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Human space flight mission off ISRO priority list


Jul 22, 2013
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Human space flight mission off ISRO priority list


India’s proposed human spaceflight programme that generated considerable excitement in the second half of the last decade is off the priority list of ISRO, with the mission being ruled out before 2017.

The ambitious venture that could have electrified the entire space programme and given New Delhi a vantage position as a human space transportation provider after Russia and China does not figure in the Space Department’s 12th plan (2012-2017). The US is out of business with decommissioning of its space shuttle programme.

Chairman of Indian Space Research Organisation K.Radhakrishnan says “very good progress” has been made in terms of developing critical technologies for the mission (which has been on the drawing board since 2002) but refuses to commit a time-frame for the launch.

“We have not declared it as a programme. We must have a reliable, man-rated vehicle (GSLV). Both are important”, Mr. Radhakrishnan, also Secretary in the Department of Space and Chairman of Space Commission, told PTI here.

“We are not going to see the human spaceflight as a programme in the 12th plan. We will see may be later. It has to be seen after that“.

“Even for you to talk about it, you have to have certain new technologies which are involved in the human space flight programme. That’s what we are addressing“.

The programme’s objective is to undertake a mission to carry a crew of two or three members to 300 km Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and return them safely to a predefined destination on Earth.

Currently, the pre-project activities to study technical and managerial issues related to the mission are progressing with a focus on development of critical technologies for sub-systems such as Crew Module (CM), Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) and Crew Escape System.

In 2006, ISRO organised a meeting to discuss the issues related to the mission, which was attended by about 80 senior scientists from across the country.

The concept for the mission included development of an autonomous orbital vehicle which could be launched by India’s Geo-synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle, GSLV-Mk II or GSLV-Mk III. ISRO has maturity in many technologies required for the mission but new developments are required in life support systems, improved reliability and safety and crew escape system, among others.

While some of the facilities required are available in the country and could be used with augmentation, a few had to be established afresh. The preliminary estimated cost at the time for the mission was Rs 10,000 crore, spread over a period of eight years, and the scientists were unanimous in suggesting the time is appropriate for India to undertake such a venture.

Mr. Radhakrishnan said good progress has been made on development of critical technologies for the programme, including in ECLSS, crew module, crew escape system and flight suite.

“We have done some good tests on the ground on the rocket motors required for the crew escape system. We are going to have pad abort test soon in Sriharikota”, he said.

He rejected suggestions that the proposed mission is losing momentum, arguing it boils down to priorities, adding the focus now is to first have the operational rocket. “Today, it’s about GSLV and our ability to put larger communication satellites from India. Our priority is cryogenic engine“.

“We are not losing momentum. When you decide on having the programme, you will be in a good condition to start. You don’t start from zero”, he said.

Mr. Radhakrishnan pointed out when the scientists had given the go-ahead for the mission in 2006, ISRO had undertaken two good flights of GSLV but the rocket suffered failures twice in 2010, one with indigenous cryogenic engine and another with the imported Russian one. “Today, we don’t have a vehicle (rocket)”.

Incidentally, ISRO has proposed to flight-test GSLV with indigenous cryogenic engine for the first time in more than three years on August 19 from the spaceport of Sriharikota.

ISRO also plans to undertake the Mars mission later this year.

Source:- Human space flight mission off ISRO priority list - The Hindu
actually,human space flight isn't India's priority right now..we're concentrating in other sectors like more Moon and Mars missions..we should take baby steps that will lead us to success..we're not any "Space Race",coz that war is over..we should concentrate in Mars mission coz its most important mission for us now...
India’s proposed human spaceflight programme that generated considerable excitement in the second half of the last decade is off the priority list of ISRO, with the mission being ruled out before 2017.
“Even for you to talk about it, you have to have certain new technologies which are involved in the human space flight programme. That’s what we are addressing“.

Currently, the pre-project activities to study technical and managerial issues related to the mission are progressing with a focus on development of critical technologies for sub-systems such as Crew Module (CM), Environmental Control and Life Support System (ECLSS) and Crew Escape System.
Mr. Radhakrishnan said good progress has been made on development of critical technologies for the programme, including in ECLSS, crew module, crew escape system and flight suite.

It is not abandoned,It will come after 2017
It is not abandoned,It will come after 2017

Yes it is not at abandoned, ISRO's target was to achieve this goal by the year 2017 and accordingly the Space Capsule Recovery Experiment (SRE-1) was conducted on January 10, 2007 which was the first step in this regard but due to no allocation of funds in the 12th five year plan (2012-2017), therefore the project is being delayed and I guess we will have achieve this target in the first half of the next decade....Anyways GSLV, IRNSS and other Remote sensing satellites like RISAT etc. hole much more importance than this mission for India is not in a crap space race with anyone.....We have our own requirements which are to be countered.....Our Space Programme is requirement based not for a Space Race.....
ISRO should not enter into this useless competition unless it worth something. Mission to the moon and mission to the mars are very good. Why to spend money unnecessary. What are they going achieve by sending the 2 or 3 persons in leo orbit. ISRO should refrain from mindless demonstration of space capability like Chinese.
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