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I have a Q for the missile experts here


Nov 18, 2010
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This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.
This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

Nuclear missiles controlled remotely by a computer? :astagh:
you mean unmanned submergable vehicles that can carry weapons ?

Yes. stay underwater longer+ harder to detect. If they fire a missile and the launch is caught on a satellite then no risk of loss to human life as retribution attack on it.
Yes. stay underwater longer+ harder to detect. If they fire a missile and the launch is caught on a satellite then no risk of loss to human life as retribution attack on it.

It is thought about. And much beyond what you are talking about. Had posted the link in one of the threads. let me try and dig it out again.
This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

You can't just leave it around. You still have to protect it. What if some kid accidentally discovers it and decides to test it. It is always better to keep your weapons well protected and in your control.
You can't just leave it around. You still have to protect it. What if some kid accidentally discovers it and decides to test it. It is always better to keep your weapons well protected and in your control.

kid finds it? where miles under the sea?
This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

If would take India years to build such a sub. That is why India uses a pontoon. If India can easily mock up a small sub for testing, would it need to go for a pontoon?
If would take India years to build such a sub. That is why India uses a pontoon. If India can easily mock up a small sub for testing, would it need to go for a pontoon?

Another fine example of Chinese IQ. India is in way more advanced stages in its military assets building than China was- when China at the same GDP as India. You had never even had an A/c let alone started building one nor did you achieve any headway on nuclear submarines back then. Get lost locust.. we are discussing above your pay grade.

BTW genius , you use what gets the job done. it is a submerged pontoon that emulates a submarine.
This stems from the many reports I read about underwater missiles being tested by underwater pontoons. How come nobody is thinking about making single missile silos that can be in un-manned ' smaller' submarines and avoid the need for humans to man them?

With no need for Oxygen generation one can have deep submerged submarines just moving around with almost no detection. even if detected - no loss to life.

How do you supposed to control a submerged ROV, as em waves cannot penetrate deeper into the water surface, unless they are of very low frequency, which is pretty useless for tactical purposes. And the cost of building such platform will exceed than that of building a typical SSK.
kid finds it? where miles under the sea?

You are focusing on the wrong part. What I wanted to highlight was that it is not truly protected and there is a possibility of it getting into unknown hands.
If there was even a small leak within the SFC, you cannot guarantee that someone with intent will not go looking for it and find it. Would you not want to prevent such situation from arising?
Nightmare title: X's secret sub carrying deadly weapon Y missing
To prevent that from happening, you need it protected. If you can protect it at sea...then sure, no issues.
You are focusing on the wrong part. What I wanted to highlight was that it is not truly protected and there is a possibility of it getting into unknown hands.
If there was even a small leak within the SFC, you cannot guarantee that someone with intent will not go looking for it and find it. Would you not want to prevent such situation from arising?
Nightmare title: X's secret sub carrying deadly weapon Y missing
To prevent that from happening, you need it protected. If you can protect it at sea...then sure, no issues.

there are lost missiles lost at sea in the past, I am not even talking about nuclear missiles. just the tech to deliver non nuclear ones at worst
there are lost missiles lost at sea in the past, I am not even talking about nuclear missiles. just the tech to deliver non nuclear ones at worst

That sort of platform should not be too hard to piece together. I'm still not convinced on its safety though.
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