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I am Baboon and Noora Because i criticse PTI!

I thought you were a very objective and reasonable person, but this post is totally out of the ordinary.

May be you did not understand what i am saying....

The difference is taking the headache .. making sure your lawyers persue the case ..making sure quick hearings are held...
Courts are independent...but if your lawyers dont bother to show up on time or date ...case will drag on... its frequent in pakistan ....

Thats whats seems to be happening in that case health care improvement in kpk... otherwise decision can be taken in months if your lawyets are really pressuring it....

This is why pmln is popular despite being corrupt to the core.... they do stuff.they get things done.. in a country where every one talks and no body does any thing in practical...

What Ik has shown is that he has alot of good ideas and sincerity...but his team is yet to achieve practical on ground success in a difficult environement and rotten system...

People of pakistan want to see results on ground....
Not just hear them in speeches....caz otherwise pppp can make excellent speeches...they just dont do any thing...

This is criticism of ik not slandering
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not familiar withe DEMOCRACY
One thing for sure it doesnt mean disappear from the country which elected you and only appear when next elections starts...
Democracy doesnt stand for missing or having a "low attendence" to discuss the people who voted for you
Democracy also doesnt stand for stealing and crying when you have to give back
Democracy also doesnt mean elite status...where you dont get even 1 min of loadshedding while some villagers who voted for you STILL get only 4 hrs of electricity!
Democracy doesnt mean soil the name of the country who voted you by getting into Panama leaks and then lying to the whole country that your name was "accidentally" put in?
Democracy doesnt mean to sit on your *** and do nothing for the people who voted for you and sigh and cry and term it welfare- coz in the world the PEOPLE'S happiness/ well being is what counts as DEMOCRACY vs AUTOCRATIC MONARCHY vs MARTIAL LAW!

Dear brothers,

From last several years, specially after Dharna, i noticed that if some one criticize PTI , in that return the supporters of PTI start calling your Noora, patwaris, and now Baboons.

So this is what PTI bringing change in Pakistan, this is how Imran khan educating the Young Generations.

Sorry guys, its not a change, this is shameful act of shameless people, they even dont respect the age, just start calling you noora, patwari, Baboon, with out looking in the matter of criticism.

Sorry Imran Khan, you failed!

and i wrote these words with heart full of sorrow that where our Politics heading towards.
:raise: let me put it into prospective...You are a baboon and Noora coz you voted for noora and despite all the ill they have brought to the country you still cant see them as wrong...Kind of like worshipping someone who cant have a wrong or even worse knowledge of them being wrong doesnt bother you ....the fact they have been tried more than once and reduced to their disgusting low each time doesnt bother you is what makes you a baboon....very little to do with criticizing PTI so quit lying like the fat ganja (let me refresh your memory he claimed his name was accidentally added into the Panama list)
1. Moodys upgraded Pakistan credit ratings Twice.
2. IMF also lauds the Economic conditions are better.
3. World Bank also lauds the same.
4. Asian Development Bank also appreciating.

And do you know on what basis these ratings are assigned? Its assigned on the basis of a country's ability to pay the loans back. How does the Federal Government pays the loan back? It raises indirect taxes which hurts the poor the most and not the rich. If the economy is doing so well, how come the unemployment rate is up, exports are down, and FDI is at an all time low. Polishing and Fudging the numbers does not mean the economy is actually doing well. Name me a single structural reform the PML-N lead Government has initiated? Just one

5. Foreign Exchange Reserves are on Highest Levels.

And where did they get that FX from? Loans. If i go to the bank and get a loan of $1 billion, that does not mean i am a billionaire.

6. Stock Exchange on Highest level, even JSCIL added PSX in emerging Market after 7 Years again.

Really? Stock Market of Pakistan is the most manipulated exchange in the world. Its all based on Insider Trading and Powerful Brokers acting as a Mafia. Arrest one powerful broker tomorrow for insider trading and watch the index fall like a house of cards.

7. Railways in better condition.
8. PIA is also getting better.

True, but still massive corruption.

9. FBR collected 3100 Billion last year, and projecting for 3600 Billion this year as well.

Through Indirect Taxation, not Direct.

10. LNG Terminal operational and working.

How much power has that added to the grid? 0. And LNG Terminal, brokered by Haji Saif Ur Rehman, one of the most corrupt people in Pakistan's history. I am astonished that you're happy that the Nation is being looted by the LNG Drama.

11. Around 12000 Megawatts project going to be completed in next 2 years.

Even PML-N now is admitting they can't improve it. No transmission lines or Power Stations to handle this load.

yes their is lot of room for improvements, but its the people choice to whom they want to vote.

True, but not a genuine democracy if the elections are rigged.

i am getting frustrated , when people criticize Hanif abbasi and defending Murad saeed.

So Hanif Abbassi takes goons and criminals and forces the Police Station to free the Criminals, while a Traffic Inspector is suspended. I am astonished you think these things are equivalent.

People criticizing Nawaz sharif 's offshore company and defend Jhangir Tareens off shores.

JKT has shown all the documentations and how much tax was paid in the Off Shore Companies. Has NS done the same? Why is he so afraid of a forensic audit. Stop supporting Corruption.

People criticize Hussain sharif's investment, but defend aleem khans foreign investments.

If its legal, than its fine. Has Hussain Nawaz shown any documentation?

People criticize loan written off by shahbaz sharif, but defending written off 's of shreen mazari, and Jhangir Tareens.

Lets not even go there. The Sharif's have written of billions and billions of rupees. They are masters of corruption.
Dear brothers,

From last several years, specially after Dharna, i noticed that if some one criticize PTI , in that return the supporters of PTI start calling your Noora, patwaris, and now Baboons.

So this is what PTI bringing change in Pakistan, this is how Imran khan educating the Young Generations.

Sorry guys, its not a change, this is shameful act of shameless people, they even dont respect the age, just start calling you noora, patwari, Baboon, with out looking in the matter of criticism.

Sorry Imran Khan, you failed!

and i wrote these words with heart full of sorrow that where our Politics heading towards.
People call u noora bcoz u support them . They looted Pakistan murdered innocent people and rigged election and u had no problem with that . U criticis and support imran even when he wasn't event power.
They call u baboon bcoz ur logics are stupid and childish

Actually people are not familiar withe DEMOCRACY as they are used to Martial Law and after dharna Many party leaders spread hate among Nation

First we were Pakistani then Changed to Punjabi Balochi Sindh Pathan etc and now new trend we are Patwari Insafi (Potian) Jayala Muhajir etc etc
So true we are not familiar with democracy. Either is military or civilian martial law
1. National Debt is highest than it has ever been, link below is an interesting

2. Inflation highest in history of Pakistan
3. Loan Write-offs, no government has written off as many loans as this government
4. Crime in Punjab has been the highest in history, even more than Zardari's time.
5. Basic services that a government should provide, like education, health and police services have been on the decline for as long as i can remember,

So please explain to me how can IK be more incompetent than NS group.
Salam. You have provided reference of only one of ur claim which is also not correct.
It is true Pak debt has risen, but in this world economic system, no country can progress without taking loans. Problem comes when u do not use that loan on best areas.
1. Pakistan external liabilities are at $69B approx which was at $62B in 2014 (difference is ~7-8B). On the other hand, our reserves raise from meagre 1.5B to 18B (only state bank reserves) which shows difference of ~$16.5B. So simple maths, 16.5 - 8 = 8.5!! This 8.5B is as u can see above, is pure raise in reserve while subtracting our debt difference with our saving and here PML-N is performing wonderful.
2. Inflation rate is lowest in our country history (4.5%) Yes inflation do exists in this world economic system :-(
3. Loan write off news is not correct and even if u go that way loans of many pti leaders was also written off, so it means basically either both are correct or wrong
4. I would like to see record of crimes in punjab and other provinces so i may compare is rise is only in punjab or overall Pak bcz last i knew is that terrorism (biggest crimes) is 90% less now in overall Pakistan esp in Karachi where i live.
5. Same, i would like quantitative data from where u have quoted ur statement.

P.S. for my point no. 1,2 and 3, i can provide u references, but im as active(lazy) as you to google it and paste it.
Cheers :cheers:

@Danish saleem @Muhammad Omar @notorious_eagle
There is hardly a system there .................. bearing corrupt incompetent people for the sake of what? to facilitate easy killing of common Pakistanis in the hospitals, schools, mosques, churches, markets, roads, ATMs, or to divide Pakistanis into God knows how many more groups? Or for the sake of their petty individual interests so that these cowards and traitors can keep humiliating us internationally? There is no system but an alliance of self serving traitors working for their own interests ............. if you wish to believe them be my guest but I know for sure there are at least a more than million in common Pakistanis who can run this country, develop it and make it one of the safest places on Earth.

War against Terror never started by a Politician bro
Fighting Russia in Afghanistan is not a Political Decision by a Politician,
and because of these two wars, thousand of thousand Pakistani killed, and u know who killed us, a people trained by our selves.

Nawaz is as harmful to Pakistan as smoking is. they both would seem quite nice in the start but will eventually screw you.
Giving away Laptops , Running luxury buses wont help ordinary Pakistani what we need is a sence of security comfort and pride but we have none. Tomorrow is 14 Aug well Mr.Jinnah didn't worked so hard for this sort of a country. As far as taxes are concerned i belong to middle class family my father has filed his returned all his life now its my turn and i m doing so but i know in my heart that this money will be used for their(politician ) luxury trips other than my well being.
everyone must get a chance to clear their point those in favor of Nawaz Sharif please share with us what do they like about him what has he done that we haven't noticed. And please tell me that according to you Panama leaks were fake and he didn't have any money abroad.

i m an accountant by profession last tax year return filling date was delayed to this year i have been to FBR and let me tell you one thing its a web of corruption i have seen people removing there case from tax audit for all sort of bribe. Anyone working in Tax firm will agree with me. Mostly tax collected by FBR are by those who are employed and most companies deduct their taxes at source then there is WHT and know double tax on purchasing new car property and token for cars (if you dont file your tax returns) Just like Police tax department is a joke as well there are few good people their but they are merely surviving there


i am a small student of taxation, do u think the bribes in FBR started in last 3 years?
and if you are accountant, then you must know what BTB department in FBR doing!

dont potray picture, that all the problems arises in last 3 years,secondly the symbol of change, what reforms they introduced in KPK that we will follow that system. you remember the slogan " 90 days mei corruption Ended".

And do you know on what basis these ratings are assigned? Its assigned on the basis of a country's ability to pay the loans back. How does the Federal Government pays the loan back? It raises indirect taxes which hurts the poor the most and not the rich. If the economy is doing so well, how come the unemployment rate is up, exports are down, and FDI is at an all time low. Polishing and Fudging the numbers does not mean the economy is actually doing well. Name me a single structural reform the PML-N lead Government has initiated? Just one

And where did they get that FX from? Loans. If i go to the bank and get a loan of $1 billion, that does not mean i am a billionaire.

Really? Stock Market of Pakistan is the most manipulated exchange in the world. Its all based on Insider Trading and Powerful Brokers acting as a Mafia. Arrest one powerful broker tomorrow for insider trading and watch the index fall like a house of cards.

True, but still massive corruption.

Through Indirect Taxation, not Direct.

How much power has that added to the grid? 0. And LNG Terminal, brokered by Haji Saif Ur Rehman, one of the most corrupt people in Pakistan's history. I am astonished that you're happy that the Nation is being looted by the LNG Drama.

Even PML-N now is admitting they can't improve it. No transmission lines or Power Stations to handle this load.

True, but not a genuine democracy if the elections are rigged.

So Hanif Abbassi takes goons and criminals and forces the Police Station to free the Criminals, while a Traffic Inspector is suspended. I am astonished you think these things are equivalent.

JKT has shown all the documentations and how much tax was paid in the Off Shore Companies. Has NS done the same? Why is he so afraid of a forensic audit. Stop supporting Corruption.

If its legal, than its fine. Has Hussain Nawaz shown any documentation?

Lets not even go there. The Sharif's have written of billions and billions of rupees. They are masters of corruption.


haha, for you the half glass of water is empty! but not for me.
@Danish saleem sir to be very honest BTB is a very small part of a large organization they take cents for bribe if you happen to visit fbr at G9 the large taxpayer dept you will be shocked. leaving tax matter aside as i have enough tax work at office sir i wasn't saying it started in last 3 years but nawaz shareef has been elected before and lets for argument sake discuss what steps he has taken to control corruption he had govt in Punjab for a long time what have they done for the betterment of ordinary people and please metro buses dont count because it wasn't what the doctor ordered. job opportunities health care education and security is the main requirement of ordinary people like me and you.
FYI you must have heard of PRA (Punjab Revenue Authority) where did the tax go which they collect it goes to Punjab govt for these metro and orange line. would federal govt allow any other province to make there own tax collection service? my guess is a BIG NO. they gather info from FBR which is in my prospect illegal because your tax info cant be shared with any Govt. organization (FIA POLICE) without warrants at least as per law/
what have they done for the betterment of ordinary people

Oooo they did a lot ................ Ishaq Dar *************** ensured that every single penny that was looted by PPP goons is recovered from ordinary Pakistanis ....................... Dar's taxation has successfully ensured that a normal Pakistani whether he earns 10,000 a month or 500,000 a month faces the same hardship while making his ends meet. They cannot bear a prosperous wealthy healthy Pakistani except their own. They in their dream wish Pakistanis to be limited to driving Kali peeli cabs, asking for loans ......................... an educated healthy prosperous Pakistani is a direct threat to whatever they stand for.
All these reactions are bound to happen when we start following someone blindly.... i'll be blunt with my words.... start worshipping someone blindly.. be they be any political or religious personalities...... sad but true,....
@Danish saleem sir to be very honest BTB is a very small part of a large organization they take cents for bribe if you happen to visit fbr at G9 the large taxpayer dept you will be shocked. leaving tax matter aside as i have enough tax work at office sir i wasn't saying it started in last 3 years but nawaz shareef has been elected before and lets for argument sake discuss what steps he has taken to control corruption he had govt in Punjab for a long time what have they done for the betterment of ordinary people and please metro buses dont count because it wasn't what the doctor ordered. job opportunities health care education and security is the main requirement of ordinary people like me and you.
FYI you must have heard of PRA (Punjab Revenue Authority) where did the tax go which they collect it goes to Punjab govt for these metro and orange line. would federal govt allow any other province to make there own tax collection service? my guess is a BIG NO. they gather info from FBR which is in my prospect illegal because your tax info cant be shared with any Govt. organization (FIA POLICE) without warrants at least as per law/


i never said that nawaz sharif doing very fine, but i think you forgot to mention Musharaaf who rulled Pakistan 9 Years consecutively, and i think you also forgot that in last 18 years, Nawaz in government for just 3 years, so blaming only nawaz is not right. yes nawwaz have to do reforms, which i think he is trying but for me very slow like from last two years, government distinguished between fillers and non fillers, and now property . so reforms are their but very slow.

about Metro's and Orange train, i dont know about Metro, but yes Orange train is a loan from Chinese government, and Chinese firm constructing that project on the Basis of BOT for 30 years, its mean, that Chinese company will build operate and transfer it to Punjab government in 30 years after completing its investment, and i think its good for any city.

brother, PRA, yes in sindh SRB collecting the revenues, and after 18th amendment, the collection of tax on services transferred to provinces, and its now their prerogative that they want to collect it by their own, or authorize FBR to collect it for them like KPK.
sir you said it @Devil Soul I totally agree with you its the bad luck of this nation that we close our eyes on the faults of our leader (political and especially religious)
@User yes you are right these tax reforms are unbearable as for ordinary salary income person because i dont have any idea where my money is spent and i cant utilize what i have spent like medical educational or any other facility.
@Danish saleem Sir you cant compare mush with nawaz first of all he was a dictator and nawaz whether you like it or not ran away other than facing problems like a man.
secondary he is elected by majority of votes and he can pass any bill almost without any resistance in parliament just like he did in cyber crime bill which is hilarious. What steps has he taken again for ordinary person like me. If i m murdered (ALLAH forbid) today what will government do for my family. as i m the only son of old parents.
BHAI in other words who ever come people of Pakistan are gonna get screwed until or unless we demand justice and accountability of these corrupt politician bureaucrats and government officials we have to wake up from KHAWAB GHAFLAT and demand our rights.
sir you said it @Devil Soul I totally agree with you its the bad luck of this nation that we close our eyes on the faults of our leader (political and especially religious)
@User yes you are right these tax reforms are unbearable as for ordinary salary income person because i dont have any idea where my money is spent and i cant utilize what i have spent like medical educational or any other facility.
@Danish saleem Sir you cant compare mush with nawaz first of all he was a dictator and nawaz whether you like it or not ran away other than facing problems like a man.
secondary he is elected by majority of votes and he can pass any bill almost without any resistance in parliament just like he did in cyber crime bill which is hilarious. What steps has he taken again for ordinary person like me. If i m murdered (ALLAH forbid) today what will government do for my family. as i m the only son of old parents.
BHAI in other words who ever come people of Pakistan are gonna get screwed until or unless we demand justice and accountability of these corrupt politician bureaucrats and government officials we have to wake up from KHAWAB GHAFLAT and demand our rights.

Brother Adil,

i am not defending nawaz, my point is if i dis agree with PTI policies , its mean that i am Noora?

in democracies we have to face the difference of opinion, but its not mean that if i not agree with you , so you will give fatwa of Kufr.

i agree with you what u said.
i am not defending nawaz, my point is if i dis agree with PTI policies , its mean that i am Noora?
Same is with other side i only like IK i am not a PTIAN at all! but if right now i say some thing against king nawaz than i will be called as a "youthiya" or "burger" sadly this is how it is we've to live with this for now
Same is with other side i only like IK i am not a PTIAN at all! but if right now i say some thing against king nawaz than i will be called as a "youthiya" or "burger" sadly this is how it is we've to live with this for now


so where is change brother, that's why i pointed out that PTI claimed that they are symbol of change, where is change when both party workers doing the same thing.

and both have a leaders of same characteristics.

and u think Imran khan is not king, and if he came into the power he will not act as king? Minus Imran from PTI, then u will see what will left in whole PTI like PML N.

One thing for sure it doesnt mean disappear from the country which elected you and only appear when next elections starts...
Democracy doesnt stand for missing or having a "low attendence" to discuss the people who voted for you
Democracy also doesnt stand for stealing and crying when you have to give back
Democracy also doesnt mean elite status...where you dont get even 1 min of loadshedding while some villagers who voted for you STILL get only 4 hrs of electricity!
Democracy doesnt mean soil the name of the country who voted you by getting into Panama leaks and then lying to the whole country that your name was "accidentally" put in?
Democracy doesnt mean to sit on your *** and do nothing for the people who voted for you and sigh and cry and term it welfare- coz in the world the PEOPLE'S happiness/ well being is what counts as DEMOCRACY vs AUTOCRATIC MONARCHY vs MARTIAL LAW!

:raise: let me put it into prospective...You are a baboon and Noora coz you voted for noora and despite all the ill they have brought to the country you still cant see them as wrong...Kind of like worshipping someone who cant have a wrong or even worse knowledge of them being wrong doesnt bother you ....the fact they have been tried more than once and reduced to their disgusting low each time doesnt bother you is what makes you a baboon....very little to do with criticizing PTI so quit lying like the fat ganja (let me refresh your memory he claimed his name was accidentally added into the Panama list)

what about the offshores of Jhangir tareen and Aleem khan in same panana leaks, and father of sheram terkai?
and brother i was a voter of PTI not PML N, and because of ridiculous act of workers and the leaders, most of the people from Karachi not even think to vote for them any more.

and u will see how much arif alvi get the votes in next elections, came to area of defense and Clifton and people will tell you the whole story of arif alvi's performance.
so where is change brother, that's why i pointed out that PTI claimed that they are symbol of change, where is change when both party workers doing the same thing.
Change will come with education and maturity and with time
and both have a leaders of same characteristics.
Please it is an insult to IK bro don't compare a man like NS to IK yea IK has made many mistakes but we know he's not corrupt like NS to the core pls it's my humble request to not do it again you can disagree with him ok it's your right but this is an insult to him.
and u think Imran khan is not king, and if he came into the power he will not act as king?
We can't know it until he comes into power
Minus Imran from PTI, then u will see what will left in whole PTI like PML N.
As i said i am not a PTIAN and there are lots problems in PTI which IK should resolve before 2018. even @django here will agree with me that PTI have a lot's of problems
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