Hi Santro,
Even though your response was directed at Joe, the fact that you have made a well considered and thought out submission deserves the respect of an opinion from me.
What I have come to painfully understand..is that only 1/5 people are who they are in front of you..as they are behind you..or in this case..behind an IP.
This part is very true indeed. The anonymity of the internet helps (even drives) seemingly normal people to extremes. Hence the phenomenon of people posing as warriors or living out "Walter Mitty-esqe" fantasies. While in real life they are "punks', intellectually and/or physically.
Yet..during my visits.. I did notice a lot of misconceptions about Pakistan..
depending on the education level.. people think of Pakistan is either a land of Bearded "akhtoo's".. or people stuck in the 60's.
Those that do know..seem to take our balanced lot as a minority..rather than the majority.
Pre Mumbai attacks the focus was on terrorism in debates..the ISI..the Lal Masjid incident..
and I was taken to this cafe next to a posh school.. Christian saint... and asked if something like that place existed in pakistan..(really neat place.. art deco interior.. wifi.. good latte )..
Your take on being misinformed about the people across the border (respectively) is accurate. And it is directly related to the level of information/education. But it may come as a surprise to you (in some ways) that the people at the bottom of the information/education pyramid actually seem to have the least
active prejudice. What do i mean by that? That the person concerned is so burdened by the problems of everyday living that he scarcely has time (or energy) to maintain a
simmering hatred for anything or anyone. Till somebody works on his mind, and in sustained fashion. The "
man in the pagri" in Sparklingway's avatar has enough things to occupy him (problems included) to consider me as a sworn enemy, only because i have an Indian Passport (all my life).
Dont take me wrong.. 4/5 of the people I met.. I wont forget.. had a blast..
But there were those who showed contempt..and a 3/5 a condescending attitude..
Compared to that.. 45/50 Indian's here tend to display it..
That depends again on the kind of people (as well as the amount of interaction) that you met with.
About the opinion on the people on this forum; i think we must factor in the fact that it is an action/reaction game being played out by people using the cloak of (cyber) anonymity. And being grossly misused in some cases. To tell you the truth, there have been a few instances where the blatant falsehoods and half truths that are so easily proffered here (as elsewhere on cyber-space) have created a "testosterone rush" within me. But i'd be wasting it here! ;-) So that's that.
It isnt that changed on the other side.. too much.. after all.. being fed on false history does that..
But are these people to decide the course of the two nation's relations..
Where one population talks of air strikes and quick military action as if its a walk in the park.. and the other promises all out war..and nuclear retaliation..as if there is a tomorrow after that??
i've heard that kind of chest-thumping talk too. And the delicious irony of it is that it is (mostly) dished out by people who have no connection with any uniform and would have a heart-attack if they heard a gun go off. But if you can't be a soldier, why not try to be a "tin-pot" soldier!
It is scary to even suppose so...
there are lies told here.. and lies told on the other end.. some small some great..
I will step out a foot extra and say that the mistakes began on our side.. even if by leaders that chose to lie to us.. they were still our leaders.. and we are responsible for letting them sit on their thrones..
But it does fall upon India.. and Indians.. to take even the single..smallest hand of friendship..and pull it close..
Am inclined to agree with that. Ah, if wishes were horses.....
what if the new Indian demand of having the all the perpetrators of 26/11 being brought to justice never come true.. will you stay the same??.. prepare for war..even after I have grown up kids..will the tune of terrorism be sung..
If it is our military you fear.. then bypass it.. talk to the ones that will..
How can they stop it?.. another bomb.. talk to the people more..ignore those you mistrust.. and you may even end up taking your biggest fear out of the equation once and for all.
About the first part, "
having the all the perpetrators of 26/11 being brought to justice never come true.." This is the difficult part; even the rational and reasonable Indians will gradually fade in to silence, while the "Indian
man in the pagri" kind of person will become more susceptible to demented hard-core types. Whose cause will that serve?
Now about the underlined part: How does anyone bypass the military, is it a bypassable entity? Has anybody, at any time (internally or externally) been able to do that? You know the answer as well as (or probably better than) me.
And about that bomb bit- no (solving) bomb exists.
Now this part:"talk to the people more..ignore those you mistrust.."
i think that "Aman ki Asha" is precisely trying to do that. Nothwithstanding the 5-star hotels and the 4-course meals.
There seems to be some substance to that style. Better to walk that route, there don't seem to be many others anyway; rather a lot of uncharted territory.
On a personal note, i am a music lover (nearly all kinds of music). Some years ago, i asked myself this question- What is the state of music in Pakistan now? (it was the Zia era). My personal quest to find an answer to that question has taken me through a fascinating journey; and fructified into a small project called "Sarhad Paar". Needless to say, a lot of it is of Sufiyana Qalaams.
BTW, whenever i log onto PDF, i make sure that first i start some music in the background (on my computer, there is a choice of a few thousand of hours

), that helps me to switch on/off at will.
Another N.B. i've had an opportunity to visit Pakistan on quite a few occasions in the 90s, as well as live and work with Pakistani colleagues at different times in the past in a non-subcontinental arena.
But Santro, Thanks for putting forward your POV and asking some questions.
Made me try to think, which i try to like to do.