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I really want this Chinese store to make me a 3D-printed mini-me


Jun 28, 2012
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3D printing can do a lot of things. Once it becomes more mainstream, it could save lives with 3D-printed body parts, or extend the life of our home appliances and thereby cut down on land-fill junk. Alternatively, we could just screw around and use 3D printing to make mini-me models of ourselves. That’s the fun-filled option chosen by one chain of stores in China.

The company and the 3D-printed figurines it creates of its customers are now going viral on the Chinese web. The chain, called Pinla3D, opened a new store over the weekend in the eastern Chinese city of Nanjing, and now it has 11 locations.


Pinla3D scans its customers in-store and then gives them a choice of 3D model sizes. A 25cm (9.8-inch) figure costs RMB 3,580 (US$580), according to the store’s site. Three generations of one family can be immortalized in plastic at 1:9 scale for RMB 8,997 (US$1,470). That’s cheaper than we’ve seen it done by a Japanese startup site – with the added bonus that going in-person to the store will make the mini-me more accurate than submitting a bunch of photos to a website.


However, if you want a full-size replica rather than a pocketable mini-me from this Chinese store, you’ll have to pay a staggering RMB 175,000 (US$28,500) for a 1:1 3D-printed clone.

Here are a couple more in-store photos from the company’s website:


Also check out this two-minute report from Chinese TV:

(Hat-tip to WantChina Times for spotting this)

Pinla3D: 3D printing store in China makes mini-me figurines
China set to showcase world's largest and fastest 3D printer


Photo: RIA Novosti

China is on course to build its own 3D printing industry. The government appears to be investing heavily in 3D printing. Last summer, a team of Chinese researchers led by Professor Yao Shan unveiled the world's largest 3D printer with a maximum processing size of 1.8 m. Unlike most other 3D printers, Professor Yao's brainchild uses a "contour scanning" technology that shortens processing time by 35 percent and reduces manufacturing costs by 40 percent.

The processing time of traditional 3D printing is proportional to the volume of a part, while in Professor Yao's printer, processing time is proportional to the unit of surface area of a part, speeding print efficiency to 5-15 times that of traditional 3D printers. The material for this printer is common coated sand less than 1,000 yuan ($163) per ton.

But that's nothing compared to what China is going to present soon. That may be by far the largest 3D printer yet, capable of printing metal objects up to 6 m in diameter. If it works as it is supposed to, China will be able to print out the frame of virtually any automobile.

At present, China has several industrial 3D printers, which it has been using successfully to manufacture titanium alloy landing gear for jets, bearing frames of aircrafts as well as parts used in satellites, rockets and power plants.

What could the 3D-printing revolution mean for China, an emerging consumption superpower?

There may be a two-fold benefit for the country, economists say. First, it could give domestic companies a nice competitive edge. Second, it could help Chinese companies design products that are better tailored for local preferences.

So far, China lags behind the United States in 3D printing. But having made industrial 3D printing its priority and putting so much money and effort into it, it could soon get a nice advantage thanks to its new breed of giant 3D printers.

China set to showcase world's largest and fastest 3D printer - News - Politics - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current events, Expert opinion, podcasts, Video
'made in China' will make 3D-printer more and more cheaper.
In the aerospace sector, its not cheap. The printer looks like a giant and complex. More benefits needed, you could also buy some 3D printer conception security in the stock market.:D
Cool! The figurines are very cute regardless of the look of original shape!
Also I kinda imagine the 3-D printer has captured the expressions and postures with remarkable precision
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Cool! The miniaturized figurines are very cute regardless of the look of original shape!
Also the 3-D printer captures the expressions and postures with remarkable precision
So I think the most easy way to gain comercial benefits of 3d printer is this since you are so exciting. Share with us if you succeed.
So I think the most easy way to gain comercial benefits of 3d printer is this since you are so exciting. Share with us if you succeed.

You dont think the 3-D printing products above are adorable. do you?
The most important thing is how to occupy the market. Conceptions dont make money. More 3d printer products will come out and lets see the market performance of domestic companies.

So I think the most easy way to gain comercial benefits of 3d printer is this since you are so exciting. Share with us if you succeed.
I mean you should go printing a mini-you and show us. That will be quite impressive. :D
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They are supposed to be very expensive,if I am right around 1500$ when I checked a year ago but things could have changed now.

Well, I'm more interested in the whole system that enables me to make the mini-mes, like the scanner, software and printer. This could be great fun for friends and family.

1.500USD doesn't sound expensive for a 3D-printer if it comes with the peripheral systems.
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