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I fully support the stopping of killing of muslims

And I dont. This is not a black and white case, the FSA will kill more people if they come to power.

Then they will have another revolution and that will take care of it like in Egypt. There in no doubt chemical weapons were used and one has to be willfully ignorant to say , FSA a band that uses guns , is capable of developing highly complex chemical weapons and then capable of developing highly complex deliverable rockets- to be used on themselves !

This is same insane crap the 911 truthers come up with.

earlier on in the conflict I was too of the mind that they should handle it themselves, but now this is absolutely ridiculous to allow gassing of your people.
Then they will have another revolution and that will take care of it like in Egypt. There in no doubt chemical weapons were used and one has to be willfully ignorant to say , FSA a band that uses guns , is capable of developing highly complex chemical weapons and then capable of developing highly complex deliverable rockets- to be used on themselves !

This is same insane crap the 911 truthers come up with.
we dont know who used the chemical weapon.. if USA is scared that nuke material can fall into AQ hands who can make a dirty bomb, why cant you imagine some syrian guy with access defecting to FSA?

When Assad's army is winning, there is no need to use chemical weapon. It make no sense.
And please dont compare to egypt, if Assad is bad, FSA is terrible. These guys will butcher everybody.
America has fought shoulder to shoulder with Wahhabis in the past too. This will not be the first time. Far more civilians were butchered in 1971, but then America and Wahhabis were deeply in love with the oppressors.

This is probably the most anti-American I've ever felt, and half my family is American :)
we dont know who used the chemical weapon.. if USA is scared that nuke material can fall into AQ hands who can make a dirty bomb, why cant you imagine some syrian guy with access defecting to FSA?

When Assad's army is winning, there is no need to use chemical weapon. It make no sense.
And please dont compare to egypt, if Assad is bad, FSA is terrible. These guys will butcher everybody.

we know who used it, you are just playing in the land of excuses. unless you see a video of them firing it from their base, a freaking documentary, you will choose to not believe anything. your what IF scenarios will never change!

what if the sun sent down lethal rays and killed them?
what if defector ran off with bombs , complex chemicals , delivery mechanism , then shot it up in the air over his own head and it bounced over to the civilian population and then and then WHAT IF!

America has fought shoulder to shoulder with Wahhabis in the past too. This will not be the first time. Far more civilians were butchered in 1971, but then America and Wahhabis were deeply in love with the oppressors.

This is probably the most anti-American I've ever felt, and half my family is American :)

This is what you sound like. the logic. In the past Indians had 100,000 of people killed during partition - so India is lying about its soldiers being beheaded. what the hell has a genocide being perpetrated and now with chemical weapons- have to do with the price of apples in china?
we know who used it, you are just playing in the land of excuses. unless you see a video of them firing it from their base, a freaking documentary, you will choose to not believe anything. your what IF scenarios will never change!

what if the sun sent down lethal rays and killed them?
what if defector ran off with bombs , complex chemicals , delivery mechanism , then shot it up in the air over his own head and it bounced over to the civilian population and then and then WHAT IF!

This is what you sound like. the logic. In the past Indians had 100,000 of people killed during partition - so India is lying about its soldiers being beheaded. what the hell has a genocide being perpetrated and now with chemical weapons- have to do with the price of apples in china?

well, somebody has to take responsibility if it was found that actually syrian govt was not involved in it.... currently its going the iraq way... after they find that the syrian leadership was not involved..what then?
all you can offer .. is .. oops.. we did it again?
well, somebody has to take responsibility if it was found that actually syrian govt was not involved in it.... currently its going the iraq way... after they find that the syrian leadership was not involved..what then?
all you can offer .. is .. oops.. we did it again?

what rubbish, if it happened in Iraq so everything going forward is a lie. there is proof chemical weapons were used. UN agrees, but they are not mandated to tell who used it . the kind of chemical weapons and scope and delivery method used cannot be developed by the rebels. This was no dirty bomb.
This is what you sound like. the logic. In the past Indians had 100,000 of people killed during partition - so India is lying about its soldiers being beheaded. what the hell has a genocide being perpetrated and now with chemical weapons- have to do with the price of apples in china?

Let me make it simple for you, Syria should be bombed when there is proof. Unless there is proof, America should keep out, irrespective of whether they supported the genocide of 1971 or not.

I will support bombing of Syrians that will benefit Wahhabi al Qaida type terrorists once I've seen the proof. Until then, from history, its a fcked up idea when the west supports Wahhabi terrorists.
Let me make it simple for you, Syria should be bombed when there is proof. Unless there is proof, America should keep out, irrespective of whether they supported the genocide of 1971 or not.

I will support bombing of Syrians that will benefit Wahhabi al Qaida type terrorists once I've seen the proof. Until then, from history, its a fcked up idea when the west supports Wahhabi terrorists.

these kids are whabbis to you/

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Let the Syrians decide....let them fight and do whatever they see fit in their own country!
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