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Metal 0-1

Aug 14, 2016
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You've probably seen this picture quite a few times this year on multiple pages. This is from the Ranger Handbook (April 2017). This is NOT about crossing a Linear Danger Area btw. This is about how many are learning the same information as each other. I'm sure the amount of people who own the Ranger Handbook or even the 3-21.8 has increased this year or some kind of SUT type book. And something to think about is that there is someone out there who may be considered an "enemy" to you, is learning the same way of doing things as you are. And there is still one piece of all this information that is not talked about enough, and if someone has, I apologize. When the time comes to execute whatever battle drill or immediate action you follow, it is going to be a race of who executes the battle drill first.

Let's look at the US Army and a "Box" rotation at JRTC. Fort Polk has it's own dedicated battalion of OPFOR Soldiers. These Soldiers are most importantly, US Soldiers. They know and follow the very same doctrine every unit does in the entire Army. They already know what SHOULD happen, HOW it should, and WHEN it should happen. So when a unit comes for their rotation, they are fighting someone who knows their playbook, because they follow the same playbook. It comes down to who takes initiative first.

When people are practicing "tactics", I think many get distracted by how good it looked with footwork or perfect weapon presentation or awesome matching colors of their kit and clothes, and forget what is really the important part of all this: committing violence. When you practice, yes strive to perform it the best you can, but be aggressive. If you just go through the motion of things, it will show when the time comes. Just like at JRTC, G-Man can tell which units actually trained and which ones just went through the motions.

Reposted from @the_nickest_of_nicks

Superior violence of action matched with rehearsed maneuver is the key.

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