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Hundreds in Pakistan pay tribute to bin Laden

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Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
QUETTA, Pakistan: Hundreds of Islamists rallied in Pakistan’s southwestern city of Quetta Thursday to pay tribute to al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden on the second anniversary of his death.

Organised by a pro-Taliban faction of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI), headed by Maulvi Ismatullah, some 450 participants at the rally chanted: “Long live Islamic jehad and long live Mulla Omar!” an AFP reporter at the scene said.

Many of them were also carrying portraits of bin Laden.

The JUI’s central secretary for information, Maulana Abdul Sattar Chisti, paid tributes to bin Laden.

“We are observing death anniversary of an Islamic hero, who was killed by American and Pakistani agents,” he said.

“Bin Laden’s martyrdom gave a new impetus to jehad against forces inimical to Islam,” he added.

Bin Laden, the founder of al-Qaeda and mastermind of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, was killed on May 2, 2011 in a secret US Navy SEAL operation in a walled-off compound in the Pakistani garrison town of Abbottabad. - AFP

Hundreds in Pakistan pay tribute to bin Laden - Latest - New Straits Times

Abingdon Boy!

As an Indian expat, you find it ironic that supposedly a Hindu immigrant (or son of immigrants) living in UK has inadvertently become a mouthpiece of terrorists and Islamists.

Do you find it strange?

Do other Indians find it strange too?

Do you all really want to be the mouthpieces (blah blah) of Ben-fing-Laden the dead beardo?

Do you?

Do you really?


off all the people around the world, an Indian should know how easy it is to collect "hundreds of people" in our part of the world. You wear a puppet on your hand and (if you are good at it), you can easily gather "hundreds of people".

Heck there are "hundreds of people" just loitering around on a major street at any given time of the day. So what is the fing big deal here?
Notice nothing about who organized the "tribute" - also notice no action by authorities to cancel or preempt the "tribute"

While hundreds in a country the size of Pakistan is close to zero, the image of Pakistan as a haven for murderous radicals is reinfornced

A geathering by a bunch of extremists (their democratic right) represents Pakistan?

It does,in Hindustani logic it seems. :rolleyes:

Presumably promoting hate and bombing and killing is now a democratic right --?? What is wrong with our Mods? Why do they seem not to think things through
my smell is way better than .. what you are cooking in your tribal land...

Don't take tension its our internal matter.

Back to the topic: Use ur knee(brain) sir if hundreds of Pakistani pay tribute to him it doesn't mean million of us are in favor of his ferocious act. They are only bunch of people who are showing their opinion .. They are not representing Pakistan's thoughts for him.
where does it say it represents whole pakistnan??......read the title agian it says hundreds....!!!!
ye to aese hua k chor khud hi safai dene lge :lol:

Off course it doesn't.

Question is? Is it newsworthy from Indian-Hindu point of view.

If no one else touches these lepper-Mullahs with 10 feet pole, why on earth an Indian-Hindu who has fled (ok immigrated) to UK would find it good to go give full body hugs to these terrorists and spread their heinous message around the globe?

I mean if this news was posted by an Islamists on PDF, it probably was something they would be proud of.

But an Indian-Hindu?

Why would he post such things.

Unless the only goal is to continue $hite-shoveling India-Pak style.

Hope you understand this now.

And no it is not a personal attack on anyone.

INstead it is a discussion about merits of posting Jih@@@@@di propaganda on PDF.

Notice nothing about who organized the "tribute" - also notice no action by authorities to cancel or preempt the "tribute"

While hundreds in a country the size of Pakistan is close to zero, the image of Pakistan as a haven for murderous radicals is reinfornced

Presumably promoting hate and bombing and killing is now a democratic right --?? What is wrong with our Mods? Why do they seem not to think things through

Democratic rights? For real? If it was up to these lunatics there won't be any democracy in Pakistan left to have democratic rights!
Abingdon Boy!

As an Indian expat, you find it ironic that supposedly a Hindu immigrant (or son of immigrants) living in UK has inadvertently become a mouthpiece of terrorists and Islamists.

Do you find it strange?

Do other Indians find it strange too?

Do you all really want to be the mouthpieces (blah blah) of Ben-fing-Laden the dead beardo?

Do you?

Do you really?


off all the people around the world, an Indian should know how easy it is to collect "hundreds of people" in our part of the world. You wear a puppet on your hand and (if you are good at it), you can easily gather "hundreds of people".

Heck there are "hundreds of people" just loitering around on a major street at any given time of the day. So what is the fing big deal here?

Sir, there is no intent behind my posting of this. This is news I have stumbled on and have posted here on a Pakistani defence forum.

I hardly feel that my own ethnic background comes into it. And for the record, not that it matters, I am not a Hindu but a Sikh. And I have not "immigrated" or "fled" to the UK, I was born here, I am a British citizen as are my parents. But again this is irrelevant.

I am quite surprised by the response this news has provoked especially by the more senior and respected Pakistani members on PDF.

I have not invented this news merely posted it- don't shoot the messenger.
They are a religious/fanatic group, nothing to be surprised about. Osama is popular both in Pakistan and India anyways. Tera Bina Laden, anyone seen that Indian movie? :D

They are a religious/fanatic group, nothing to be surprised about. Osama is popular both in Pakistan and India anyways. Tera Bina Laden, anyone seen that Indian movie? :D

Yea i have seen. Damn funny. That guy almost look like obl
They are a religious/fanatic group, nothing to be surprised about. Osama is popular both in Pakistan and India anyways. Tera Bina Laden, anyone seen that Indian movie? :D


Sir, OBL isn't "popular" in India the Tera Bina Laden film was mocking him not praising or glorifying him.
Presumably promoting hate and bombing and killing is now a democratic right --??

It should not be...now perhaps you are understanding my PoV.

Unless we start killing or maiming these people from JUI and JI, we are never going to get a hold of this movement no matter how many TTP we kill. And at the moment, we can't kill or maim these apologists.

These are the people I was talking about, they are militant apologists without a gun, and are legally not doing anything wrong so you can't do anything to them...who knows one day one of these 450 guys would become TTP.

And Kayani can't do anything to these people, if ISI does soemthing, media starts crying, so it is the responsibility of civilian government and society to help.
It should not be...now perhaps you are understanding my PoV.

Unless we start killing or maiming these people from JUI and JI, we are never going to get a hold of this movement no matter how many TTP we kill. And at the moment, we can't kill or maim these apologists.

These are the people I was talking about, they are militant apologists without a gun, and are legally not doing anything wrong so you can't do anything to them...who knows one day one of these 450 guys would become TTP.

have zero problem with going after Jamaatis, you should know this - and I promise you that when their ermed faction is killed, they will think a hundred times before they do this kind of thing -- Democratic rights do not exist without democratic responsibilities
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