Sudan in daring open sea operation, in which elite navy unit raided the vessel

Yoav Zitun
Published: 03.05.14, 13:30 / Israel News

Israel seized an Iranian ship carrying advanced weapons destined for Gaza on Tuesday night and towed it to Eilat port, the IDF said Wednesday. Elite troops from the Israel Navy's Shayetet 13 unit boarded the ship in open waters on the maritime border of Sudan and Eritrea, some 1,500 km south of Israel.

The Klos C Iranian vessel was sailing under a Panamanian flag, making its way to Sudan from Iran carrying a cargo of advanced rockets capable of reaching distances of up to 200 km.

The ship was supposed to reach port in Sudan on Thursday, some 10 days after it left Iran. An initial inventory by Israel revealed a large supply of rockets, including the Iranian-made 302m, which hit Haifa during the 2006 Second Lebanon War.

The rockets originated in Syria, the IDF said, where Iran is known to store large arsenals. The rockets were flown from Syria to Iran, where they were loaded on the ship that then departed for Iraq where the arms concealed in boxes of cement.

From the Iraqi port of Umm Qasr it sailed into the Red Sea around the Port of Oman, bound for Sudan. The ship's progress was closely tracked by the IDF as it sailed.

"There is clear evidence from the ship that these are rockets for which Iran is responsible," a senior IDF source said Wednesday. "The rockets were ... intended for terror groups in Gaza."

The interception operation was conducted under the real-time supervision of IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, bith of whom were present at an IDF command center.

Arms transfer

Israel has long claimed that Iran is transferring arms to terror groups around the world, namely Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Gaza Strip, through Sudan and Yemen.

Last April, the Egyptian navy seized a vessel carrying a large arms shipment near the Sinai Peninsula's southern coast. The Anatolia Turkish News Agency reported the ship is an Iranian fishing vessel named "Sawit 1," and reported that 62,283 firearms were found in its cargo, including sniper-rifles, AK-47s, RPGs and large quantities of ammunition.

In 2009, the navy's commando force stopped and boarded the Francop, a ship planning to dock in Syria containing massive amounts of Iranian arms indented for Hezbollah.

The most famous such operation was the interception of the Karin-A ship in the Red Sea in 2002. On board tons of munitions were captured en route from Iran to Gaza.

IDF captures Iranian ship carrying advanced rockets for Gaza - Israel News, Ynetnews


for God sake give some valid arguments as per 'report' IRAN sending rockets and other hardware to Palestine via Sudan & Yemen to hide the origin of shipment but the 'stuff' is packed in Iranian marked bags .....

Does this argument look sensible to you .... ??
If u send ship directly from Iran to Sudan it will be much more suspicious than if u send ships from Iraq to Sudan.
Iran and Palestinians just never learn.

* Iran wastes billions, trashes its economy and gets nothing, furthermore Palestinians betray them.

* Iranian rockets bring nothing but war and suffer to Palestinians. Furthermore, they are regularly being slaughtered by Iranian supported Syrians and Shia militias.

But since both sides have no brains they do it on and on.

That's the perspective of a colonialist.

The crazed Mullahs are doomed by now then I guess.

For once, I agree with BiBi's remarks on Rouhani :P

Why are they doomed? What did they do wrong? Give weapons to their ally? This isn't the first time they've supported Palestine.

So it's needless to make all this long trip and give the israelis more weapons

No, because there are many tunnels still open, this wasn't Iran's problem this was a collaborator who gave Israel a tip off otherwise it would have arrived at Sudan. And the rockets are older rockets with 100km range contrary to article stating 200km.
If u send ship directly from Iran to Sudan it will be much more suspicious than if u send ships from Iraq to Sudan.

Has the Dolphin sub taken any part in this operation?

Off topic, I heard you guys are ordering more? Is that true? How much does it cost anyway?

That's the perspective of a colonialist.

Why are they doomed? What did they do wrong? Give weapons to their ally? This isn't the first time they've supported Palestine.

No, because there are many tunnels still open, this wasn't Iran's problem this was a collaborator who gave Israel a tip off otherwise it would have arrived at Sudan. And the rockets are older rockets with 100km range contrary to article stating 200km.

Iran doesn't give a fuzz about Hamas. They are using it is a geo-political strategic asset to keep Israel in check. I just feel sorry for the average Palestinian citizens as well as the Israelis. They're the only ones paying for this.
Again look who's talking :sarcastic: stop it man youre killing me:omghaha:

Again look who's talking :sarcastic: stop it man youre killing me:omghaha:

Wait, you're from Pakistan?

The country where the citizens blow themselves up amongst their own people? :lol:
If u send ship directly from Iran to Sudan it will be much more suspicious than if u send ships from Iraq to Sudan.

my dear 'if' that captured shipment really belongs to Iran' what do you think Iranians are that dump that they would use any signage or marking which could reveal the basic origin of shipment .....???
Another failed episode in the perennial failures called 'palestinians'.

One thing Israel should do now is definitely stop all building material supplies as the terrorist entity have taken advantage of this once too often by trying to hide their rockets in cement bags.

Let the 'palestinians' build with Irani pistachio nuts. :lol:
Once Sisi gets elected that's it he's going to leave the tunnels alone and this will resume once again. :D
I think Sisi will crack down on Hamas, and force them to accept Israel's demands. Egypt has already banned Hamas. Things are not looking good.
I think Sisi will crack down on Hamas, and force them to accept Israel's demands. Egypt has already banned Hamas. Things are not looking good.

True. Egypt is committed to honor and cherish the Camp David Agreement, same goes to Israel.

This might be a bit difficult for you to understand. After all, you keep cheerleading for the Mullahs all day long.
I think Sisi will crack down on Hamas, and force them to accept Israel's demands. Egypt has already banned Hamas. Things are not looking good.
Indeed, this is Hamas' destiny in Egypt.

They are no longer wanted or cared about. Most Egyptians are (rightly) more interested in their own affairs now.
my dear 'if' that captured shipment really belongs to Iran' what do you think Iranians are that dump that they would use any signage or marking which could reveal the basic origin of shipment .....???
Ship came out from Iranian port where Iranian cargo was loaded, then it came to Iraqi port to conceal traces.

Rockets -> over them Iranian peace cargo -> over them Iraqi cargo.

Watch the video.

Here u also can see the first video of Israeli soldiers inside container:
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