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IAF laments HAL delays in delivery of intermediate trainer


Jul 6, 2009
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IAF laments HAL delays in delivery of intermediate trainer | idrw.org


The Indian Air Force (IAF) continues to grapple with difficulties in training its pilots. While quality basic training will become possible as the Pilatus Aircraft Company delivers the 75 PC-7 Mark II basic trainers that India bought last year for Rs 2,900 crore, the next stage of training remains an issue. IAF officials say the failure of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) to develop an Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) is now a serious hurdle to training.

HAL has been developing an IJT, called the Sitara, since 1999. The IAF has forked out R&D costs of Rs 600 crore (up from an initial estimate of Rs 180 crore), and assured HAL of an order of 12 prototypes and 73 operational trainers. But, with the IJT delayed by almost a decade and still at least three years from delivery, rookie pilots will continue to train on outdated and inadequate aircraft.

The IAF trains its fighter pilots in three phases. Stage-1 training will now be carried out on the propeller-driven Pilatus PC-7 Mark II. From there, pilots graduate to Stage-2 training on jet aircraft, which is currently carried out on the vintage Kiran Mark I since the IJT Sitara, which was supposed to replace the Kiran long ago, has not been delivered. Finally, pilots carry out Stage-3 training on the vaunted Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT), which was acquired in the mid-2000s.

“The IJT has been a very poorly planned programme by HAL and a decade-long delay is unacceptable in a trainer aircraft. Given how much time and money the IAF has already committed, we have to stick with the IJT programme and induct it into service as a Stage-2 trainer,” a top IAF official bitterly complained.

But patience is running out in Vayu Bhawan, the IAF headquarters. A senior air marshal told Business Standard that, if the IJT was not delivered within three years, the IAF would consider using the Pilatus PC-7 Mark II as a Stage-2 trainer, in addition to its primary job as a Stage-1 trainer.

“The Pilatus could also be used for Stage-2 training until the IJT is ready. This could be done using the same aircraft, by putting the trainee pilots through more complex flying exercises,” explains the IAF official.

The IAF brass believes that HAL made a major blunder in deciding to change the IJT’s engine, replacing the French Larzac engine around which the Sitara was designed, with a more powerful AL-55I engine built by Russian engine-maker, NPO-Saturn. In 2005, HAL signed a $350 million contract with Russian defence export agency, Rosoboronexport, to build 250 AL-55I engines under license in Bangalore, with an option for 1000 more. After developing the engine, Moscow insisted on payment of another $64 million.

“HAL should never have gone in for a new engine mid-way, because an aircraft is always designed around its engine. Instead, they should have upgraded the Larzac,” points out a top IAF planner.

Contacted for comments, HAL has not responded. According to engineers involved in the IJT’s development, the testing regime that governs the new Russian engine has delayed the flight-testing of the IJT. This was predictable, since any new engine requires extensive and progressive testing. In this, the Russian certification agency allows the engine to fly only a fixed number of hours, after which the agency examines the engine and then clears it to fly a small number of additional hours. This progressive certification often holds up flight-testing.

Business Standard has followed the IJT Sitara’s development since the early 2000s, on regular visits to HAL. Design began in 1999, and the aircraft flew in 2003, a remarkably quick development process. But then, the engine was changed and problems began. Last year, an IJT prototype crashed, fortunately without loss of life.

HAL has said that it intends to build the IJT in its Kanpur facility, at a cost of about Rs 50 crore per aircraft.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I was under the impression that the IJT delay would not matter to IAF as the training on AJT was possible after basic trainer aircraft.
well overall it is an impressive looking trainer...:coffee:
jist waiting for it to fly..
how much payload it can carry??
Correct me if I'm wrong. I was under the impression that the IJT delay would not matter to IAF as the training on AJT was possible after basic trainer aircraft.

Yes in a sense that is true; which is why the issue has not reached critical proportions yet. That said, the IJT is the first exposure of a Rookie pilot to jet aircraft and would have acted as a "easing in" for the pilots. Considering that the Hawk is a fully capable jet sans supersonic manuevering.

Incidentally, the USP of the Super Tucano which was on offer as a competitor in the tender that the Pilatus PC-7 eventually won; was that the Tucano has an identical cockpit layout and instrumentation and ejection seats as the Hawk. If the Super Tucano had made the cut; then maybe even the IJT stage could have been bypassed.
There is an underlying message in the story. Imagine if HAL was a private company without government backing and funding (not to mention assured orders for a product) it would have long been kicked out of industry. While IAF will surely search out ways to keep the training schedule going and maintain pilot proficiency, HAL has made delays a habit. If tomorrow, IAF asks for a foreign substitute for IJT, there would surely be comments of IAF causing harm to indigenous efforts etc, but moot question remains, How long will rookie pilots be sacrificed in pursuit of HAL's Phantoms?


4 57mm Rocket pods on under wing stations
1 × 12.7 mm Gun Pod * 4 250kg Retarder or ballistic bombs on under wing stations

You got negitive point...
i mean that i am waiting for this jet to get induced...
i knew it can fly man.....
IAF laments HAL delays in delivery of intermediate trainer | idrw.org


The Indian Air Force (IAF) continues to grapple with difficulties in training its pilots. While quality basic training will become possible as the Pilatus Aircraft Company delivers the 75 PC-7 Mark II basic trainers that India bought last year for Rs 2,900 crore, the next stage of training remains an issue. IAF officials say the failure of Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) to develop an Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) is now a serious hurdle to training.

HAL has been developing an IJT, called the Sitara, since 1999. The IAF has forked out R&D costs of Rs 600 crore (up from an initial estimate of Rs 180 crore), and assured HAL of an order of 12 prototypes and 73 operational trainers. But, with the IJT delayed by almost a decade and still at least three years from delivery, rookie pilots will continue to train on outdated and inadequate aircraft.

The IAF trains its fighter pilots in three phases. Stage-1 training will now be carried out on the propeller-driven Pilatus PC-7 Mark II. From there, pilots graduate to Stage-2 training on jet aircraft, which is currently carried out on the vintage Kiran Mark I since the IJT Sitara, which was supposed to replace the Kiran long ago, has not been delivered. Finally, pilots carry out Stage-3 training on the vaunted Hawk Advanced Jet Trainer (AJT), which was acquired in the mid-2000s.

“The IJT has been a very poorly planned programme by HAL and a decade-long delay is unacceptable in a trainer aircraft. Given how much time and money the IAF has already committed, we have to stick with the IJT programme and induct it into service as a Stage-2 trainer,” a top IAF official bitterly complained.

But patience is running out in Vayu Bhawan, the IAF headquarters. A senior air marshal told Business Standard that, if the IJT was not delivered within three years, the IAF would consider using the Pilatus PC-7 Mark II as a Stage-2 trainer, in addition to its primary job as a Stage-1 trainer.

“The Pilatus could also be used for Stage-2 training until the IJT is ready. This could be done using the same aircraft, by putting the trainee pilots through more complex flying exercises,” explains the IAF official.

The IAF brass believes that HAL made a major blunder in deciding to change the IJT’s engine, replacing the French Larzac engine around which the Sitara was designed, with a more powerful AL-55I engine built by Russian engine-maker, NPO-Saturn. In 2005, HAL signed a $350 million contract with Russian defence export agency, Rosoboronexport, to build 250 AL-55I engines under license in Bangalore, with an option for 1000 more. After developing the engine, Moscow insisted on payment of another $64 million.

“HAL should never have gone in for a new engine mid-way, because an aircraft is always designed around its engine. Instead, they should have upgraded the Larzac,” points out a top IAF planner.

Contacted for comments, HAL has not responded. According to engineers involved in the IJT’s development, the testing regime that governs the new Russian engine has delayed the flight-testing of the IJT. This was predictable, since any new engine requires extensive and progressive testing. In this, the Russian certification agency allows the engine to fly only a fixed number of hours, after which the agency examines the engine and then clears it to fly a small number of additional hours. This progressive certification often holds up flight-testing.

Business Standard has followed the IJT Sitara’s development since the early 2000s, on regular visits to HAL. Design began in 1999, and the aircraft flew in 2003, a remarkably quick development process. But then, the engine was changed and problems began. Last year, an IJT prototype crashed, fortunately without loss of life.

HAL has said that it intends to build the IJT in its Kanpur facility, at a cost of about Rs 50 crore per aircraft.

Man I am sick of that HAL thing. Now it is time when either GOI should give authority of HAL to IAF or IAF should put RFI for IJT like FIFV fashion & where HAL will be fight competition paralleled to other companies. Actually thats just not the problem of HAL but also other public sectors like BEL, they just beg to GOI/MOD to keep open their production line.

BTW now on topic,:undecided:
Why HAL change the engine of a/c when its airframe was already desinged?
Why Russia is want more money after contract sign?
The IJT is one of the projects where delays are less worrying- as the article points out that any shorts felt can be overcome by increased trining on the BTT and AJT as well as more simulator work.

I think the IAF's current 4 stage training model is a little outdated and odd. The very idea of an IJT when the IAF has a BTT as advanced as the PC-7 MK.II and the Hawk subsonic AJT seems a little redundant. I think the IAF needs to seriously look at getting a super sonic LIFT like the KAI T-50 or even the LCA Trainer. So the IAF's training regime should look like: BTT--->AJT--->LIFT--->OCU all coupled with extensive ground based simulator training.
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